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Posts posted by jcb2001

  1. Another disagreement that got lost in translation on the island of crime and death.

    For sure he got involved with the wrong people.

    Business conflict? Unwise to mess with the locals rice bowl...

    I fear Puket's reputation is becoming tarnished. It appears that tourist are still not afraid of travelling to Puket. Just curious, I wonder how Puket's crime rates stand with other major tourist destinations? coffee1.gif

  2. Erradicate. Naturally...

    I'd be more curious to understand where such a mindset derives.

    You don't have to like it, but be especially to the insect [and related] world.

    Far more beneficial [and connected] to the systems than our species.

    I believe you're looking upon the wrong lifeform for extermination.

    I bet you have never seen a scorpion or centepede. Do you even live in Thailand?

  3. Life in Issan is full of surprises. I can tolerate many things here for the enjoyment of the quiet and tranquil lifestyle of country living. But, I having a lot of trouble dealing with ants, centipedes, and scorpions. I have been stung by scorpions twice. Believe me, I never want to go through that pain again.

    Does anybody have any solutions for erradicating these pests. How do the rest of us cope with them?

    I live right next to the fields in Isaan, never had a problem so far apart from the fire ants and some caterpillar that sheds it hairs and I have a particularly bad reaction to.

    My advice, precautions.. what were the circumstances that you got stung by scorpions ? I will bet it could have been avoided with precautions.

    totster smile.png

    The first time I was stung by a scorpion was my fault. It was hiding in my shoe and got me when I was trying to put it on. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Like getting hit from 220 volts. After an hour, I was feeling numbness all the way up to my groin. I ended up in the emergency room for pain relief. The second time, I got up in the middle of the night in the dark and stepped on one.

    I have always tried to keep my grass short around our home to keep these critters away. We pay special attention to keeping the inside of our home clear of anything that might harbour these pest.

    I tried to look for spray or powder that can keep these at bay. Oh, my Thai wife says a centepede bite is is much worst than a scorpion. I also found a centepede crossing my foot one night at the computer desk. Luckly, the centepede didn't bite. I just wish there was some way not to have to face them in my home.

  4. Life in Issan is full of surprises. I can tolerate many things here for the enjoyment of the quiet and tranquil lifestyle of country living. But, I having a lot of trouble dealing with ants, centipedes, and scorpions. I have been stung by scorpions twice. Believe me, I never want to go through that pain again.

    Does anybody have any solutions for erradicating these pests. How do the rest of us cope with them?

  5. Without the internet isolation will set in...

    I have to agree. Not having access to English TV or newspapers in English here near Ubon, the internet are my eyes and ears and sanity to the outside world. I have a AIS air card that I use with my laptop. Super slow speeds, but it works. I love the country life and get by very nicely without all the other options we depend on back home. But, internet is a must!

  6. The government has done more to beat up this rally than everyone else put together. I doubt that such a massive crowd as predicted will turn out. I think they are just paranoid that their own tactics might be used against them.

    Eg. A bit of bomb throwing here and there requiring an armed response, a bit of blood on the floor, a campaign to demonise the Fairy Princess as a ruthless killer and destabilise the government etc etc etc. Worked last time.

    I don't think you can compare this demonstration tomorrow with the red shirt demonstration in May 2010. The 2010 protest was well planned out with red shirt and black shirt para military commandos doing there thing, bombings and intimidation. These red shirt thugs let everyone know, they meant business. I'm not convinced the tomorrows demonstration will be as threating. Wait and see.

  7. PTP wants to select their own crony?

    There's a surprise!

    Isn't it normal in most countries that top positions are appointed by the government with consultation with military chiefs? I know in Australia positions like the Chief of the defence force is Government appointed and shared b/w the Army/Navy/Airforce (a rotation) other organisations like the police forces also are government appointed (chief Comm) They still work independently but senior positions are government appointmennts.

    Only in Thailand. After all the military has been through over these past several years, they don't trust anyone outside of their ranks. Rightfully so, it seems the military is the only stable and sane branch of the government right now. Having the Yingluck governmenting trying to control the military, while monopolizing all the other branches of government agencies under their span of control is dangerous ground to tread on. Don't mess with the military.

  8. These clowns, whatever shirt they may wear, would get a lot more done if they would spend more time taking care of business and less time on critiquing the other's faults.

    That is what they are there for. I take it you are for a dictatorship under Thaksin.

    There is enough uneducated Thais to think the PT is doing a wonderful job. And they know it to be a fact because Thaksin said so.

    Father knows best.

  9. Perhaps if the government spent some time looking after the people they are meant to be representing instead of looking after vested interests that have nothing to do with the good of the nation, then perhaps things may be different to what they are now, but as it stands, the head of the government is not the elected priminister, but rather a man in self imposed exile overseas, and it is to him that members of the current government have been seen leaving this country to go see him in other countries for advice and directions, this goverment is a body with a separated head, while the body fumbles around bumping into walls, the head just cruises along seemingly unaware of the bungling going on at home.

    You hit the bulls eye with that analegy of the current government. Well said.

  10. I have biting questions to Mr. Abhisit:

    1. When you were in Office, where were you, when you were too busy NOT handling the accumulating flood problem measurements that were apparently to come months later, when you were dethroned by the Taksin organization?

    2. What did he do to make the country better? Nothing??

    So is he any better than Yingluck???

    Yes, He didn't hide from the issues like Yingluck does. Has the country ever gotten a straight answer from Yingluck? She doesn't even know what her cabinet is doing, much less, the business going on in the government.

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  11. I was under the impression that the US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) specifies that one of the grounds for ineligibility for a visa was "“moral turpitude”. This term appeared in US immigration law in 1891, and directed the exclusion from the United States of "persons who have been convicted of a felony or other infamous crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude". The most common elements involving moral turpitude are: (1) Fraud; (2) Larceny; and (3) Intent to harm persons or thing (sic).

    If my memory does not fail... I believe that Mr. T. was convicted in his country for for violating Article 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act. Isn't "corruption" a "fraud"?

    Going by the book, corruption includes "misuse of office or position of authority for private gain" and fraud involves betrayal of trust....Does it not look like the reason why TS was condemned?

    Well, than... his visa should not have been issued.

    Exactly, I would be interested to hear how or who approved a wavier for Thaksin's felony crimes. Just a brief explanation would do. Not the explanation Ambassdor Kenney gave. "Very lame excuse" from the embassy. Someone has to be responsible for allowing Thaksin to enter the US. We need an explanation! The Thai people need an explanation.

  12. What a line of BS coming from Ambassdor Kenney. I wanna puke. Is this the official US Embassy response? She must think we are a bunch of kindegarders for such a childish explanation. Thaksin's visa has to have been granted a wavier before it was approved. I do know criminal Canadians are given waviers quite often to enter the US. Most are for 4 or 5 year old marijuana arrest with no current arrest. Thaksin's visa approval is not normal as Ambassdor Kenney suggests. Thaksin is a convicted felon on the run. Approval of Thaksin's visitor visa is not one of the normal 50,000 visas approved by the embassy. A wavier approval of this type comes from the highest official in the state department. I guess money talks.

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  13. Does the new 777-300ER have the legs to fly non-stop from BKK to LAX like the old A340-500ER that Thai use to use? I personally do not like the non-stop flights and was happy to hear that Thai recently dropped their non-stop flight between BKK and LAX. Hope the route between LAX and Bangkok includes a couple hour stop in Japan or Korea when they start the new 777 service.

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