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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. 43 minutes ago, Lungstib said:

    People will read this and suggest that its the customers choice as to where they get treatment. I just wanted to point out that after being badly injured in a m'bike accident the "emergency crew" who picked me up off the road ignored my choice of where I wanted to be taken and took me to the hospital of their choice. Why? The common answer was money. Sick people are not always lucid or even conscious leaving them at the whim of others who by the time they come around could have huge bills from a hospital they never asked to be in. 

    Of course they would take you to a Private hospital but if you have no money or insurance then as soon as you had woken up and told them, the hospital would arrange for transfer to a Government hospital.

    As for regulating costs in private hospitals what utter nonsense - they are businesses, profit centers, wake up people

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  2. It seems you are in denial as you say you are not covered for bike accidents then you add a document which says you are ?

    Being old I also have the Happy 45 policy and know 100% that it does cover motorcycle accidents, period – why, well I was in (a self-inflicted ) accident and claimed against the Happy 45 policy in a hospital without a problem.

    Bought the policy from AA insurance brokers - have found them to be excellent and would always recommend them

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  3. 3 hours ago, billd766 said:


    That is odd.


    I don't ever remember asking the Queen if I could have a passport and I got my first one in 1963.

    Don't rock the boat - be thankful She gave you one or She might ask for it back  :thumbsup:

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