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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Hmm that's nothing, just checked and I have 201 Baht 😎
  2. I think you will find all pilots are qualified pilots to fly these airplanes 😎
  3. Do TG planes not come with 2 engines these days ?
  4. to promote her government’s achievements Well that's taken care of the first 2 minutes of the first episode
  5. ...and the other parts of the country ?
  6. But I have seen no mention this year - have you?
  7. Has the 24/25 PR application date gone ?
  8. Always impressed they way they manage to find Power Poles to crash into
  9. New trend, wandering around Walking St with your bike helmet on ?
  10. Feel sorry for the passengers but I do hope the driver is maimed for life
  11. The sad part is they could be offering far better schooling to the foreign kids than the local schools can offer
  12. That's the problem with 18-wheelers, they are so difficult to see
  13. Thought they only did that in Ukraine
  14. So this Mr. Ví was riding so close behind the German he did not have enough time to react ?
  15. Not a picture to see whilst eating breakfast
  16. possible inequality in the treatment of high-profile individuals What in Thailand ??
  17. Tip of the day : take an old note and iron it
  18. Thaksin Prioritises Handouts to Boost Economy and to boost his popularity in the polls
  19. Agree plus they only need to look at the maps to see exactly where the burning is taking place
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