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Posts posted by bifftastic

  1. But when Thais do the same, they must be doing something wrong, at least according to some know-it-all Brits....your expertise in this is about as good as the chances of England winning Germany in football...ouch. :)

    And your Grammar is on a par with a 5 year old. It should be "England beating Germany at football".

    Grammar the topic here?

    Well, that case the expertise you mention must be 'up there with the best' as I seem to remember England beat Germany 2-1 in the Olympicstadion Berlin last November :-) off topic I know but couldn't resist it :-) and 'yes that is my beach towel on the sunbed' :-P

  2. The daily limit, without special authorisation, on most UK ATMs is still £200.00. They do not dispense £20.00 notes. The £20.00 note is acknowledged as being extrememly difficult to forge. They are obtainable only from the tellers inside the bank.

    If they are fake, then the man is an idiot to try and change them at any recognised exchange facility.

    ummm..... daily limit is £300 and it depends which bank you're with and if it's an ATM belonging to that bank, ie. if i use my banks' own ATM I can get more, and all the ATM's have £20's and £10's I can't remember the last time I actually went into a branch.

    With regard to the OP either this bloke isn't particularly clever, trying to pass all the notes in one go, or he's been given these dodgy notes by someone else and not realised it. I suppose the other explanation is that they're not dodgy notes??? or they weren't when he handed them over but they are now!!!

    Either way his holiday has taken a turn for the worse!!

  3. i called my g/f the other week and heard a lot of noise in the background, lot's of Thai voices, male and female, a great deal of excitment and shouting. I asked her were she was and was told 'Honey, now I'm go with sister from me not sister from leally but , you know? I think about you see she already velly smaw lady...she name pee saow and I'm help her for cooking for sell for get money....we go...ummm...not know how say engrish...ummmm.....same like thai boxing but not thai boxing.....ummm...not boxing thai...honey....ok ok is BOXING CHICKEN!!!'

    I laughed for about 5 minutes at the thought of boxing chicken and then she said...'honey why you laugh?' ok babe, khow djai khap, boxing chicken...we say 'cock fight'

    'ohhhhh honey what you think about me now hmmm? why you tell me dat? now i'm think you not understand to me! now i want to tell you i'm angly wid yooo not little bit, more more more! you think i'm go fighting cock show! not shoowah for in england but here not hab! If you want finis wid me why you not tell me?!! I'm not like talk wid yoo now! finis talk wid yoo!'

    and hung up the phone!!

    so after an hour or so when i'd finished crying with laughter I called her back, she was 'solly' and i apologised profusely for making her angly and assured her i didn't think she was at some strange homosexual nud_e fight club. I then tried to explain the different names for 'lady chicken' and 'man chicken' which lead her to believe that we get up to some very strange things here in London!!!

    We've since agreed that London is a very strange place with many many farang ba! and the sooner I come back to Thailand the better :-)

    Love her to bits even if she does call me 'smaw ewefunt'

  4. The rules are on the UK/BA website, however application experience is always a factor many people apply for a Tourist visa only a few times only. As we do this regularly i have also found the strength of the relationship can be a major factor lots of clients have been successful without a job or any assets.

    The ECO officer will expect to see all the usual evidence he/she is aware of the cheap phone rates and dialed numbers we all use.

    If you have assets a job include them within the application obviously and build up a portfolio of evidence the more the better.

    Good luck.

    With regard to assets and a job... i'm presuming that a job means one with tax records? What should we do in my case as my g/f job probably doesn't have any traceable history and she is registered for health care and voting in Khorat but lives in Koh Samui? I'm fairly confident that we can show the relationship is strong enough but do we have to show evidence of employment? I will be showing that I am paying for the tickets and accomodation will be in my flat, money for expenses will all be mine so will they really care if she has a job or not?

    I really don't want to mess this up because I've read threads where errors have been made in the first application and everyone's advice was that it had pretty well messed up the applicants chances of ever getting a visa!

    Thanks again.


  5. You have been very detailed I'm sure many forum members will respect your honesty and offer only candour in their advice.

    IMO The best answer you are going to get is the one from 7by7…

    Please be careful… cynics will follow and I feel that their advice might also be worth adhering to.

    Yes thanks :-) I'm prepared to listen to cynical advice too :-)

    I read lots and lots of it before i even met her and it's stood me in good stead as much as the encouraging adivce...if not more!!!

    I'm not sure if i should tell the ECO that I'll drag her back to the aiport myself after the first weekend if she turns nasty on me...what d'you reckon? lol

    Seriously though, she has a few friends who have been succesful in their applications and one in particular who has visited the UK a number of times and I'm encouraging her to pick their brains about this too.

    hey, it's all a long way off in the future if it even happens at all! But Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents P*ss Poor Performance. So, if there's evidence to be gathered over a number of months then i'd like to start gathering it now :-)

    Once again thanks for the advice on this and everything else I've read...including all the cynics!!!

  6. Hi,

    first of all I'd like to thank everyone for all kinds of advice and opinions which i have seen on this forum, it has been very helpful and informative.

    Ok now to my questions;

    I understand that to get a Uk tourist Visa for my girlfriend can be a failrly long process so I have begun to collect the evidence of a long-term relationship now with a view to making an application next year at the earliest. That will give us time to see if the relationship has a future and, hopefully, the embassy staff can see the evidence they require.

    I have no problem getting photographs of us together (at the moment I only have photo's of her and she of me but that will be addressed during my next visit in September)

    There are a few emails but more from me to her than the other way round although this will also be addressed in September :-)

    I have Western Union receipts that show small amounts of money from me to her but I wanted to show those as evidence of contact rather than support as I don't really support her, nor does she want me to.

    Does anyone have experience of getting phone records from one of the low cost call companies? I use 'Just Call' all my phone records will show is that I dial a UK landline as that is how I place the calls to her.

    She lives in Koh Samui but her ID is from Khorat, two children live with her sister in Chiang Rai. So how eactly do we go about satisfying the UK embassy that she will return to Thailand?

    I know honesty is the best policy and she genuinely does not want to stay in the UK but wants to visit me at some point to see where I was born and raised (East London) so she can understand more about my life and my culture. But surely just saying that will not be enough.

    I own my own flat and am in full time employment, I only expect her to come for two or three weeks at the most.

    I've seen a few posts and it seems to me that the main reason for refusal is the embassy staff being unconvincved of the applicants reasons for returning to Thailand.

    She doesn't own any land or a house and her employment is cash in hand so I'm assuming there will be no tax record. Oh by the way she's 34 and I'm 46 so the age difference is not that great... she's only a year younger than my english ex g/f :-)

    It is possible that her boss could write a letter but then again I'm thinking he might not want to do that for the above mentioned tax reasons.

    Another question I have is regarding tickets, when applying for a visa is it necessary to have already bought her a return ticket? I guess a refundable one would be the right way to go in case the visa is refused?

    I have looked at previous posts but am still not clear on these issues, so please accept my apologies if anyone feels these questions have already been answered elswhere and if ththey have can you please point me to those answers.

    Thanks in advance,


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