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Posts posted by jcb2001

  1. The origins of the domesticated dog makes a fascinating read (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_domestic_dog) but it doesn't really help the O.P. much. To fence his whole property (5 rai) may well be cost prohibitive, fencing off a smaller portion around the house may be an answer but then you've got the pain of opening gates every time you want to access the whole property. From the OP it would seem that it is just one of his two dogs that is the main culprit. The OP may have to seriously consider getting rid of that particular animal no matter how fond he is of it, Better a loved dog given to a good home, than a dead one.

    Point well taken. A fence around the whole yard is almost cost prohibited and not a wise investment for me at this time. I am looking at giving the dog away to remote area farmers who really seem to like the dog's demeanor and spirit. Maybe the Thai farmer can handle him better than me.

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  2. I thought the judges said it was LIKELY that these men were killed by soldiers,not that

    they were.

    regards Worgeordie

    Correct. The conclusion was that the victims were killed by high-powered rifles, the same type used by the Army, although there is no tangible evidence that the weapons were fired by troops. We are, however, all aware that large caches of these weapons and ammo were removed from a military base prior to the riots, so the evidence is, at best, circumstantial.

    The case will have be thrown out. If I am proven wrong, and it isn't, then the justice system in Thailand becomes an even greater mockery on the world stage than it already is, and many individuals, and companies, will find themselves needing to reconsider their presence here.

    What I find remarkable is that those clowns such as Jatuporn, Arisman and Nattawut have not been convicted of terrorism, inciting riot, inciting arson and other grievous charges, all based upon video evidence, whilst they continue to chase Abhisit and Suthep with such trumped up nonsense...!!?

    But, isn't the Criminal Court, who is slated to hear this case, Pro-Thaksin? Does Abhisit really have a snowballs chance in hell with the Criminal Court?
  3. If you as a British national are taking a Thai child out of the country, you may be asked to prove that you either have sole custody of the child or suitable permission from the mother. I'm surprised the British embassy couldn't provide more information about this, because the problems may occur when you try to bring the child into the U.K.

    I am not surprised at all. The British Embassy has localised nearly all the consular positions now and it's very hard to talk to anyone who has a clue or gives a dam_n about British citizens these days. Some years ago they had a mix of staff from the UK and locally employed look krueng and other Thais who spoke English very well and obviously understood the British culture and legal environment. Nowadays a visit to the consular section in Bangkok feels more like a visit to Thai Immigration or the Labour Ministry. As HMG's cost cutting measures bite ever harder, front office staff now speak heavily accented English and obviously have no clue about British culture or law. Any basic question results in an aggressive Thai Chinese bitch storming out of the back office to tell you that whatever you wanted to do can't be done, without bothering to listen or consider the case, and please leave now. I have sometimes only managed to get documents I needed by going back a second time and mercifully getting my case put to one of the UK vice-consuls who are usually able to understand the issues in an instant, if you have the chance to talk to them.

    So don't expect any insightful or helpful advice. If your request is not on the list of things they can charge a fat fee for a few minutes work, get on your bike. If it's about visas to the UK, you will be told to ask VFS, the embassy's outsourced service and all email enquiries to the consulate are automatically forwared to VFS, who actually seem to have better informed and more polite Thai staff than the consulate.

    This is grossly unfair. The British consul office in Chiang Mai could not be more helpfull. With an attitude like yours I am surprised anyone would even sell you a cup of coffee.
    . I am not surprised at all. Your good experience in Chiang Mai is the exception. Most embassies could give a rat's ass about your problems these days. They are under staffed, overworked, and live in a hell hole place and just want to go home and get a stiff drink and forget about all the problems they heard during their workday. So they take it out on you if your paperwork is incomplete or in error. Sometimes it is just worth having a good lawyer do it.
  4. Our Great Thinker in Dubai is indeed mightily quiet on the 'rice pledging' scheme. He's probably thinking hard on how to get his Bloomberg interview from September, 2012 removed. It already started with setting the right tone :-)

    "Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said a rice-purchase program should be extended for several more years, rebuffing critics who say the policy has increased government debt and encouraged corruption."


    . Thaksin is too busy being a tourist in America. He said on his facebook page that he went to the Whitehouse in Washington DC. Not for a meeting with Obama, mind you. He had his picture taken on Pennsylvania Ave outside the Whitehouse gates. Like a normal tourist would. So much for any meetings with US diplomats. Glad he's being distracted trying to sound "worldly important" to comment on the rice pledging scam back in Thailand.
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  5. Oh my! This story makes a lot of sense to me now that you opened my eyes to this scam. Next time I have an oil change done, I'm sticking around to watch. Thanks for the great info.

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  6. You must live on my road! Same problem, been saying next year for over 6 years. And, (whoever's responsible) does not even maintain the road. It becomes very dangerous for motorcycles during the dry season with sand pits on the road.

    News 3 reporters came out and did a story on our dirt road. My wife also got a petition started by home owners in the area to have the road paved, but it never happened.

    Good luck on your road.

    Be careful on what you wish for.......... a tarmac road is not the be all and end all......

    7km from the main road to my Village was a dirt road, from time to time trucks would dump a loads of hardcore down, washed away when rained, 4 years later all the 13 km road to next bigger road was tarmac, but how ? appeared they came with even more hardcore and then used the tarmac machine to cover... Now 6 years on at this moment re tarmac is again under way, this is done at least every year, the 2 ends about 2 km in of the road where re done much better after the 2011 floods, made much higher + had drains......... the drains were higher than the tarmac, the road is higher then the odd shops and houses........ at this moment as I said they are re doing the whole length, the area nearest to main road with a few shops they have done ...... it is now 4 tarmac levels higher again, now the drains are well below the road level.. Are they going to do the whole road 4 levels of tarmac higher ? they just stopped each layer 4 big bumps so guess yes as not smoothed down

    Because the edge of the road keeps breaking on the rest of this road, they have another strip each side....... again very odd in some places this strip is 2 meters wide, there are a couple of houses [were on the edge of the old road before widening] that are now in the road, and of course the 7 bridges are still the same.......... So the road is at least 1 meter higher than the fields, hardcore dumped by the truck load then loads of sand rolled and then tarmac = the new part has great holes in, craters in places, edges broken and fallen into the fields, and the workers are only 100 meters past.. we have had some rain.. it is raining now.. the mind boggles what is the point ?

    So in 10 years here would say that the road was better for the 1st 4years, at least a dirt road people drive slow, the road was not used as a short cut..

    Guess is same with many Village roads, most are the same around here, had they spend the money to build them correct in the 1st place we would not have road repairs for 9 months of the road every year

    I have no problem with a dirt road in front of my home. Paving it would be nice, but at least, "maintain it". The problem is that no one takes any responsibility for the maintenance of the road. Road maintenance can be as infrequent as often as every 2 or 3 years here. A dirt road requires a lot more frequent maintenance than a paved road., Grading is needed every couple of month to keep it accessible and safe to cars, trucks, and motorcycles and even bicycles.
  7. You must live on my road! Same problem, been saying next year for over 6 years. And, (whoever's responsible) does not even maintain the road. It becomes very dangerous for motorcycles during the dry season with sand pits on the road.

    News 3 reporters came out and did a story on our dirt road. My wife also got a petition started by home owners in the area to have the road paved, but it never happened.

    Good luck on your road.

  8. I am/was pretty much in the same situation as you. I tried a True aircard, but didn't like the idea of them having my personnel information for the service, later when they try to screw you with additional payments. I recently changed to a DTAC aircard 3g. In my remote area around Ubon, I manage to get up to 2 meg for 1000 baht/month. You get unlimited service and high speed up to 5 GB. After that it goes to 385 Kbps for the remainder of the month. No personal info needed to get this service. I would love to have 3BB, but like you, I also am outside of their footprint. So far, I'm somewhat satisfied with DTAC, until something better comes along.

  9. Build a wall, using the marker as part of it.

    Doesn't need to be a long wall.

    Or mount a small Buddha statue on top of the marker post and affix a small table with flowers and incense.


    Motive is claiming the land as you don't use it, and he will claim he does and has for years.

    Plant a crop, rent it to a third party, grow some fruit trees. Use it or lose it, as they say.

    Being that this is the 2nd time, I'd ask the village pooyai baan what he thinks you should do. He may know more about your neighbor than you do right now. But the above post pretty well explains what's happening.
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  10. Isn't this what ministers do? Explain the issues of their ministries to the public?????

    But is that what they are doing????

    Well they are going to put their single version out there instead of having every pm and his dog making individual statements and also cut yingluck out of saying anything.

    When has Yingluck ever said anything about her gov't, except to pass the buck on to someone else.

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  11. I'd like to borrow your dog to teach my dog!

    My land is over run with neighbors filthy, destructive chickens.

    They sh*t all over everything, dig up my landscape and vege garden, track mud all over and steal the dog's food.

    Why can't Thais confine their chickens in a coop as people do in every other country I have been in?

    These filthy birds spread diseases as well as cause damage to property!

    The only good chicken is the cooked one on your plate!

    Scratch your dog's belly for me and tell him to keep up the good work!

    Can I borrow your dog please?

    I'm afraid there is no hope for my dog, "Chocolate" as he has killed several chickens and probably won't stop. I am going to take him to Khong Chiam where he will be welcomed by a farmer and his family. There's no future for the dog here in Ubon. At least he will have a second chance at life.

  12. One day its chickens and the next day it might be a child.

    I love dogs, but I hate owners that cannot control them.

    Fence your yard up, pay the neighbor for every chicken your dog kills, plus interest and start behaving responsible. You know what you need to do !

    If I was your neighbor, I would already have fixed the chicken killing issue... They just may take that action soon, so be prepared for what happens and understand why it happened.

    As you said and some posters have missed it... You dogs are in their land now....

    Point well taken. I did pay the neighbor for the chicken. So far, the neighbors are pretty understanding. I'm very aware of what the neighbors can do, so I want them to know I'm pro-active so they won't have to resort to that.

  13. Your dog needs training - reinforcement and reward is much more effective than "punishment" as dogs are seldom aware of what they are being punished for.

    Many people blame foxes on the death of their chickens ducks etc, but more often than not it is dogs that do the damage.......(foxes often come after around looking for carrion.)

    In essence you have to train your dog to come to heel or STOP when you tell them......this is perfectly possible with patience and little treats.

    You also want to teach the animal to be calm around chickens - e.i. obeying YOUR commands gets a treat whilst getting excited about the hens will not.

    One probem ca be if they can see the chickens all day etc - they just get more and more frustrated and excited by these "sitting ducks" so once they get the opportunity they go crazy - quite literally.

    You are obviously a concerned and responsible owner - It's your dog - you are responsible for it and its training and if it causes trouble it is your fault.....so train it. You might want to go to Amazon and download a book on it.


    Good point. My dog does go crazy when he sees a chicken to chase. He won't stop for anything until he has it in his mouth. I want to try positive rewards to control him, but I know this will be a monumental task.

    The second idea I like is to build a small fenced in pen to keep him in.

  14. I live on 5 rai of land in rural Ubon. I have 2 great male dogs that guard our property. One is about 2 years old and loves everyone that comes by to visit. Very docile around people, but has a bad habit of hunting all the neighbors chickens. He started by chasing them out of our yard, but now is hunting them in the neighbor's land for fun.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to break this dog of chasing and killing the neighbor's chickens?

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  15. I did observe an USAF C-17 take off from Ubon several months ago. A very heavy and large cargo aircraft with 4 engines. But, they are designed for short field landings and take offs.

    Not that 9000 feet of runway is small. I think even a B-747 could land in I that distance. The problem I see is making the u turn back to the terminal after landing. A B-737 or A320 can just barely make it.

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