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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Disappointed – they could have squeezed in a couple more on the right
  2. I have a real Rolex but when I bought it I drove a Fiat Uno - so what ?
  3. Nonsense, that is why so many Thais travel overseas to work, some in places I would not personally visit
  4. A far more sensible choice for this part of the world than the 'fast' jets they wanted to show off with
  5. that could tarnish the image or operational integrity of the Royal Thai Police
  6. He carried his Sea-Dweller Rolex watch in his backpack ?
  7. or relying on their children and younger family members for financial assistance Plus of course the foreign spouses...
  8. £1,000 (45,500 baht) for a full night !! Deserves to be locked up for charging that much
  9. Looks like he’s trying to copy our Indian friends with his gold
  10. Holding degrees in Sociology and Anthropology - fertile ground with all the old fossils in power
  11. And that's the nub of it - there are no owners, these soi dogs run wild
  12. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black - in English we spell it "sense" - but if English is not your native language I understand (as I do with Thaiger report)
  13. Quote "Chiang Mai is basking in the success" I think I would call it something else
  14. Oh no, he missed out this, quote : Chiang Mai ranks as the third most polluted city globally
  15. No need to worry - the PM will sort this out the next time he's in Thailand
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