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Posts posted by bifftastic

  1. glad to hear you're out of hospital I D it was a pleasure to meet you if only briefly. I don't get to spend as much time as i'd like in chang rai and am now back in london. The mrs always asks about you when i speak to her on the phone and i will tell her you're out and improving. Sorry to hear you'll be apart from your wife and i hope your treatment in the uk goes well and you can be reunited with your wife quickly. All the best. Biff

  2. we've had rain every night for the last week or so. Sometimes for 10 minutes just after dinner, other times, like last night, big storm blew over from Laos and it pissed down all night from about 11 till 5 or 6 am

    hope it stays clear tonight, apparently there's a party cos I'm going back to England tomorrow, not sure if they're happy I'm going or they ant to wish me luck, more than likely they just quite fancy a piss up on me :)

    I know it's short notice (I've only just found out!) but if anyone's in the chiang saen area, you're welcome to come and join in, there'll be food, music, sanook sanook people and the missus is making cocktails :D

    Kandahar and jubby have got my number as i won't be near a computer.



  3. I dont want to be insensitive, but how long is this thread going to last?, there is already a second one here--??

    I don't want to be insesitive (but I'm going to be anyway)

    seeing as the thread is about a sick friend, well two actually, and some people don't have the opportunity to see them, the thread will, I would imagine, last as long as the illness lasts.

    I don't want to be rude (but I'm going to be anyway) <deleted> don't you go do something that helps someone rather than whinging about how long a thread that provides helpful information for people who are concerned about the well-being of two individuals might last?

    (reason for edit; removing the word 'wanke_r')

  4. i have rented from them four times in the past two years. very good service, never any problem. to my knowledge they never ran my card through until I returned the car but 20000 baht is not very much money. if that puts you in the poorhouse maybe you should not be renting a car. just saying.

    yeah cheers, life advice, i was posting to let people know about a problem i had so that they could maybe avoid it in the future.

    As I said, the service was very good, the car was fine, it was the banks that caused the hold up.

    20000 baht may not be a lot of money to you but if I'm on a budget then holding it up for a week has an impact.

    The actual trabnsaction and the pre-auth cancellation (or whatever they do or don't do with it) both went through on the same day.

    And they wouldn't take cash and yes, next time I will use a different card.

    I will repeat, this post is for information, I do not require any advice on this subject, thank you.

  5. Hi all you good/bad day/week/month ers :D

    Kd I'd love to help you get out of the house but I'm kinda stuck up here in Chiang Saen (nicely stuck I might add!) and off home to the UK in a few days :D

    It's been an up and down week, car hire company conspired with the banks that had been closed due to the bangkok troubles and my UK bank to hold on to 40,000 baht for over a week so things have been a little tight, but ok now :D

    Got a rejection email about a job in Thailand :D

    Found a small house we want to buy :D for 350,000 :D

    The buyers said they wanted a quick sale which always makes me a bit nervous, but by quick they mean January next year! :)

    If anyone knows a lawyer in the area who has knowledge of usufruct contact details would be very much appreciated. Even if they don't know what an usufruct is, if they're competent then they have between now and january to do some research :D

    My g/f was most disappointed to find we couldn't put my name on the house as well as hers, at first she thought I didn't want my name on it which lead to the 'silent treatment' for an hour or so.

    I'm back in the good books now, it all fitted in with the flow of the week as a whole.



    Oh and we experienced the double pricing today, 700 year old ruined Wat in Chiang Saen, 50 baht for me and 10 for the mrs, hey ho! doesn't really bother me unless it gets up to a hundred or so for me and 10 for her then i'll just walk away :D

  6. I booked two days car rental through Thai Visa and Budget at Chiang Rai airport. Everything went smoothly, one of their reps met us off the plane from Bangkok at 21:30, we checked the car together, she took a tracing of my bank card for the payment and the deposit, good car, good sat nav, no accidents, collected from my hotel free of charge. So far so good.

    Then, I checked my bank account online and there was 20,000 baht kind of floating in limbo. 'Ok, that's the pre-authorised deposit, couple of days max, it will be cancelled and i can withdraw it.

    That was 6 days ago! They say they cancelled it, UK bank say they haven't. Every day I check the ATM, no money available!

    So, if you plan on hiring a car, please be aware that this 20,000 baht may well not be accessible for anything up to a week after you give the car back.

    It may be that due to the bank closures things have backed up a bit but all my other transactions in Thailand up to and including 2 days ago are all showing up fine.

    Next time I'll try and use a different card for the deposit, was down to my last 100 baht till a friend stepped in to help me today!

  7. today I met with kandahar and jubby and with my girl;friend we went to visit the hospital.

    There are so many stories about farang who get into accidents on the Thai roads and end up paying for everything even if it wasn't their fault.

    It was very refreshing to find out that the young Thai man who caused Image Dude's accident has admitted liability, there was an agreement that he payed half of the private hospital costs, then he has continued to pay all of the costs in the local hospital and visited every day. He was there when we turned up too. Image Dude was due to go home today and whilst the care he has received was very good he was looking forward to getting home.

    Carsten was sleeping when we went to see him although he woke up and claimed he was only resting his eyes.

    Both people are an example of courage and it has certainly put my life into perspective, I count my blessings every day, but now I think i will count them twice!

  8. with regard to a couple of things on the map,

    buddhas footprint, don't climb all the way to the top like me and the g/f did today, the footprint is in a glass case at the bottom of the steps with the 'buddha's footprint this way' signs :)

    also, I don't want to mess with the map but the restaurant 'nice restaurant by a small lake'? is closed :-) deserted, chairs all over the place, in a right 2 and 8 so if someone more qualified could add that to the description it might save someone else a drive,



    Khum Chao Nang it's called :D

  9. I'm travelling to Chiang Rai tomorrow (21st) how will the curfew affect me?

    I arrived on the 19th, flight landed at 21:50 (ish) bangkok was a bit mental, few bangs and screaming people on the way to the airport but I thought they were just upset that I was leaving :)

    Didn't realise there was a curfew till I got into town and there was no night market.

    Things are closed but people are still about, all fairly relaxed, there were police at the airport but they didn't ask me anything, picked up the hire car and drove out, you should be fine. There were taxis there too i think :D

  10. I have to go to Lom Sak in Petchabun province tonight. Does the curfew affect travelling out of province?

    A curfew is a curfew. You have to be indoors in the prescribed times.

    That may well be the case in many places but here in Chiang Rai there are still people out and about, I arrived on the 19th when apparently the curfew was in place but didn't know anything about it until I drove into town and the night market just wasn't there! Most bars are closed, 7-11 and Tesco are closed but people still have to get where they're going. There are cars, bikes and people out on the streets (ok well not exactly right now but that's because it's raining not because of the army on the streets)

  11. I have been thinking about something here. There will come a time when Brian can finally get on with his life. As I mentioned before, he is still technically a newlywed. His wife has devoted herself to this thing as fully as Brian has. Each and every day since Carsten first went to the hospital (Overbrook, the first time), Brian and Su have devoted themselves to helping Carsten. Perhaps there are enough of us out there that are willing to give a little back. Maybe we could arrange a weekend get-away at a local resort for them. Two or three days of no responsibility, no cooking, no cleaning, no travelling. Just lay back and enjoy some peace and quiet. Swim. Sleep. Watch a movie or two. Have a nice bottle of wine with dinner.

    Nobody owes them anything. I'm not saying we do. I'm only saying, I know what they have given in time, energy, money and more. I don't know anyone that would do what they have done and what they continue to do. It would be nice if something came back to them. It would be nice if it came from us. I have never known anyone that deserves something like this more than these two.

    Post your thoughts.

    I think that is a very good idea.

    I am in for a 1000 b. Can arrange that tomorrow at the Hash!


    Me too, next week :)

  12. Will definately pass on my thoughts and observations after the trip :D

    Just thought of another couple of questions ?????

    1. What currency is accepted in KL (LCCT) at food outlet / mini marts etc etc ??? Ringit, there's exchange places in the terminal (one outlet also sells phone cards for use in the public phones, nice and cheap)

    2. Using Air Asia I am assuming I will have to retrieve my checked in baggage at KL and re-check it in for the flight to OZ ??? Yep, Air Asia is a point to point airline, they don't regard your 2 flights as connecting flights so you have to get your bags and re-check them in even if both your flights are theirs.

    Any experiences there guys :)

    I didn't experience any problems, everyone I needed to speak to was helpful and spoke English, others have mentioned the food hall outside the main terminal, have to agree, if you've got an hour or so you can sit in there, have something ok to eat, charge your phone/ipod/laptop whatever. I thought LCCT was pretty cool, for an airport.

  13. Who's Dug? Is he coming too? Will it be a monumental event? Or ornamental? or just mental?

    seems like a small gathering is in order :) I would suggest a venue but I don't know any so I'll leave that to the residents :D We're staying at The North Hotel which is, I believe, fairly central so any location is fine by me. Friday sounds good, the 4 wheels are going back in the afternoon so it's looking like the brunch, hospital visit, lounging about (possible nap, knowing my, and my g/f's, penchant for a siesta) then beer with beer followed by beer in the evening. Looking forward to it :D

    P.S. lounging about/siesta could well be substituted for shopping dependent on hormonal balance/my (perceived) behaviour leading up to that point

  14. Biff, Good luck with your week. if I'm still here when you've settled in, we'll have to meet for a couple of Jugs of Beer or Coffee or something.

    Yes mate, that would be nice. Dunno how far you are from Chiang Saen where I'll be for most of my all too brief visit, but we're in Chiang Rai City for a couple of days next week too :D

    let us know when your in town nearer the time, if not town then I spend a few days a week not a million miles from Chiang Khong, which is not a million miles from Chiang Sean :)

    Will do :D the itinerary (volacnos permitting) is; Saturday/Sunday fly to Bangkok Monday/Tuesday/part of Wednesday come to fully understand why i don't want to swap one huge sprawling urban conurbation for another one (and meet up with a mate and get some paperwork sorted at some suburban Amphur) Wednesday night fly to Chiang Rai, spend a couple of days in town then head up to the Moo Ban by the river to re-acquaint myself with the squawking/howling night chorus :D so, if any of that coincides with your plans or whereabouts it would be nice to share a jug or two, I think it should be beer :D

    (I'll have four wheels when in CR but reduced to 2 small scooter wheels by the time we get to Chiang Saen)

  15. Biff, Good luck with your week. if I'm still here when you've settled in, we'll have to meet for a couple of Jugs of Beer or Coffee or something.

    Yes mate, that would be nice. Dunno how far you are from Chiang Saen where I'll be for most of my all too brief visit, but we're in Chiang Rai City for a couple of days next week too :)

  16. he could try and clamp it again tomorrow but he'd end up wearing the clamp! Enough is enough! I guess it could get worse, I sincerely hope it effin well doesn't!

    I am always thankful for having my girlfriend, even though we're living so far apart she always cheers me up on the phone when I've had a bad day. I had a feeling she was a 'keeper' when I first met her, we were out on the town and I ran out of money so I assumed she would also be running out, but when the ATM just laughed at my request for funds she took her last 400 baht out of her account and gave it to me. Last time I went to stay with her I turned up a bit short of cash too, had to wait a week till more funds arrived in my bank but she, and the rest of the family, didn't care.

    Now all I have to do is get through this week, move house, sell the car, do well in a job interview and get on the plane on Saturday night, easy!

    I shall prevail!

  17. actually a Decent Fella !? :D:) . Thats Ok then I suppose Biff. I was thinking Bullet and between the eyes but , Ok. now he's a decent fella, I'll leave it at that ;-) . Its not a Job I could do and sleep at night though.

    The good thing about the average speed camera's is that its possible to remember where you are after the first camera and then reduce your speed drastically , or stop . I've done that a few times.

    Yeah, it was my fault for not making sure the original ticket was sorted out. I know how these things come and bite you in the arse after a while so I should have dealt with it. He could have just towed the car as soon as he saw it but he knocked on about 5 doors in the street first, then left a note with his number on it. I called him and he came back and gave me a day to sort it all out, which is as decent as he could be, given his job.

    Time was when you could cut the things off and move the car somewhere else but these days it just gets the old bill involved and charges of criminal damage, and once you get the local constabulary involved they have a tendency (round here anyway) to 'mark your card' as it were! also means he will definitely tow it.

    I couldn't do his job either but each to his own I suppose.

    The average speed cameras they're installing is on a road that has a petrol station on it so I reckon we'll be seeing lots of people parked up for a while till their average goes down, kind of defeats the object of driving fast in the first place which is getting somewhere quickly!

  18. I had a bad day today.

    But I actually started to love bad days quite some time ago.


    Because the next day is usually a better day... :D

    Yeah it's all about the contrast I suppose :D

    That's what the guy who clamped my car said to me 'it can only get better mate!'

    yeah, cheers :)

  19. aversion therapy for dogs? I didn't realise they just killed the ducks! Not good. I did wonder how come the roaming dogs in the soi didn't kill/eat the roaming chickens, I've had many thoughts about killing the lot of them as the barking/crowing spreads from somewhere in Laos to the south of Thailand via the Thai family's house as i tried to sleep! Next week I'll have the added joy of twice nightly feeds for the tiny new cat and dog additions to our family!

  20. Yeah, sorry, kinda hijacked your thread there, slightly off-topic but it was my bad day/week/month story! :)

    Seems with your duck saga you've at least had some dialogue and established that the dog 'owners' are decent folks. Shame you had to lose all your ducks but hopefully she'll take better care of her dogs in future, having just said that I realise that's probably not going to happen! :D she'll just wait till someone else loses ducks then kill the dogs! Shame really 'cos the dogs don't know they're doing anything wrong, just saw a tasty looking duck and ate it.

  21. Anyway, I'm seeking Job opportunites in the UK for a couple of months. Work can be very grounding ;-)

    Hows the election Biff. I saw a couple of black range Rovers rushing into what looked like the grounds of Buck House on thai news yesterday, but it was only on for a couple of seconds. Royalty or MP's ? Tories and Liberals getting together puts it all into perspective, Powers more important than principle. Anyway, biff. get it sorted before you come over here. The worlds waiting on this. They look up to our fine upstanding members of parliament .

    They still haven't made their minds up as to which set of tossers will be in charge yet! Black Range Rovers were probably the milkman :D

    I'll make a few phone calls but to be honest they've stopped returning my calls due to the level of abuse they've been getting!

    Just had my car clamped, 2 days before I was selling it, which will set me back £600!!!

    Job opportunities? you can have mine mate, just about sick of the dam_n place!

    I've just heard Brown had resigned as party Leader, maybe he was visiting Liz at Buck Palace , don't know. I'll have to check the archived news.

    Still Clamping are they, was it the police or those privateers. 600 quid, thats got to be London. I think I'd just go out and buy an Uzzi if that happened to me. It was always handy having a Citroen years ago, drop the suspension to the ground every time I parked up just in case.

    I'm sure I'll get done for speeding or running a red light in my first week back anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to get a couple of months work and then 'get the hel_l out of dodge' for another 18 months ;-)

    Yeah he's resigning in September, Tories are miffed that the Libs have been talking to labour behind their back, the markets are unhappy with it all but hopefully we'll get less of a party agenda and more sensible government, or we could get a tory minority govt. that shuts all the schools, loses all the in-house votes meaning they need to call another election, and makes them un-electable for 50 years, fingers crossed :)

    yes it was privateers, in London, a parking ticket that I forgot about, his van has cameras with number plate recognition software, he drives along slowly and it beeps when it see's one, shows him the file on his on-board computer, he checks any outstanding finance any owed council tax etc etc, gets a valuation of the car then sticks a clamp on it! Actually a decent fella, has given me till tomorrow to pay it instead of just towing it which adds £190 plus £40 a day storage for four days before they take it to an auction where it may or may not sell, if not, back to the pound @ £40 till it does, all added to my bill of course! Then, without you knowing, you still owe them the difference between the selling price and all their charges!

    The worst ones are the cameras that send parking tickets to the registered address of the vehicle, you don't know you've got one till a week or so later when it plops on your doormat!

    Latest is the average speed camera, they're installing them on a road near me as we speak, clocks your speed as you enter the 'zone' then works out your average speed when you leave, if you go over the limit at any point along the way, ticket arrives through your door! Nice!

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