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  1. Would be nice to know the details that led up to the accident. Were there other people involved? Other cars, motorbikes, etc?
  2. Well in a roundabout way, you just did! You seem to be infatuated with the President elect of the USA.
  3. ..........and you know this, how? Personal experience??
  4. Hiring illegal Burmese workers is a job reserved for Thais. Didn't they know that? No wonder they got snitched out by someone. Now just deport these two miscreants back to their own country along with a 10 year ban on returning.
  5. I've seen a lot of these one wheeled electric unicycles in my home country whizzing along at pretty fast speeds (35kph++) on multi use paths that have people on bicycles, roller blades, walking, and running. Most of these people are kitted out in a full face motorcycle type helmet, long sleeve jacket, gloves, knee pads, and elbow pads, along with gloves. Most seem to obey the most basic of rules and really don't cause any problems.
  6. She would need to go to a hospital ASAP after the alleged incident took place where they use a "rape kit" to collect samples of foreign bodily fluids which would then need to be matched through DNA with the suspect. No need to be deceased. They would also document any physical abuse through photographs taken.
  7. I remember when this happened back in the 90's. The local motorcycle driver became the "local hero" for unknowingly thwarting a potential bombing that could killed and injured many people.
  8. Also for citizens of certain countries that support Israel with billions of dollars in foreign aid and weapons.
  9. Looks like his stay in Thailand has just been extended. Includes accommodation and meals.
  10. Based on the article it might be a good idea to avoid places and establishments that cater to Israeli citizens.
  11. Is he really that broke for money that he has to return to the ring?
  12. It's a good thing that the Thai man didn't have friends with him, or a knife and/or gun on him, or we might be reading a much different story. FWIW, best not to "show a middle finger" to some random Thai male.
  13. Probably not Muslim as she is from Nakhon Sawan according to her Facebook page.
  14. It does sound like the legal system did want to make an example out of her. Life in a Swedish prison will be better than Thailand but it's still not great at the age of 20 and looking at a number of your prime years being locked up.

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