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  1. Just like the Russians, you think (Putin, Medvedev, Putin, Medvedev etc etc etc for ever)? But no, that copying of Russian practice would open Trump to the normal Dem accusation that he's a Russian "asset"!!! But fear not, they'll find some other hoax to flog to the masses.
  2. This palm-reading is a classic example of "whistling in the dark".
  3. Jill Biden (sorry: DR Jill Biden) was the loyal wife who called out to her hubby "You answered ALL the questions, Joe!" at the conclusion of her husband's last hurrah, when the whole country could finally see how senile the poor chump was, a condition that had been concealed wherever possible for three years until that night. Only people who regularly watched Fox News knew the full extent of his imbecility. And were not shocked by his inability to answer the powder-puff questions tossed his way. Yes, I suppose that kind of lying for your husband is a form of love.....
  4. Gatwick is traditionally the bucket-and-spade airport, which may also reflect on Thailand's global position as a holiday destination.
  5. Thanks. This is one of the best contributions to an AN thread on any subject that I have read in some time. Begins with the good stuff, than turns to the "oops" stuff, and what a brave confession follows. And it ends with a big laugh of common sense: yes, we all know that entering a Thai road is potentially a daily sentence of death. Well, ok, ALL of us live with a daily sentence of death, but why bring it on early? Thanks for that wonderful dose of common sense. The best medicine.
  6. Well, rumour has it that Diane Abbott and Mr Jeremy Corbyn were offered, but were subsequently considered not genteel enough...
  7. I suppose it doesn't help that Mandelson is a prominent homosexual. But, then, he can't be the first such person to occupy a senior position in the British diplomatic service....
  8. Yeah, that's why their MP was also the Prime Minister of the UK, none other than Harold Wislon (as Private Eye used to call him).
  9. So, let me be clear: you don't like chicks with fake boobs????
  10. "Pretty"!! Such a quaint old-fashioned word. But yes, I see what you mean......
  11. What an absolute joke!!!! You have the French, whose main political goal is to extinguish the English language in Quebec, "defending the Canadian identity"!!!!!!! What utter mindless poppycock. Quebec, incidentally, could not exist without the billions of dollars of transfer funds pumped in from Western Canada. I do hope the French will one day win the referendum to separate from the rest of Canada, so that we can all laugh all the way to the bank to deposit our savings.
  12. haha, nice try......I see you yourself are not above the odd bigoted remark , even if you use quotation marks to try to soften the blow. But to repeat: Westerners (of all ages) are deeply resentful of the reactionary hold that the French have over Canadian politics.

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