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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Very few westerners live in our village where I live, didn't even know he was English until his wife told me. ???? On topic though I didn't have the heart to tell her it was a daft thing to think of to open another restaurant in our village.
  2. Jesus won't help him either. ???? I read your posts maybe that's why I'm harsh. ????
  3. Just check you friend has 1st class insurance for any driver. Make sure there are no restrictions on how many years holding the Thai DL and it is not restricted to only 5 year full Thai DL holders.
  4. I like Som tam, price has increased over the years 25 to 30, some places 40.
  5. His opened a restaurant worse the than buying an MG. Tried saying hello but I just get blanked, his Mrs is OK though maybe she told him I said his beer price and food prices are too expensive.
  6. What country is that, everything fine where I live.
  7. Things go up and down like usual haven't noticed any big difference in costs of living in the area of Thailand I live.
  8. Move anywhere in the world with no money as an immigrant is not a good idea IMHO. My relatives in NZ don't have a problem living there because again it's only the poor that suffer.
  9. The lottery numbers can be found by going to Thai people who can read the picture card pack thingies.
  10. Good call, the religious control freaks. ????????
  11. An English guy in our village has bought an MG for his Mrs with Union Jack on the roof is that OK. ????
  12. Well I don't understand how you find it difficult to sell anything then, use your Thai ID card.
  13. To sell my bike I signed 2 forms from DLT office. Signed 1 photocopy of my passport picture page. Signed 1 photocopy of passport page with my current year extension stamp. Signed 1 photocopy of my Yellow house book for proof of address of stay. Took the money and gave green book and bike to buyer.
  14. Great report of no news, why and how did a nine year old girl get shot.
  15. How do you know the shocks on the vehicle are no good. A good Cockpit outlet would tell you if they are still ok and if they are ok a Toyota dealer would say you should of changed them long time. ????
  16. If your son wants to do the yellow belt test pay for it you tight son of a deleted. ????
  17. Kwasaki

    Bum guns

    Global house metal handle not plastic has work for me for years when they give trouble I replace them but you have get it fixed up correctly.
  18. Yeah I was only saying brushing teeth after meals leads to a healthy mouth, I do realise people have accidents and problems I have been lucky I guess, only two back teeth gone at 75 years old.
  19. I have aways brushed my teeth with Colgate so no problem. ☺️
  20. Posts like this make me laugh who knows what you like, go test drive, buy one and find out.
  21. I was guessing the facts and agree wrong to do but I will see if I guess right. RIP old guy and he tried to get help to save himself still after the attack, tough old fella bless him.
  22. Been discussing making changes to motor laws on radio in Thai for a couple of days and now as you say back to usual. I fitted seat belts but nothing was said when stopped at check points before I fitted them. I just thought it was such an unfair thing to do within such a short time just to rip off the poor.
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