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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Keep in mind quote "Lithium is a relatively abundant element on Earth"
  2. was a right for inmates to be scrutinized by each prison commander The small problem with that is he has not been to prison
  3. Another sling 'snaps' - maybe an occasional load test would help ?
  4. Did you notice the time, they are all in bed well before that occurred around 12.30am
  5. And the latest nonsense : The Department of Corrections has asked people not to refer to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as a prison inmate, to smooth his future return to society - even though he is serving a jail sentence while in hospital. The statement said the department referred to male and female offenders as inmates only when they were actually in prison. This practice was in compliance with the Corrections Act. The word inmate should not be used when inmates' names were mentioned outside prison. Doing so could affect their return to society and also infringe on their human rights, the statement said.
  6. Nothing will change while the entrenched fossils are in charge of the country
  7. I'll remember to call my Mum if I ever get in an accident
  8. The high-speed train Well that's a lie as no such thing in Thailand
  9. implored individuals residing in the capital to opt for remote working Empty the capitol and everyone move to the South of Thailand ?
  10. Agreed - but that does not excuse the continued slaughter of the Palestinians by the Jews
  11. As a politician he should keep his nose out of the Bank of Thailand
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