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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. To put that in perspective, there are more people living in Mumbai than Kazakhstan
  2. Not surprised with the prices of their quoted airfares
  3. It's not just the immigration side, the whole of ground handling at the airport is abysmal
  4. I always carry several batteries on board e.g. iPad, phone, laptop etc
  5. largely due to the parked cars lining both sides of the road. Duh, so prohibit cars from parking on both sides, one side is ample - now what's so difficult about that ??
  6. Don't care what anyone says that photo is not of a Thai Airways aircraft - and that's before I have my first coffee !!
  7. took decisive action to combat this escalating threat Nonsense - they allow it to happen, would be easy to stamp out the local fires, he is a snap shot of a small area this morning near KK :
  8. using loud speakers without permission Better tell the general populous about this criminal act - might save my hearing from time to time
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