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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. This follows a botched attempt last year Translation - the brown envelopes were too thin
  2. Hmm where do they think they are, Gaza ? 😡
  3. That's a heck of a lot of damage for a sot, when I'm pissed I only fall down and go to sleep 😎
  4. "Thai wisdom" Now there's a perfect example of an oxymoron 🤣
  5. Proper safety measures, routine equipment checks, and comprehensive worker training are essential to prevent similar accidents in the future Now they are taking the piff 🤣
  6. Oh dear, time to wear the hard hats
  7. wearing T-shirt and grey shorts and maybe flipflops ?
  8. endorsement of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra
  9. This is the same 'tourist' as in the first post -the one who got ot of jail ?
  10. citing a £200,000 loan she purportedly provided to support his business 🤣🤣🤣 That's the best so far !
  11. Thought the reseut of a poll said Thais were against gambling ?
  12. This revelation was the product of a collaborative effort between NASA, Thailand's Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), and other scientific teams. Hmm, that lot just copied the results we had 2 months ago in our local bar 🤣
  13. I knew a lass in Brum who used to swig straight from the wine bottle... 😎
  14. Well done that man. but need many more to be elected
  15. Ah now that would make sense - thank you
  16. instructing them to escape to the rooftop and call for help Maybe he could not get up onto the roof ?
  17. And a tubby little Foreigner at that 🤣
  18. her administration's early-year progress while outlining future goals Ok so that took 2 mins - what did she waffle on about for the rest of the time ?
  19. but claimed it was only a homemade firearm Oh that's ok then, off you go...
  20. Well it cost them 200 Baht each to buy voters here - drove past and saw a long line being handed out their "bribes"
  21. Welcome Thailand to the 21st century !
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