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  1. Well, rumour has it that Diane Abbott and Mr Jeremy Corbyn were offered, but were subsequently considered not genteel enough...
  2. I suppose it doesn't help that Mandelson is a prominent homosexual. But, then, he can't be the first such person to occupy a senior position in the British diplomatic service....
  3. Yeah, that's why their MP was also the Prime Minister of the UK, none other than Harold Wislon (as Private Eye used to call him).
  4. So, let me be clear: you don't like chicks with fake boobs????
  5. "Pretty"!! Such a quaint old-fashioned word. But yes, I see what you mean......
  6. What an absolute joke!!!! You have the French, whose main political goal is to extinguish the English language in Quebec, "defending the Canadian identity"!!!!!!! What utter mindless poppycock. Quebec, incidentally, could not exist without the billions of dollars of transfer funds pumped in from Western Canada. I do hope the French will one day win the referendum to separate from the rest of Canada, so that we can all laugh all the way to the bank to deposit our savings.
  7. haha, nice try......I see you yourself are not above the odd bigoted remark , even if you use quotation marks to try to soften the blow. But to repeat: Westerners (of all ages) are deeply resentful of the reactionary hold that the French have over Canadian politics.
  8. The joke's on you, Patty boy. I merely queried whether "save the frogs" (as he calls himself) was indeed a frog, an acceptable slang idiom for the French in general and for Quebecers in particular. As a British Columbian I can assure you that the vast majority of men in Western Canada refer to their Quebec brothers as frogs. Full of noise and achieving nothing. Now or ever.
  9. You never heard of George W.Bush??? Or Tony Blair or General Prayut?
  10. Are you a frog, like Trudeau???
  11. Maher is a smart-ass ignoramus. How come he didn't come out much earlier with these post-election brave discoveries that the Dems were a lying bunch of thieves? They were deservedly tossed out before they wreaked even more havoc upon the country. Maher, despite being a comic who's supposed to mock human flaws, wants only "nice" people to occupy positions of power. Such people would be 98% Dems and a handful of Republicans like (I'm holding my nose) Liz Cheney and her ilk.
  12. That would be amazing as Neil is the Grand Daddy of Woke Ah, thanks. Did not know that (well, I know nothing about the likes of Young except that he twangs on a guitar).

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