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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. 21 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    No one had to travel half way across the world, they volunteered.


    Without taking anything away from any of the rescue team, there has been no suggestion from anywhere that the rescue would not have been successful without those two Britons. And they weren't the only ones who knew how it was done...doh!


    "No one said they did it on their own anyway".

    Many comments have been made on this forum implying that the discovery of the children was down to the two British divers.

    Agree with what you say but the fact remains the Brits are the best  :



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  2. 1 hour ago, tifino said:


    that's a mighty large car park, if just for the massage parlour  



    could he have also been reported as parked at a massage parlour, if it happened to be a roadside kerb spot,

    that just happened to be in front of one??


    Sensationalised Tabloid circumstantial reporting from CM, might float back to a family back home,

    that might be offended by tabloids insinuating something...

    (not that I am saying that he was wasn't actually there for it...  )

    Not an overly large car park for a massage parlour – next time you visit Thailand look at the massage parlour car parks catering for the Chinese visitors, they are huge and can hold many tour buses + cars etc

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