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Posts posted by bifftastic

  1. What is the brand of the polarizing filter you use bifftastic (picture 6)?

    And well, since I'm at it, what camera and lens? :Dpost-86914-1272987977_thumb.jpg

    no polarizing filter, unless a Canon Ixus 60 decides I need one and magically applies it :) honestly, all I did was, wake up, think 'hmm this looks nice' got the camera out of my pocket, switched it on, took the photo, ordered another beer and went back to sleep (after I drank it of course!) I may even google polarizing filters just to find out what they are!

  2. OMG! someone was mugged! In Bangkok? And 'they' want us out? Sick of us you say? Right that's it, I'm never coming to Thailand again. Mugged! Outrageous behaviour, I'll keep my hard-earned and go somewhere where people don't ever get mugged like...umm...like....ummm...errr The Moon! no, wait, that's where Fanta Rood comes from....

    ah <deleted> it, Thailand it is then :)

  3. A question for those who say it is too unsafe to come to BKK. If it is so unsafe, why don't you leave? If it is safe enough for you to stay, surely it is safe enough for me to come. And if it's not safe enough for me to come, then it's not safe enough for you to stay? Can you elaborate on your reasons. Not having a go at anyone, just trying to work out their reasoning.

    Regarding government advice. When terrorists bomb London, the government still claim it's safe to visit. When terrorists bomb NYC, the UK and US governments still claim it's safe to visit. When there is violence in another country, it's suddenly deemed to be unsafe. This makes no sense whatsoever.

    Well, 'cause some people live here, work here, etc. It's not always a clear or even possible choice to simply bug out for a few months. The effects aren't so severe that we're frightened out of our wits or racing for the airport, but it certainly isn't normal or nice, and the more touristy sections of town are the ones most affected or likely to be affected. London and NYC are only a small part of what most tourists see in the UK or in the US, but Bangkok has a pretty big profile for a lot of tourists.

    That help out? :D

    I have to say that London is what most tourists see in the UK and the government here did say it was safe to come here the very next day after the bombs on the trains. Personally, I was sh!t scared to go anywhere near a station, and I work on trains, so I had to! But, we don't let people terrorise us into changing our lives, we take as many reasonable precautions as we can and we make a point of getting on with our lives.

    I understand what you're saying about living and working somewhere, you don't have the option of leaving till it all calms down.

    It's easier for me, as a visitor, I can choose to avoid certain areas, stay in if I feel it necessary, very different if you live/work there. I know the feeling :D

    I'm still coming btw :)

  4. maybe try a few days first very very early morning with no traffic , ur bound to make a mistake and the difference between crash or no crash is I some one is close by

    I reckon it's easier when there's traffic as you just join in with the flow, it's when there's nothing on the road you switch back to your native ways, then you end up on the wrong side of the road.

  5. It only takes a few incidence where you are turning into oncoming traffic to get it right. :)

    The main problem was confusing the indicator lights with the wipers. Imagine flicking the indicators only the have the wipers come on!!! :D

    It's easier than you think it will be, I remember when i first drove in Europe (they drive on the right, very odd :D) everything is fine, you sit in the wrong seat but you can see everything and after a few minutes you're cool, I was constantly thinking 'ok, right is left and left is right' and being extra careful. The car wasn't an auto so the gear change wasn't as natural as usual but the pedals were laid out the same so it was easy enough.

    It's much easier than driving a left hand drive car in a right hand drive country (or vice versa) 'cos you can see properly

    A few people have mentioned the indicator/wiper thing but here in the UK not all cars have the same controls on the same side so when I drove a jap pick up in Thailand, even though it is a right-hand drive like I'm used to, the wipers/indicators were reversed for me, I've had the same experience with one of my mates cars here too, no big deal really.

    I would agree that Bangkok may not be the best place to start.

  6. Check the Thai Visa insurance on this site, you'll get a quote very quickly and it's the same as the travel insurance you got in the UK. Also, (i'm posting this everywhere people are asking about insurance) I got this from my UK insurance company

    Thank you for contacting Insureandgo Insurance Services Ltd. Europ Assistance Holding Ltd (Underwriters) have confirmed that no cover is provided in our travel insurance policies for cancellation or curtailment in relation to the current disturbances in Thailand. In accordance with the current Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advice the following exclusions to your travel insurance policy apply:

    “Any claim as a result of war, civil war, invasion revolution or similar event”

    “Any claim that happens as a result of civil riots, strikes or industrial action “

    “Any claim that results from you travelling to a country or an area that the Foreign and Commonwealth office have advised not to go”

    However, Europ Assistance Holding Ltd have now confirmed that if you choose to travel to Thailand, despite the advice of the FCO, any claims submitted for instances unrelated to the current civil unrest in Thailand will be considered, but not guaranteed, within your policy terms and conditions.

    So if something fell off your girlfriend or she bit you, you might be covered :)

    Double check with your insurer, they will probably say your not covered but I asked them to clarify, pointing out I would be several hundred km's away from the demos in Bangkok.

    Hope that helps

  7. I think I'll stay out of the UK. Didn't they have some bombs go off there targeting innocent people?

    When i was growing up there was a campaign of bombing in the UK mainland by the IRA, last bombs we had were in 2005, then there was the car parked outside a club in London that was packed with explosives, diffused by the authorities, the guy who set himself on fire driving into the airport in Glasgow, that was a couple of years ago I think, if you want to go right back in time, you can still see where the Luftwaffe bombing runs changed the architecture, so yeah, we've had a few. Has your government phoned you and told you not to come? (still can't find any news source that says the UK govt. has been phoning people, they can just about manage to empty the bins never mind calling people and asking them not to go on holiday!)

    Sorry. I didn't mean to pick on the UK. They did have some recent terrorist bombings in the underground and a bus, I believe. The world is becoming unsafe. The situation here (at least the political one) is localized. Outside of Bangkok, you'd never know what was going on. However, it's not a good situation.

    That's ok, didn't feel picked on, I was just saying that, in spite of anything like that, life goes on and adding that I find it unlikely that the UK government (in the middle of an election campaign) would have one of it's departments find the numbers of people who had booked flights to Thailand (no mean feat in itself) and then call them and ask them not to go.

    With regard to the travel insurance issue, I received this clarification from my insurance company

    Thank you for contacting Insureandgo Insurance Services Ltd. Europ Assistance Holding Ltd (Underwriters) have confirmed that no cover is provided in our travel insurance policies for cancellation or curtailment in relation to the current disturbances in Thailand. In accordance with the current Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advice the following exclusions to your travel insurance policy apply:

    “Any claim as a result of war, civil war, invasion revolution or similar event”

    “Any claim that happens as a result of civil riots, strikes or industrial action “

    “Any claim that results from you travelling to a country or an area that the Foreign and Commonwealth office have advised not to go”

    However, Europ Assistance Holding Ltd have now confirmed that if you choose to travel to Thailand, despite the advice of the FCO, any claims submitted for instances unrelated to the current civil unrest in Thailand will be considered, but not guaranteed, within your policy terms and conditions.

    Which I take to mean, normal stuff would be covered but if you ran towards the barricades in a Norwich City shirt, you may have to pay for your own funeral :)

  8. with regard to the insurance issue, just got this from my insurance company

    Thank you for contacting Insureandgo Insurance Services Ltd. Europ Assistance Holding Ltd (Underwriters) have confirmed that no cover is provided in our travel insurance policies for cancellation or curtailment in relation to the current disturbances in Thailand. In accordance with the current Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advice the following exclusions to your travel insurance policy apply:

    “Any claim as a result of war, civil war, invasion revolution or similar event”

    “Any claim that happens as a result of civil riots, strikes or industrial action “

    “Any claim that results from you travelling to a country or an area that the Foreign and Commonwealth office have advised not to go”

    However, Europ Assistance Holding Ltd have now confirmed that if you choose to travel to Thailand, despite the advice of the FCO, any claims submitted for instances unrelated to the current civil unrest in Thailand will be considered, but not guaranteed, within your policy terms and conditions.

    So it looks like I'm covered for normal stuff like losing my phone or wallet unless it's in the middle of a riot :)

  9. My GF is wanting to go to KhonKaen and i can get a flight with Thai airways for £600 return, But looking for somewhere to relax.


    You can't relax in Khon Kaen? I've not been there so I can't comment, anyway I'd book the flights separately, or at least see if it might be cheaper that way, up to you, as they say, you might not need to save the money :) loads of places you can both fly to from BKK, many of which she wouldn't need a visa for (the ASEAN countries I believe?). Check out Air Asia for destinations from BKK, dirt cheap and for a short flight they're perfect.

    The decision to go or not has to be yours, check out all the reports and make your own mind up but I see no reason why you can't find somewhere relaxing in Thailand, or a country nearby, to enjoy some time with your g/f and not get involved in what's going on in Bangkok.

  10. I've booked to go to Bangkok on the 15th May, travel insurance company are umming and ahhing and not giving me a clear answer other than if the FCO advise against all travel (which they aren't) then claims will not be met. I'm trying to get them to tell me one way or the other if I'm covered or not, but I'm still going. I won't be going anywhere near where the red shirts are and I doubt if they'll take over the airport. Even the FCO, who are being over cautious in their warnings in my opinion, have said that the airport is open and their warnings don't apply to people transiting through BKK so, if you're that worried get a connecting flight to Phuket or Koh Samui or somewhere else in Thailand and get your g/f a ticket so she can meet you there.

    My g/f is flying down from Chiang Rai, we need to sort some stuff out in Bangkok, (otherwise I'd do what I usually do and just wait in the airport for my connecting flight) three days later we're flying back up to CR.

    I think if you make sure you know where you're going and use common sense you'll be fine.

    I doubt if the reds will take over the airport, I think they're stuck in their 'encampment'.

    If your boss is worried show him/her the FCO web page that says the airport is open and connecting flights are unaffected

    # Suvarnabhumi airport is operating as normal. The route to the airport from Bangkok city remains open. For advice about travelling abroad see the local Travel section. FCO advice against all but essential travel does not apply to passengers transiting Bangkok airport on their way to foreign destinations.


  11. I think I'll stay out of the UK. Didn't they have some bombs go off there targeting innocent people?

    When i was growing up there was a campaign of bombing in the UK mainland by the IRA, last bombs we had were in 2005, then there was the car parked outside a club in London that was packed with explosives, diffused by the authorities, the guy who set himself on fire driving into the airport in Glasgow, that was a couple of years ago I think, if you want to go right back in time, you can still see where the Luftwaffe bombing runs changed the architecture, so yeah, we've had a few. Has your government phoned you and told you not to come? (still can't find any news source that says the UK govt. has been phoning people, they can just about manage to empty the bins never mind calling people and asking them not to go on holiday!)

  12. It seems to me that the British Government are overstating the warnings. I can't believe they are phoning people and asking them not to go, no other country is doing this.

    The British Government is phoning people? 'hello, this is the government, please don't go to Thailand it's not safe'

    seriously though, where did you hear that they were phoning people? or did they phone you?

    I've read it here on Thai Visa and I think in a UK newspaper, they are phoning people up who are booked onto flights and asking them not to fly. The travel insurance issue is the main one as far as I'm concerned.

    Maybe some enterprising company in Thailand should offer full travel insurance to people stranded in the UK so these people can continue their trips with the full cover they need.

    Really? wow, I hadn't heard or read that. Which government department would be doing the calls? The Foreign Office? With regard to travel insurance, my insurance company replied to my question as to the validity of my policy under the current (as of yesterday) FCO warning about avoiding all but essential travel, by telling me that if you travel when the FCO warns against ALL travel then claims would not be met.

    I'm still waiting for their answer on what happens under the current warning about all but ESSENTIAL travel. Anyway, I'm still coming, got stuff to sort out, which makes it essential :D I will (try to) make a point of NOT taking the Thai g/f to the protest area as she will most likely want to ask them in person if they have no family or work to do at home and why they feel the need to stop her from going shopping! And if she gets angry, I don't fancy their chances to be honest! :)

  13. "Aoccdrnig to extnesvie rseeacrh conudcetd at Oxofrd Uinervtisy in Enlgnad, it deosn't raelly mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae.

    The rset can be in a toatl mses and you usulaly can sitll raed it wouthit much porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but

    the wrod as a wlohe."

    sorry, couldn't understand a word of that :)

  14. It seems to me that the British Government are overstating the warnings. I can't believe they are phoning people and asking them not to go, no other country is doing this.

    The British Government is phoning people? 'hello, this is the government, please don't go to Thailand it's not safe'

    seriously though, where did you hear that they were phoning people? or did they phone you?

  15. my wife's friends have had their tickets diverted to KL by the British government. End Game Thailand Tourism?

    just interested, how can the UK government change tickets bought from a private company? Or do you mean that the airline has changed it's own flights because of advice given by the government?

    genuinely interested as it may affect my travel plans, thanks :)

  16. Hardly surprising seeing UK foreign office say 'emergency travel only'

    Travel agents no longer allowed to sell holidays to Thailand, have to offer refunds on existing bookings.

    Travel insurance for Thailand cancelled by the insurance companies if you do insist on coming.

    Who in their right mind would come now?

    I spoke to my insurance company and they told me that when the FCO advises against all travel to a country then the cover is invalid, at the moment, although I'm still waiting for confirmation from them, the FCO has advised against all but essential travel to Thailand,not sure if this will make a difference

  17. used to have a step on the front bumper on my Chevy van to be able to reach the windshield. advantage was when step folded out, lisencplate facing down and no speedingtickets from cameraradars :D

    Cool, early speed camera stuff. :)

    Scandinavia was pioneers on speed cameras more than 30 years ago. Now its every 10 km or so. Why do you think I moved to paradise :D

    Understood. Similar to the UK now, how l never got caught is beyond me. :D

    Slightly off topic but the latest speed camera trend in the UK is 'average speed cameras' one set of cameras records your speed as you enter the controlled zone, then, as you leave, your average speed is calculated and if you went over the limit whilst in the zone, you get a ticket through your letter box. Nice huh? They were first introduced to protect workmen on highway maintenance but are now being installed permanently on long stretches of road. So much money has been taken from motorists with the 'normal' trip the limit, flash goes the camera, systems that millions of pounds has been spent developing this more sophisticated version that prevents everyone from slowing down for the camera then speeding up again. The only way to beat them is if you do 100 mph past the camera then park up for an hour before hurtling past the last one :D

  18. Apparently some dogs in my g/f's street were 'misbehaving' now there's one less than there used to be. I've been told it was 'aroi mak mak' not that she tasted it but she has it on good authority. When I was there, after a particularly noisy night, I suggested the idea of Tum Yum Ma.

    Maybe you should discuss the price of a single duck, then the price of a dog whilst building a fire and getting a cooking pot ready 'so, after I eat your dog, I will owe you....how much?' 'mmmm hiew ma' invite them over for the meal and ask them to bring the dog :) then act all surprised if they're not willing....'huh? what's wrong? your dog ate my ducks, now I'm gonna eat your dog, how else do I get my ducks back?'

    Seriously, don't come back to the UK, you'll have a never-ending series of days/weeks/months like you've just had, only folks won't smile when they try to <deleted> you over :D unless they're torie:

    Thats how the Thais do it Biff. but I'm not in the Club. Chicken or Duck gets killed by a dog. owner of said duck or chicken gets very disgruntled and head off to see VF who gives them 200 baht. Nice and easy but if the Flang wants justice its not there Dog or you unleash a century of reprisals from the collective. No , Dogs got to go but discretely. It will go nicely where I've put the ducks before filling in the hole.

    As for Tories , War Criminal and all round good egg Blair did a good Job of smiling a lot if I recall , before putting the country in a situation it has no hope in hel_l of getting out of . and I can thank the C%#t and Labour for putting up my private pension age from 50 to 55.

    Ah yes, club membership would be needed. I can foresee a 'black ops' 'eyes on target, one dog down' scenario in your neighbourhood some time soon :D

    I guess we'll agree to disagree as to who's broken Britain, hope your week gets better mate, I always enjoy your posts.



  19. Apparently some dogs in my g/f's street were 'misbehaving' now there's one less than there used to be. I've been told it was 'aroi mak mak' not that she tasted it but she has it on good authority. When I was there, after a particularly noisy night, I suggested the idea of Tum Yum Ma.

    Maybe you should discuss the price of a single duck, then the price of a dog whilst building a fire and getting a cooking pot ready 'so, after I eat your dog, I will owe you....how much?' 'mmmm hiew ma' invite them over for the meal and ask them to bring the dog :D then act all surprised if they're not willing....'huh? what's wrong? your dog ate my ducks, now I'm gonna eat your dog, how else do I get my ducks back?'

    Seriously, don't come back to the UK, you'll have a never-ending series of days/weeks/months like you've just had, only folks won't smile when they try to <deleted> you over :D unless they're tories of course :)

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