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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Shame nobody used them, all their products are good unlike the rubbish you buy on the loacal markets
  2. At last, now we might get decent beer to drink 👍
  3. A summons warrant was issued, requesting that the Polish man come to the police station to apologise to the victim. However, he did not comply How dumb can you get, now his holiday will be extended
  4. the lack of remorse shown by the defendant That is what will get her the biggest problem
  5. She has a criminal father - so what
  6. Can only hope the operators understand a littlemaintenance needs doing from time to time on these reactors
  7. At least the Cop finds it funny
  8. a Lieutenant Colonel in the military who worked part-time as a real estate agent 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Question : has Big Joke done a runner 😎
  10. 555 well done that man - burn all the loan sharks houses (with them inside preferably)
  11. Details of this accident need to be published in order for other to learn – that is if any mistakes were made
  12. The second one today - remember Team, it's dangerous to stop at traffic lights 😎
  13. But unfortunately you will not get local help from a Broker in Thailand as it is illegal for any Thai based Broker to sell International policies - any dealing/claims with them will have to be direct by oneself to the Insurance Company
  14. Oh dear, please keep up and read the article : the motorcyclist had exited the bypass tunnel at high speed
  15. Agree, only let the English stay 🤣
  16. Please wait until the hot season
  17. What was he doing in the tunnel in the first place !
  18. Yes always long queues for treatment - you will first seen by a regular Doctor then, depending on ailment, fix an appintment with a specialist
  19. If you are under the SSO then treatment is free
  20. What happened to all the tablets given out to schools a few years back ?
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