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Posts posted by bifftastic

  1. Anyway, I'm seeking Job opportunites in the UK for a couple of months. Work can be very grounding ;-)

    Hows the election Biff. I saw a couple of black range Rovers rushing into what looked like the grounds of Buck House on thai news yesterday, but it was only on for a couple of seconds. Royalty or MP's ? Tories and Liberals getting together puts it all into perspective, Powers more important than principle. Anyway, biff. get it sorted before you come over here. The worlds waiting on this. They look up to our fine upstanding members of parliament .

    They still haven't made their minds up as to which set of tossers will be in charge yet! Black Range Rovers were probably the milkman :)

    I'll make a few phone calls but to be honest they've stopped returning my calls due to the level of abuse they've been getting!

    Just had my car clamped, 2 days before I was selling it, which will set me back £600!!!

    Job opportunities? you can have mine mate, just about sick of the dam_n place!

  2. Why is the sky blue?

    Probably easier to answer

    The­re is a physical phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering that causes light to scatter when it p­asses through particles that have a diameter one-tenth that of the wavelength (color) of the light. Sunlight is made up of all different colors of light, but because of the elements in the atmosphere the color blue is scattered much more efficiently than the other colors.

    yep :)

    here in London people walk wherever they feel like walking, in the road, on the right or the left of the pavement (sidewalk) and yes, they stop in doorways to talk, less so at the bottom of escalators. People also have a problem letting people off trains before they try and get on. I doubt if any 'rule' would be successful, there was talk of a 'fast lane' on Oxford Street but I think it was on the news on April 1st!

    Driving on the left was the norm until the French, as described here earlier, changed it, then, having conquered most of Europe, everyone fell into place. The rest of the world stayed with the original plan but colonies of European powers reflected their colonial 'masters' I think the USA just wanted not to be British after their revolution.


    Sweden changed theirs in the 1960's (I think) and had a big 'turnaround day' when all the new road signs were unveiled and everyone switched over! Sounds like fun!

    Someone also mentioned Paris, I concur, having driven there too, they drive wherever they feel like driving! Nutty place!

    people will walk wherever they feel like walking you can't have rules for walking

  3. not surprised really, I always thought they'd want their own man in the job. I'm also undecided about these two, we'll see who they bring in which should tell us about their ambition, or lack of it!

  4. glad someone mentioned League of Gentlemen, fantastic stuff, I think you have to give it time, as in watch at least four or five. I would imagine, possibly incorrectly, that it would be one of those shows that non-brits might 'not get' Hope I'm wrong. It's 'catch phrase' value is priceless. Even though it hasn't been on air here for a number of years I dropped one of the characters phrases at work the other day and it still works ('she's my wife now dave!')

    Black Books is also very well written.

    Also check out Phoenix nights, that one may well escape you, I remember watching it with my ex-g/f (english) and I found myself translating some of it! Northern English accent went right over her head, but if you can open your ears to that it's another gem :)

    • Like 1
  5. The fact that Hitler made the idea unpopular...

    Like anything it is important to keep a reasonable amount of perspective, but you can't keep suppressing science forever. All people are not created equal despite what we would like to believe.

    unpopular? :) a masterful understatement if ever i saw one!

    are you trying to resurrect the eugenics theories that Hitler adopted from the USA?

    It's true that people are not equal in terms of their intelligence but the jump from that statement to the suggestion that intelligence is somehow distributed along racial or socio-economic grounds is a leap of blind ignorance back into discredited theories from the 1920's and/or wishful thinking on your part.

    Any other unpopular theories from the past you think we should keep a reasonable amount of perspective about?

  6. Brian, what you have done, and continue to do, is amazing.

    Sadly, when people try and do something good there are people who are suspicious. I know you have made many sacrifices for Carsten and you are acting out of kindness for a fellow human being, I hope, if I'm ever in a situation like Carstens that someone like you will be around.

    I'm in London now but will be in Chiang Rai next week, I hope to visit the hospital when I'm there. I'm not sure what I can do but I'd very much like to shake your hand. I think you're a hero.

  7. definitely a fire engine and two water tankers, they may be army vehicles but that's not an army 'unit'

    you haven't seen the truck in the middle? blue and yellow tank? may just to help change the colors???

    you mean the fire truck in the middle of the photo? It has a blue and a yellow lid on the roof. What significance are you attaching to that?

  8. check with Lao PDR customs department. you may be liable for a very stiff import fee if brought in from Thailand.

    also questionable is: Lao may have different engine, emission controls and Thai bikes may not be in conformity with their regulations.

    (one example; Lao automobiles are left hand drive-similar to US, whilst Thai automobiles are right hand drive. these subtle differences may be of a subject)

    Why don't you wait a bit and do some research, talk to some other experts there in (Lao) if you can find a importer, otherwise just buy one in Vientiane. ( I am sure your GF can wait).

    Import duty yes, but higher emissions standards in Laos? I doubt it, good point about the left hand drive thing though, make sure you get her a left-hand drive scooter.

    I reckon, as others have said, if you can't buy the scooter she needs in Laos then it will be hard to get parts etc.

    Fino's are cool, I got one in Chiang Saen it was 42,000 baht I believe, but it was a right-hand drive model, no good for you sorry :)

  9. I know where you are coming from, I have thinning hair, I have my head cut to a number one, I do not go bald because it looks to harsh on me, It looks OK on some men but not me, I have a few battle scares on my face which only seems to make me look hard, but I am not, a few Thai people have commented on the way I look. They have said that they dare not speak to me because I look aggressive which I am not, Those who know me, know me as happy sanook sanook,

    you may be my long lost twin! I too have some scars, not on my face but the head has been stitched up a few times and adds to that 'thug' look. Also my 'not in any particular mood at all' face can, I've been told, make me look like I want to kill everyone whilst I'm perfectly happy and smiling inside! :)

  10. Okay, we get it fellas, there are plenty of confident bald people out there. But let's keep it real. All else being equal (which is a phrase oft omitted from these threads), most women (and men for that matter) probably prefer a full head of hair. That's not to say that bald folks must be lonely. Plenty are not, but just like a anyone missing any kind of body part, it is a very slight handicap. Heck, I'm fine with bald folks parking in handicapped spaces so they have more time to get back to working hard to pay for that beach house and Ferrari.



    very public spirited of you! Do we get queue privileges too? 'make a hole people, slap-head coming through!'

    And those 'hirsute of head' should sit behind us in the cinema too :D

    Can I get a hat on prescription?

  11. There can't be much worse for a woman then a baldy rummaging around down below. It must be like having a giant egg wriggling about where you don't want it. :)

    :D haven't had any such complaints, she just uses my ears as a steering wheel!

    I also find being a ginger freckled 65 year old midget just drives her wild!

    Now all I need to do is find one who will sleep at the end of the bed and not snore/fart too much

  12. Is it snobbery ? yes it is Perhaps the same people who are attracted to the Thai Chinese ladies are more attracted to their level of education, presentation and the the fact that they can see beyond their next som-tam. light skin doesn't always mean educated, educated definitely doesn't always mean intelligent, brown skinned people are equally capable of presenting themselves nicely and whilst som tam would be very near the top of their list, that also applies to light skinned women

    In exactly the same manner in which the same people would not find a shell-suited, chain smoking uneducated woman back home attractive. I realise it's different here but there are shell suited chain smoking uneducated people of all colours, equally, there are well dressed educated selfish idiots who can't see past their next diamond bracelet

    Speaking for my friends and those I know - their choice is not specifically Thai Chinese, its specifically someone who they can be with on a level of equality and mutual respect...yes, very important I agree for many people I guess this criteria varies, but for the most part I'd assume that social economic equality helps and it just so happens that most of the socio-economic equals that my friends living over here have ended up meeting, dating and marrying are from a Thai Chinese background. I hope they're very happy

    Also, I guess people don't see Thai Chinese ladies in gogo bars, so many are avoiding that stereotype too. all the go go bars I've been in (not many i admit) have had light-skinned chinese-looking women in them

    I think to see someone and, because of their skin colour or dress sense, make assumptions as to their way of thinking,their ambitions, their up-bringing and their potential as a partner etc. is definitely snobbery. We all make assumptions to a degree, based on first impressions, but hopefully we are also prepared for those assumptions to be wrong. It is also quite dangerous. A well dressed light skinned woman may well be your socio-economic equal, she may also be the woman who breaks your heart and your bank!

    How people look is no meter of who they are.

    And, if your a snob, fair play. I know people who fully admit to it. They're from wealthy backgrounds, went to expensive schools, earn a lot of money, and will not date/marry outside of their socio-economic group. I call them snobs, they agree.

  13. Once a snob always a snob.

    Actually, being part of the expat community, I pretty much believe that for quite a few, they become snobs as soon as they are sent abroad.

    Not sure of the reason.

    But anyway, for most of the European expat community, the Thai Chinese girls are as worthless as the others.

    And do not kill the messenger...

    yes, you may have a point there, they may relish the opportunity to join in with the snobbery that they couldn't be a part of at home.

    Oh btw I didn't mean to shoot the messenger, I enjoy your posts :)

  14. I think it's part of the expat 'I've been here longer than you have' syndrome where people latch on to the perceived beauty 'rules' prevalent in Thai society which, to those that subscribe to it, proves their integration. To have internalised the prejudices inherent in Thailand may make them feel more at home. It's likely that they had similar prejudices in their home country. Once a snob always a snob.

  15. I am living in a resort in Khao Tao, near Hua Hin. All our houses long sides are facing north/south (see here).

    We have a common garden in the middle so the main terraces of one row faces south, the other north. The floor planes are also "mirrored" so that the master bedrooms are facing to the morning sun or to the evening sun.

    • The terraces facing south are fare more hotter than the nort-facing ones - even both are well shaded.
    • The master bedrooms towards the morning are cooler in the evening, but heat-up in the morning.
    • It is better to place the bed not near the outer wall.

    Glad to see this thread is still alive! (I'm still planning, just got other stuff to deal with in my life at the moment)

    I see you have some construction photo's on your picassa site there juehoe, good advice as well, danke sehr :)

  16. I didn't know that people didn't know about Mumbai/Bombay.

    Seriously though, gaps in my knowledge that annoy me;

    I didn't learn enough French or German, I can (or used to be able to) hold a fairly reasonable conversation in French, used to own a property there and had to deal with utility companies and all that kind of stuff, but never really nailed down the language, so i get stuck with past tenses and I'm sure my grammar is bad. Same with German. I love languages but am too lazy to follow it through and study them properly. I hereby resolve to study the Thai language in a more fulfilling way.

    Sometimes I regret not learning about mechanical things and look on enviously when others replace shock absorbers or tinker with engines, then I think '<deleted> it, who wants skinned knuckles and semi-permanent oil stains all over your hands?'

  17. Thanks Kandahar for keeping us all informed. It always seems that it takes a bad situation to highlight the good that people can do. Brian seems to have worked tirelessly to help Carsten.

    I'll be in Chiang Rai on the 20th of this month so I'll try and visit if our patients are up for a couple of new faces.

    Kandahar, I'll pm you closer the time for details, directions etc. if that's ok?

    I can only imagine how hard it must be for both these guys.

  18. The guys complaining about this are prolly the same ones who voted for Labour.. You're pension get's frozen too once you are an 'expat'... thanks Gordon... As you say pay NI for 40 odd years then get shafted if you decide to reside overseas...

    If it wasn't for the Labour party there wouldn't be any NHS at all, keep voting Tory, as long as you can pay you'll be fine and stuff everyone else. This time they won't be able to decimate our manufacturing sector, there's none left from the last time the asset-stripping, utility privatising, council house selling, poll tax introducing, daily mail reading yuppie wanke_rs were in power.

  19. I'm flying with them next week. I paid £382 return btw.

    I've been through Mumbai before with Jet, what a nightmare place that airport is!

    Wait on the tarmac for a bus, wait for the next bus cos that one's full, drive to the terminal, stand in the doorway for ten minutes while everyone who isn't in transit buggers off, get escorted down endless corridors to arrive at the security screening place (why we needed another security check/bag scan is unknown as we'd all had one at Heathrow and not been anywhere else since) wait for the bag scanner guys to wake up, hand over my lighter to the bag scanner (thieving gits!) have hand baggage tag stamped, frisked, get told there's nowhere for a smoke but find a bar by gate 1 (i think) and buy a big bottle of water so I'm allowed in the smoking room (wanted 100 rupees but got 100 baht) back down to the gate (the other end of the airport) queue for the gate, have passport/boarding pass checked, go through gate, have passport/boarding card and hand baggage stamp checked by someone stood next to the person who checked it 20 seconds before, walk back down endless corridors, walk down to the plane where there is a desk, two guys with paper passenger lists who check passport/boarding card again, and another long queue. Then on to the plane, where my passport and boarding card are checked :)

    Flights were good but Mumbai airport? Not looking forward to it. I was a little nervous about Kingfisher, mainly because it was so cheap! Thanks to the OP for the report.

  20. my g/f's family is a bit spread out, mum lives in Korat, but her sisters (two of about 9 i think!) live in Chiang Rai where she also now lives with her 2 kids, they don't interfere they help when they can, 'you should do this or you should do that' is very rarely heard, they offer ideas in a nice kind of 'roundabout way' but mainly just get on with their lives, working hard on their tobacco farm and fixing various (so-called) tractors and motorbikes that everyone uses (kind of hard to work out who owns what as everyone in the area seems to pitch in together) Just before my last visit my government, via one of it's many privatised sub-contractors, relieved me of about £500 by towing my car away, meaning that on arrival I had about 2,000 baht to last me a week! This was after they had spent about three weeks building two rooms under their house for us to stay in, in between their working on the farm every day. They were very welcoming and didn't mind about the 'rich' farang not having any money, just smiled and laughed 'bank farang mai dee' shared their hospitality, whiskey, and company with me. Even after the bank thing was resolved (I got paid!) they didn't want any money for the work they'd done, just a meal at the bbq restaurant. Her older sister fends off any of the locals who have any negative or pre-conceived ideas about me and she is too busy with organising all the workforce for the farm to get involved with our relationship, 'up to you' is the most they've contributed so far.

    Mum seems like a different kettle of fish, although they do the right thing and all her children send her a little money when they can for her medical treatments and one of her grandchildren lives with her full-time, I get the feeling that the one's who have moved up north are not unhappy to have some distance between them and the family base in Korat. Mum visited for songkran and now she's gone back, i get the sense that there is some relief that everything can now go back to normal. She (mum) does like to talk about money, she was told that 'ok ok when we get a lot money we make blanket and pillow from money for you sleep on money then you happy na!' but she's got 11 surviving children so there's no way I'm funding mum's doctor's habit!

    As far as money from me goes, if I'm asked for anything, it depends on how much and if i think it's a p1ss take or not, same as i do here, if i'm skint i'll ask my friends, if they've got it they'll help, if they haven't they can't. If someone asks me for money i don't want to give them i just say i haven't got it and that's the end of it.

    There's no reason to lose your mind just because the people you're involved with are from another culture

    There are, of course, cultural aspects to be taken into account but where i grew up in London, if you got involved with a girl you also took on her drunken violent brothers/father and a mother who was 'only thinking of what's right for my girl' chipping in with all kinds of 'advice'

    As far as families go, I haven't got one in the UK so I can't really compare. I will say that the Thai family have, so far, been nothing but kind and generous and even though there is a language barrier, (something i am working on btw) I miss them, they're nice people.

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