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Posts posted by jcb2001

  1. Has anyone else noticed that most of the criminals paraded at these photo shoots, Thai and foreign, are heavily tattooed?

    What do people think of the idea that, at Immigration, any person presenting themselves with such "body art", should be subjected to special questioning, with the presumption that entry be denied unless they can prove their bona fides?

    I would say people heavily tattooed may not indicate that they are criminals but rather "STUPID IDIOTS" logic could indicate that criminals who get caught are stupid? and because they are stupid they also like tattoos.
    Any good immigration officer would notice the prison tattoos on his hands during his arrival inspection and could call his bluff about having an arrest, conviction, and prison time. Getting this trash to admit to a conviction is all you need for a refusal. These tattoos definitely would warrant a secondary inspection about admissibility into the country.
  2. I switched to True Optic Fibre recently (on True's suggestion) but forgot to cancel my old True internet service. I just assumed once I started the new service the old one would be cancelled automatically. Not so, and I had to pay for two months of service for something that I didn't use, but was still connected. Lesson learned, don't assume anything in Thailand.

    Same happened to me. True preys on falongs who are use to dealing with legimate internet companies in their home countries. I will never use True services again. I have found adequate sources that do not require a contract or your name to get the internet. For example,(DTAC and AIS). They may not be as fast as True, but they are pre-paids and work well.
  3. The silly part of this is you can insult the current PM by telling the truth, and it's still defamatory.

    It's very true. Truth is sometimes taken as an insult, some people really can't swallow the truth. I don't understand why !?!?!?

    It's like if someone said that most farangs in Thailand are cheap losers who could not achieve anything in their country, ended up here in order to better survive, continuously rant about the high price of the local beer, and the people, and everything else, while thinking of themselves as they belong to the upper class, because their modest revenue allows them to still find a young girl to save their self esteem and put at least a little bit of joy in their depressing empty lives...

    I am sure that some people would take this as an insult.

    Not that I personally would say that, of course.

    I would not even say what was said about the PM.

    It's a question of education... Everybody deserves respect. The cheap charlie as much as the PM. But many people like to speak, read or write the truth apparently. At least "their truth"...

    I am going to sue you.clap2.gifclap2.gif

  4. Shouldn't the PM and her government also be concerned, and speak out against, pressure on the independence (such as it is) of the judicial-system from a pressure-group like this, or are their Skyped-instructions to let the Red-Shirts get on with it unhindered ?

    Whatever happened to Fighting-for-Justice & No-Double-Standards ?

    Or is there real concern about whether/what the Constitutional Court might rule ?

    At least the bombs and grenades are not flying, yet ...

    Shouldn't the police be voicing their concern, not the army.

    Or are they standing off again?

    Strong reason to believe the police will just stand by on the sidelines and watch as they did in previous Red confrontations. Mr. T has total control over the police. The Thai people can only trust the judges and the army to protect their country. I fear the only path to save the country is through a coup now.

    • Like 1
  5. Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

    The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is the only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

    You are missing another point. This is not a one way street where only the Canadians are forced by U.S. gov't officials to pay fees to visit the USA. Americans will now be forced to pay Canadian officials to visit Canada. It's called recipacality. (Pardon my spelling). It all about getting the most out of tourist. Every other country has to pay these fees. Why not Canada?

  6. But Pichit Chuenban, a legal expert of the Pheu Thai, said Constitutional Court judges themselves would face a criminal probe for violating the charter by accepting the complaint against Somsak and the 311 other defendants.

    'a legal expert of the Pheu Thai' Always need a good joke to start the day.

    The Constitutional Court are acting irrationally by even agreeing to take the "case".

    Are you serious? I believe this is the function of the Constitutional Court, ruling on constitutional matters. You've been brainwashed!

    • Like 2
  7. Yup

    Remember the baht with the white watermarked circles. Udorn RTAFB 74 to 75, 432nd AMS, ECM shop. 135 F-4s in one place, what a site. Married then and still to the same.

    Here at the same time at Korat. F-111 bomb loader and AC-130 gunshop. Dollar sure went a long way back then. Even at 20 baht to the dollar, things were still pretty cheap.

  8. Calsberg is an ok beer. The only problem is it is 3.8% alcohol vol. Compared to all other beers her in Thailand it is very weak. Maybe it will find a market with the girls and the light drinkers.

    Agree totally! Singha is wasting their time trying to distrubute this watered down European piss. Let's talk "World Famous Fosters beer."

  9. This morning I went to Immigration at Phibun to get new multi-entry permits. I do once a year so it has been a year since my last visit. What a nice experience. The ladies there all smiled and were very polite. What impressed me is they did their work very well. Checked everything very thoroughly and dotted every i and crossed every t. No small talk like the last team which wasted time.

    I think they reads TV.

    All my paper work was in order but it still took about 1 hour because of having to put all my information into BIG books etc. I paid 5,700 baht for multi-reentry permits, being 3,800 baht for my passport and 1900 baht for my permanent residence book. All the time this took they kept saying sorry for taking so long but your case takes time. They were all so nice.

    While there, three foreigners came in. a Canadian from Buntarik and a Swede from Ubon were all processed quickly for their visa extensions. They were dressed well and were polite. Then in came this guy from Holland. He arrived. I mean arrived. Drove in with a BMW coupe, two seater with roof down. Jumped out wearing beach shorts and confidentially walked in with his boyfriend to the front desk. The lady there said there is a queue. This blew him. Ok, he sat down, asked to borrow my pen. Took his forms out which were rolled up and signed a few of them. He asked me how long it normally took to get a one year visa. Ask me? How would I know. I never do one. I guessed and said about one hour. One hour he relied. In Pattaya it takes 10 minutes. I could see trouble brewing here.

    After 10 minutes of sitting he decided enough was enough. He told his boyfriend that they would came back in the afternoon when it was quieter. So he informed the desk that he would come back in the afternoon with his mother. The Head Lady then asked him what he wanted. A visa extension for his mother. She was 92 years old, living with him down the road in Phibun. The Head lady asked to see the passport. After looking at it, she informed the guy that his mother had departed Thailand and returned after her visa expiry date. She therefore was only on a limited time stay. And all they could for her here was to give a 7 day extension because her previous I year non-immigrate visa was now void because she had returned from Sri Lanka after the expiry date.

    This disturbed the Dutchman to say the least. He said he had 5,000,000 baht in the bank, showed all his bank books to the Head Lady. She replied, that the amounts in the bank books were not in for the three months needed and anyway, it didn’t really matter as his mother would have to go to see her Embassy and start the process all over again regardless of how much money was in her bank accounts. The Dutchman said his mother was too old to travel to Bangkok to which the Head Lady replied “Too old? She has just traveled to Sri Lanka and back” Silence.

    After some thinking the Dutchman turned to the boyfriend and said we will get it done in Pattaya. He thanked everyone for their patience. He turned to me and said I was correct in saying it would take longer than 10 minutes.

    Gave a wave to all and skipped down the steps, hopped into his BMW coupe, pressed a button, the hard roof came down from somewhere and drove off to see his Mum. I was left thinking. If Mum goes to Pattaya, does she sit in the front and the boyfriend in the truck (boot).

    Too sum up. Immigration at Phibun do a good job. They are nice, polite and business-like.

    Great Story!

    Your recent experience gives me hope. I too have had a very bad experience with the change of guard in Pibun. Mougda and Paya were the best and friendliest officers I have ever dealt with. What a shame they had to leave. I dreaded having to go back after my last experience there. I even mulled over giving up living in Thailand and moving back home.

    Maybe the new management at Pibun has learned their lesson. Who knows, After hearing your story, maybe there is hope at Pibun Immigration.

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