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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Police were trying to get him to take an alcohol test as part of the case That sums up Thailand
  2. Can't blame them, the food in Penang is great
  3. Why not jail them for (say) 6 months for the first offence - then keep doubling it for subsequent offences?
  4. The Police should lock him up - for his own safety !
  5. Good news - Sunday lunch and mummy's new handbag
  6. Inject her with floor cleaner first to make her suffer - start tomorrow morning please
  7. The only petrified 'object' in that photo is in green
  8. Wakeskating without a helmet / license / insurance
  9. The only sympathy I have is with the train driver
  10. Been there done that - we ruled Calais for more than two hundred years back in the 13/1400's
  11. Now that is one scary "female"
  12. Wot not Pattaya ??????????
  13. Should ban alcohol before weed - far more dangerous
  14. Nonsense - he's spending too much
  15. About time - thank you
  16. Serves him right for not renewing the policy
  17. Doubt it - staring at her phone and not looking
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