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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. All the talk in the media before this game was about the weakness of England middle order. I have seen many collapses in this department during my 50 plus years as an England supporter but yesterdays collapse of the Aussie middle order ranks with some of the worst I have ever seen.

    Indeed; has anyone else done any sums? All the Australian wickets fell for a total of only 87 runs! Ok, so a couple of the umpiring decisions were downright awful (especially Clarke) but that's the old 'Swings and Roundabouts' routine, as another couple of batsmen should have been given lbw and were not sent back.

    Looking at the start of Englands second innings I would say that this match could well be on a knife edge right until the end because the pitch is crumbling and will get worse through the third day. If the Aussies have to chase 300 plus batting last they will be under a great deal of pressure on that track and I wouldn't fancy being out there at No7 still needing another 150 to retain the ashes!

    Whoever you support it's a great match to witness for the end of a series.

  2. Ok; so we know that these dorks are gonna be doin' time at the Hilton but where is the shit goin'

    Ok; so we know these dorks are goin' to be doin' a long spell in the Hilton but where is the shit goin'? Will it still end up on the streets of Amsterdam or will dealers in other European countries pay more 'Tea Money' to get their hands on it?

  3. What I would love to know is how many letters the Government gets from anonymous Thai's and Expat's more educated than most of its ministers pointing out all the home trues and explaining to them what would be the ways to go about putting things right very quickly in most area's that need urgent attention before this country slides down the toilet once and for all.

    I would also like to know where these letters end up. Somehow I don't think that the majority of them end up in the Prime Ministers in tray!

  4. since so little seems to ever be done right, pray tell, how

    do they seriously think they're going to improve road safety?

    Depends if they want to listen to outsiders.

    I recall back in the 70s i think a huge educational campaign in britain about driving too close to the car in front:

    "Only a fool breaks the two second rule"

    And of course, to say that sentence took two seconds, that was the smart thing about it!

    While we're on the education lark, sort the litter out too...

    Loads of things are done right in this country. Driving just isn't one of them.

    Well; a few things are done right but saying 'loads' is being a bit more than kind!

  5. First the Airport, then customs, now road safety.

    Go Abhisit!

    Has he been reading the letter page of the Bangkok Post?

    Don't get too carried away. Remember that so far it's all just words and no action. Seeing is believing and Abhisit has to start delivering real change in the next few months or by this time next year he will be history.

  6. Hello, this is good news as I have people yelling at me every time I get back to Bangkok. I hope the government will take this to the long term and make it more safe for the new people that go to Thailand. It will be a good change only if they keep watch on the illegal taxi and touts so the hard working real taxi drivers get more work.

    You are living in Cloud Cuckoo land pal. Give it two weeks and the very same lot will be back there doing it all over again.

  7. May be he got it as small change in notorious King Power Duty free shop while coming to Thailand. He should contact Srilankan Mr.Tony for his release :)

    Hey everyone...before this poor alledged passer of forged notes is found guilty from "trial by forum experts" consder this...

    Three years ago I received USD$5,000.00 in 100 dollar notes from my account via a bank teller in HSBC Singapore.

    Upon returning to Phuket, I tried to change 10 x $100.00 notes for Baht. Four of the notes were rejected as forgeries.

    Lucky for me, the guy at the exchange booth didn't contact the police, or I would have been in the same diabolical position.

    HSBC firstly refused any liability, but when I threatened to contact the media, they reluctanly requested return of the notes

    and two weeks later my account received a credit for $400.00. Think again folks...it could easily be you in the same position !!!!

    In July 2008 my brother went to his local Lloyds branch and drew 200 pounds from the ATM outside the bank in 20 pound notes. He then went 3 doors down the road to a W H Smith store to buy his fags and a newspaper and the girl on the till swished a 20 pound note with her magic pen and told him it was a forgery. He told her he just got it from the banks own machine and she told him that he was not the first person to say that recently and suggested he take it right back. He did so (fuming with anger) and asked to see the manager. After initial disbelief, the staff at the bank asked him into a private room, locked him in and called the police. When they arrived they asked him to empty all his pockets and all he had was the money he had just drawn from the machine and not a penny more. The bank checked the notes and found that two of them were forgeries. Meanwhile other bank staff were checking his bank records and running back the CCTV from outside the bank adjacent to the ATM. The bank were quick to admit once these checks had been made that they must have put the notes in the machine and my brother was credited with 200 pounds in his account for his trouble and inconvienience.

    It just goes to show you that your local bank can't be trusted when it comes to checking all the notes they handle. It can happen to anyone and we can all fall victim at any time.

  8. well managed to stay on me feet that little longer, and can't wait to be down the line, about 5 weeks, life will be so much sweeter then, by the way, tetleys t bags, where in chiangmai.

    Sorry Doppa; the Tetley came in boxes of 100 in my luggage when I returned from the UK in March. I managed to squeeze in 400 but they are running low and I'm dreading the day when they are gone. Still; apart from getting a new 1 year visa, they represent the only good reason to go back again. My 7 grand kids drive me up the wall within a week of being there and I can't wait to bung the Tetley in the luggage and beat the retreat out of there.

  9. Pee around and sprinkle red and black pepper,

    Good reply. A farmer friend of mine told me some 20 years ago that the best repellant for dogs and cats around your own property is your own Pee. Subsequently; I have used this method after dark whenever I have had this problem over the years,even though it is now officially an offence to urinate in public in the UK! To hel_l with the law...it works!

  10. Just left Piggys after 8 hours of drinking and eating (yes Im a fat bastard but lets not talk bout that right now) and i was one of the first to get fish and chips and since i owned a chippie in the uk i gave them a few tips and watched them get better and better throughout the day and I believe they are the best chippie in chiang mai they have a ways to go with take away and a few other additions but i really enjoyed the meal there and the fish and chips are crackin not to mention cheese on toast with HP sauce (not at the same time LOL)

    ITS THERE FIRST DAY ( yes i am shouting) meaning they are still sourcing the best pies currys etc therefore before you chavs slag them give it a couple of weeks to sort things out.

    Yes the boss's hubbie has more tats than the average GEEZER

    Charlies is good i have eaten there many times but this place is cheap as chips (pun intended) 120 baht for Fish and Chips if you want COD 170 baht but the regular fish is kicken and the beer batter is very tasty.

    try it out give them a little breather for a couple of weeks till they get things in order but if todays meals as an indication of whats to come Im there

    Cheap tasty and very authentic

    Sounds great and I think I'm off down there today. Cod 170 Baht...Bargain!.....Have you seen the prices in yer average British chippy lately? They are going into orbit.

  11. in general 2 but after exercise, outdoor work... add....

    in the tropics it certainly can become compulsive behavior

    to have a bath/shower... there is simply no better way to rid the body of the heat.

    I prefer the Thai-Style (ap nam) pouring water from some container over the body,

    it is usually much cooler than tap water, especially if it comes from one of these outdoor


    So you stand by the outside tanks naked?

    I still don't like the idea of chucking water about all over the place like my wife does; it just seems very wasteful after paying horrifically high water bills in the UK for many years. 2 showers a day will normally suffice but if I go out I can't resist another when returning home.

  12. Does anyone know what these things are that are all over my walls? Are they some kind of cocoon or egg sack? How do you get rid of them?


    Don't worry; the gekko's will eat them, the cats will eat the gekko's, the rats will eat the cats and the market traders will sell the rats to the municipality for 5 baht each!

  13. When the street urchins hear of this this , the rat population thru out the city will come under attack. Just hope this is not another program where the rat catchers are screwed by middlemen, etc. Now that someone has started something that will help Chiang Mai's image, hope we can get them (who ever them are) to include soi dogs in the program, the city would become a much more hygienic place.

    Yes bit who are the police going to screw?

  14. At 12.34 and 56 seconds tomorrow, Friday 7 August 2009, clocks in the real world (ie, non-USA) will give a combined reading of 12:34:56 7/8/9. As far as I can tell, this won't happen again for 100 years. (Our cousins in USA choose to put months before days - so they don't count when we're talking about "real" stuff!)

    For those who can't see the significance here, try 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.

    I just sprang this on two members of my wifes family. They look very baffled and will be back to ask me more questions tomorrow!

  15. All I can say, that who ever tries to deal or smuggle drugs, they always get caught and lose all their wealth with it no matter what country they are in. I have lost 3 good friends who fell for a similar activity like this because they were running dry on the cash front. One of them is serving 7 years in Japan, 1 is doing 3 years in Norway and the other is awaiting trial in Bangkok. I told them not to go, but they would not listen, the money is tempting with the highest being Japan upto 15000 USD.

    There are recruiters everywhere, even in Pattaya down soi six, and soi seven/eight. A few british/austrailian lads working for Nepal & Arabs in Bangkok, who get paid $500 for recruiting people.

    And its not just foreigners, there even getting Thai ladies to do it as well. How low can you get.

    I bet these recruiters wouldn't even do it.

    So where are all our much medaled police 'Special Task Force' (tourist police) hero's performing daily and nightly 'Stings' against all these recruiters?

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