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Thailand going cashless. Are you for or against it?
connda replied to bob smith's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
So what is my point here? Cash money is inexorably linked to the Thai Buddhist culture. I hate to be Captain Obvious here, but a QR-CODE on a stick isn't going to cut it. Forcefully take cash away from Thailand and it will usher in a social upheaval of government, banking, religious and other institutions. -
Thailand going cashless. Are you for or against it?
connda replied to bob smith's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Btw, here is one overlooked aspect of Thai Buddhist society: papow (I may have the word wrong) and gratin. These are annual events that are widely attended by most Thai villagers and even metropolitan and cosmopolitan Thais. Gratin happens after the annual Rain Retreats. And it is a major festival for each individual temple and a time where the temple generates a majority of their yearly operating income In villages it's a form of given with the expectation that the giver will receive a karmatic reward greater than the sum given. For the metropolitan and cosmopolitan crowds it an opportunity to display status by displaying wealth through giving. Below are some examples of the giving at our own small village temple (about 250 people in our village) Money Trees Are An Iconic Feature Of Buddhist Giving (Dana) and I must admit that the creative artistic nature is very beautiful as well as the really joyful ceremonies. Our small temple generated over 300,000 THB on this one day. There was also a 'papow' organized by my wife and some of her friends before the Gratin ceremony that took in another 10,000+ THB. There are well over 40,000 Buddhist temples in Thailand and they all celebrate these "Dana" ceremonies. Money is given like this all of the time especially during the Rain Retreats, after the Rain Retreats, during all Buddhist holidays, often on the date of the passing away of a relative (we do this annually for my wife's son and my own daughter who both passed away as children -- it's considered a way of passing on good karma to the deceased), and just at any given time when a Thai person or family feels the need to show generosity. -
Just keep taking all of the mRNA boosters as soon as they are available. CDC states to take the bivalent booster 2 months after an initial series which everyone had last year. It looks like Moderna is recommending a booster every 5 months due to rapidly waning efficacy. So to stay safe it looks like you'll need those mRNA boosters every 5 to 6 months as those shots may not keep you from contracting Covid (the CDC director Rochelle P. Walensky is fully vaccinated and boosted but has contracted Covid twice), but the shots are proven to keep you from dying in the hospital like the unvaccinated who end up expiring on a ventilator in huge numbers as is well known as well as infecting large numbers of people unlike the vaccinated.. So if you can't afford the expensive antivirals, then save up for the mRNA boosters. Perhaps Thailand will keep providing them for free although Forbes says that Pfizer shots may increase to $110 to $130 per shot next year. A small price to pay to stay safe when their antivirals are out of your price range. So keep getting those boosters every 5 or 6 months to stay safe is does seem. Listen to the experts in the CDC and the WHO who have nothing but the best interests of humanity in their hearts. Better than dying on a ventilator which will happen to most of those dirty unvaccinated superspreaders. Safe and effective - keep those mRNA shots up to date.
2 million THB capitalization and a Business Visa - and not performing a business that is not allowed for foreigners - like agriculture. Learn to code.
Thailand going cashless. Are you for or against it?
connda replied to bob smith's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
I'm not particularly anti-debit or anti-credit card. CBDCs though? I never want to see that implemented. Shake hands with Mr. Totalitarianism as average citizens will be borderline serfs in the land of "You'll own nothing, and the WEF will be happy." I'll push back on that every opportunity I have. And regarding 'something anyone voted for.' What the hell was Klause Schwab doing at the G-20 meeting with what seemed to be full diplomatic honors and entitlements? Who voted him in as a G-20 leader? But then again. He's not the only one. Ursula von der Leyen - unelected by the EU citizens. Richie (Rich) Sunak - unelected by the UK citizens. I wonder how many of the current crop of Western leaders ARE actually elected (as opposed to appointed or simply assigned by the wealthiest and most powerful), as well as how many are full WEF YGL protegees who have massive electoral funding by the WEF and its backers. Western countries are no longer actual 'democracies' with 'democratically elected 'leaders.' Any actually believing that pablum is a fool. Most Western governments now seem to be kleptocracies, plutocracies, or a bastardization of their own self-ascribed "public-private partnerships" which is basically the definition of Fascism. Elections are essentially purchase by the highest bidder. That's pretty da*m sad imho. It's all Kubuki Theater. And all of these "leaders" are pro-CBDC as well as pro-Neo-Feudalism. "You'll own nothing and you'll pretend to be happy, or else we turn off your CBDC access to everything. So pucker up and smile plebs." -
Thailand going cashless. Are you for or against it?
connda replied to bob smith's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Like usual, one more time at Makro today. Wife and I had to stand behind a couple who had already been rung up, but were in the process of paying. And it happened again. They have to fiddle with their phones, dink around with the application, couldn't get it to work, and opted for a credit card which had to be run through at the front desk, and the receipt brought over to be signed. We sat for about 5 minutes just for these people to do nothing but pay. We had two full carts of food. The cashier totaled it, Maybe two minutes. After which I counted out the money, and received my change and receipt in all of about 20 seconds. We don't hold others up with these stupid "cashless" transaction. I detest the technology. Of course banks and Big Corp love it as they can track every single purchase you made, and then consolidate as your data for marketing as well as selling what should otherwise be private information to the whoever is willing to purchase the data. That's why "cashless" is being pushed. After my transaction Marko may have marketing data on us based on our Marko Card account (wife's account). But that's probably about as far as it goes. My wife is the fool who wants to have accounts with these stores (especially Big C) in order to get discounts. What she fails to realize is that those 'discounts' are the price of the company using what should be her private transaction data. So no. Cashless isn't "convenient." It's a PITA and destroys your privacy, and it will eventually lead to governments, banks, and corporations being able to control your behavior so that you remain a good, quiet, compliant commoner. Not that I'm not a good, quiet commoner. Compliant? Not so much but I keep it pretty much to myself. I prefer my privacy. -
When did farang start to mean a white person
connda replied to kingstonkid's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
When I'm in a group of Thais and hear the word, "Farang", I know exactly who they are talking about, and at the point I tend to focus in on the conversation. It's fun catching them saying something derogatory (it doesn't happy often but it does happen) and then saying something that lets them know I heard and understood them, usually with me grinning and making direct eye-contact. Major loss of face. But most of the time it's a simply descriptor that identifies one person out of a crowd, or a specific somebody who lives in a Tambon that is rather free of Westerners. Other than that though, I don't care. I live in an area where I'm one out of another two 'farangs' in our Tambon, and I don't know either of them personally. Just the way I like it. -
When did farang start to mean a white person
connda replied to kingstonkid's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Ditto. -
My standard method of crossing a cross walk as I nearly got killing crossing the road on a green in CM 15 years ago. Press button. Wait for green light. Look in the opposite direction of traffic for the moron who is driving the wrong way. Then shift back to the oncoming traffic and gauge everyone's speed. If someone isn't stopping? Don't get in the way, However slap the mirror and fall down - - or just slap the mirror - or just let it go. Keep your eyes on the traffic until you get to the other side of the road. DON'T ever assume that any driver is going to stop for you. Personally if I was on a motorcycle or had a clear path around the downed guy, I would have gone after the truck to get a clear license number, then back off. Go back and talk to the cops and give them then information.
Finding an internship in Thailand
connda replied to MJJJ's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Do you speak and write Thai fluently. Well, there's your first hurtle. -
Been there, done that. 45 years ago. I'm pretty amazed watching Thais weld with nothing but a pair of sunglasses, no leathers, no hood, no cares at all. Probably like the Pakastanis and Indian guys. However, I know one thing for sure. Given enough time they are going to fry their retinas. But like you, I've a ton of amazement and respect. But I'd never do it without safety equipment.
Sick people with weak immune systems should wear 3M P-100 masks. If you're healthy? There is no reason for you to wear a mask. All this hysteria began in 2020 and has become "mandated behavior." Funny - before 2020 it wasn't "mandated behavior" and the entire world survived. In fact, the eugenicist billionaires insist there at wayyyyy too many of us useless eaters contaminating Gaia and most of use should be eliminated. So? Why complain about Covid. According the them it's culling to commoners who need to be culled to save Mother Earth!
COVID surge just a “new wave” which will gradually fade after the New Year blah blah blah blah blah Maybe they should close the borders and lock the public in their homes. Sorta like China, where from what I'm hearing, members of the public are finding Zero-Covid as getting really, really old. Well, perhaps I'm being Captain Obvious but.... If I ran a huge media cartel and every time some member of the scientific community whom we refer to as an "Expert" begins to tongue-lash the public about the dangers of the brand new, absolutely novel, guaranteed to kill ya permutations of <gasp> Covid - imagine the power I can wield. Even better. If I know that I can go from my government job, to a job in the pharmaceutical industry, or rack in grant money for any study that supports the status-quo, and then in-and-out of the revolving door in order to make mandates, laws, and edicts? All the while being privy to the mandates, laws, and edicts before the public so I can trade the stock market with impunity? Lordy - ain't life grand? Well, of course. I'd attempt to scare the bejesus out of the gullible rabble and the rather ignorant commoners every chance I had if it help me amass power, status, and wealth. I'm 70+ years old. I've had more colds, influenzas, and various upper respiratory viruses than I can count, and no doubt, all of the viruses - back in the olden days - all had scientific names - and? Nobody gave hoot what they were called, well, unless the influenza of the day needed to be stoked by the MSM. I knew people who had H1N1 and it was brutal and it killed a bunch of people too. But - just another flu. In fact virtually all upper respiratory infections had one of two names: A cold, or the flu. Covid is "just another flu" (the Flu being and upper respiratory infection that makes you feel like complete <deleted>, for most people they get over it and it goes away, and for a handful it kills them) and if it isn't hyped beyond imagination, it will go the way of all the other flus, colds, and upper respiratory infection. Here today, gone tomorrow. Really - this constant Covid hype is insanity. Just freaking stop.
And, Oh my goodness. Especially in the United States of America. Check out how the courts fall on the side of large corporations and monied individuals when it comes to taking "The Lowly Commoner's Land" in the name of? Eminent Domain. The Government: "But but but - if we take the land your and your ancestors have had since the mid-1800s and give it to Walmart, Amazon, or Blackrock? Think of all the tax revenues we can have rolling in - as well as campaign contributions for us helping them urinate on the upturned faces of the America public!!! <--- This is called, "Democracy." ????
Court Accepts Cannabis Lawsuit Against Anutin, ONCB
connda replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
"Thailand has enough trouble with drunk farang that it really does not need to deal with the pot head-stoned farang " <---- Your race-based quote @kingstonkid Because you insinuated that "Farangs" are an issue. We can probably insinuate that "Drunk Farangs" (your words) insinuating that White people in Thailand are a sort of uniformly problem of alcohol abuse across the Thailand. I hate to inform you, but drunkenness is is not a racial trait. Drunkeness and drug issues transcend race. Don't make "farangs" being drunks and "potheads" an issue as it makes you're assertions border on overt racism. And honestly? If find that disturbing. By the way - you set the stage that you yourself are now dancing on. Go back and read through your own threads. 1. "Thailand has enough trouble with drunk farang that it really does not need to deal with the pot head-stoned farang " (Farangs are white people of European decent so.....your diatribe is anti-white. FYI-"White", as in 'white skinned' is a color in case you didn't know and a racial ethnicity.). 2. "Me think you have smoked too much of the woke tabaccy." (When all else fails, resort to ad-hominid attacks of another member's character.) So: Just to point out Aseannow Modation rules which you seem to flaunt: "Do not flame, troll or stalk other members". "Me think you have smoked too much of the woke tabaccy." <--- your flaming words. And 15: "You will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor. " " "Thailand has enough trouble with drunk farang that it really does not need to deal with the pot head-stoned farang " <---- your racist diatribe aimed on light-skinned individuals of European decent - or any other light-skinned individual whom most Thai would refer to as 'white' (farang) based on their skin color. Let me make a recommendation: Really - mellow out. Have respect. Don't attack other members. And realize that "People of color includes the entire color spectrum." ❤️ -
Options for palliative care after terminal cancer diagnosis
connda replied to ArcticFox's topic in Health and Medicine
You missed my point. Thailand isn't exactly the epicenter of human compassion especially when it comes to pain relief and palliative care. I wish I could help! But like a lot of my fellow farangs here in Thailand, I know there is no such thing as hospice care. Unfortunately if you're dying of a dread disease, as far as I know ending your own life is one of the few options. Personally I'd like to know. I don't particularly want to have to check myself out in order to escape pain that is easily treated in Western countries for the dying. In fact, many of us older expats planning to simply die in Thailand probably want to know too. -
Options for palliative care after terminal cancer diagnosis
connda replied to ArcticFox's topic in Health and Medicine
Compassion is lacking here. -
Agreed. Contact a Dee Money Rep directly.
Court Accepts Cannabis Lawsuit Against Anutin, ONCB
connda replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
That should make a few million cannabis criminals as well as a few thousand 'cannabis traffickers' with just a wave of a hand by a judge. Better build concentration camps and the prisons won't hold everyone. Of course, the judgement would never apply to "Special People." -
I want to talk with a highly knowledgeable Android-based Smart Phone salesman who can speak fluent English, ie, I need them to understand the phone, the underlying Android OS, the phone's specifications, and it's ability to be rooted. I've worked with enough Thai sales staff who can talk in broken English and don't display much understanding of the phones they sell past the common User Interfaces. Finding a sale staff who is technically proficient and fluent is as rare as hen's teeth, but they are out there if you can find them. I'm just trying to find one. So can someone make a recommendation for a shop and a specific sale's staff member who fits those qualifications in Chiang Mai or Lamphun where I live, however here in Lamphun the 'broken English' variety are pretty much all I can find. Because my eye-sight and fine-motor skills are lacking, and because I don't want another phone that I can't force to upgrade if need be, I want to have an understandable conversation with the Smart Phone sales staff who can knowledgeable answer my questions. And although my my eye-sight and fine-motor skills are lacking, I don't want any expensive, bulky, large-screen Adroid phone. I don't use a Smart Phone enough to warrant the extra expense. If you know Android Smart Phone sales staff like this, please let me know. I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks!