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Posts posted by momtaz

  1. Hi tech guys
    I synced my bookmarks on Firefox Mozilla browser between three computers, 1 laptop run with windows 10, and 2 desktop PCs windows 7, I deleted the bookmarks on laptop, and after that I realized that all bookmarks folders are deleted on my home computer and at office PC as well.
    I understand now that supposed I just signed out to disconnect sync the browser on laptop instead of deleting, I need to restore the deleted bookmarks, I checked the top right corner the small 3 lines where usually rename bookmark folders or manager links etc,, but nothing found there.. !!
    is there anywhere else to recover them back?
    Any quick advise will be highly appreciated, with many thanks in advance

    Hello guys !

    I synced my bookmarks on Firefox Mozilla browser between three computers, 1 laptop run with windows 10, and 2 desktop PCs windows 7, I deleted the bookmarks on laptop, and after that I realized that all bookmarks folders are deleted on my home computer and at office PC as well.

    I understand now that supposed I just signed out to disconnect sync the browser on laptop instead of deleting, I need to restore the deleted bookmarks, I checked the top right corner the small 3 lines where usually rename bookmark folders or manager links etc,, but nothing found there.. !!

    is there anywhere else to recover them back?

    Any quick advise will be highly appreciated, with many thanks in advance.

  2. I would like to ask innocently, 

    What does really mean : honor, human dignity, chastity, and living with principle, respectful manner, moral values  for someone to marry with a porno star? or just someone done a career as public transportation vehicle, in suck known places that many of you knew, or passed by or just heard about it, here or anywhere else,

    I understand this is culturally related matter, but there are some common principles between all humanity over the glob,  isn't it?


    or this depend on how people prioritize their priorities in life?

    for some people, maybe to live with dignity is the least priority, or in bottom of their list, or may not exist at all in their life book,


  3. On 10/31/2016 at 4:06 PM, jvs said:

    Most of these pills will give you diarrhea and by doing that they make you lose weight.

    The big problem is after you stop taking these pills(there are any different kinds) your weight

    will just go up again.

    Only a permanent chance of diet or limit of intake (change of lifestyle) will help you to control weight.

    Exercise does help but the main thing will be the diet(i hate that word)It takes will power and the making of the right choices.

    I used to sell a lot of supplements and dietary products but when it comes down to it i do not really belief

    in the benefit they supposedly supply.

    Ok for athletes but for normal people eating a normal diet the only benefit is for the person  selling these products.

    Try not to eat anything with added sugar and no soda pop,cola ,sprite etc.

    Start slowly and adjust what you are eating and drinking,if you just lose 5 kilos a year and can keep it of that is a great start.



    On 11/10/2016 at 10:48 AM, pigeonjake said:

    I've been saying it for years instead of testing new drugs on animals test them on these animals

    Why should they have a good life in prison

    Use them just as used the children never given them a choice did they?

    As you can tell I hate them


    On 11/10/2016 at 9:50 AM, Bluespunk said:



    On 11/22/2016 at 3:43 PM, Sheryl said:


    From what you describe this person has a problem with the cervical spine which is causing nerve compression. This has nothing whatsoever to do with diabetes (even if he is also a diabetic).

    Conservative treatment of this is physical therapy (which it sounds like he had) and medications, of which lyrica is one. If the nerve compression was caused by a prolapsed intravertebral disk pressing on the nerve such conservative management plus time will usually resolve it. However sometimes the problem is from a bone spur that has formed and presses on the nerve, or the space between the vertebra has grown too small for the nerve root to exit. In such cases, surgery is often necessary to remove the bone spur and/or create enough space for the nerves to exit the spine.


    Your friend needs to be seen by an orthopedic doctor specializing in spinal problems. If he is in Thailand, Dr. Wicharn at the BNH Spine Center is very good. He also has hours once a week at Bangkok Chirstian Hospital, which is less expensive.


    Thank you so much for the shared details, mostly to agree with what you described,

    As the recent updates, his Dr. advised to take taking lyrica and methycobal. and recommended to take MRI to see deeper,

    Actually, this Lyrica is just for pain relief? and this metycobal?

    Thanks again for the contribution,



  4. 1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

    Something is fishy as usual. The SET should be bumping 2,000 to 2,500 with figures like that. Smells like a Limburger cheese report. When is the moon landing rocket leaving. This is serious stuff and their feet should be held to the fire on the numbers and they should be audited. If these are pie in the sky numbers and hit the international press investors could start flocking in chasing the golden goose only to find a dead fish. 


    what do you think about JAS stock jumping as rocket  unexpectedly in the recent couple of months?

    I used to trade this stock several times over n over in the past 5 years, but the recent jump could make sense for the above said title,,

  5. Gentlemen,  thanks for all your feedback n responses,


    As I knew, the main cause of this trouble happened to him around 7 or 8 months ago when the painful inflammation began, the pain from the shoulder till the 2 or 3 smaller fingers in the hand, with numbness sometimes, not always, pain + inflammation is the commonly constant symptom,

    later on was described as pinched nerve, something that compressing the nerve in the upper backbone, lower neck part,

    his doctor recommended him to take a course of therapy treatments to decompress the nerve for a while, which relieved the pain in the 2nd or 3rd treatment,

    Also described to take lyrica 75 mg. this treatment was around July, later on, the pain with inflammation come back slightly, on and off from August,, is this meant the compression still not completely treated? or need more sessions? or to take lyrica 75mg?

    what actually this lyrica?  I advised him to take b12 as supplement it may help a bit in the long run, besides diabetic that maybe cause further complication to the matter,

    trying to gather further details, information to advise the right procedure to cure it at once,


    there might be some medications, supplements, foods to take, or some type of foods to avoid, etc,, kindly share your opinion and experience accordingly,

    Best regards.


  6. Frequently read about alternative solutions and treatments for health problems and curing such chronic pains, reversing diabetes, curing cancer etc,

    When search about nerve pain, there are plenty of causes, as well have some association with diabetes to increase the complication of this nervous disease,

    Regarding the nerve inflammation with sever pain in the arms or legs,  are there any approved solutions to cure these painful symptoms ?

    Any effective and safe medications to speed up the treatment without side effects? additional life style tips, recommended foods, etc to help improve the solution,

    please share your experiences if any treated similar cases,

    any relevant advises highly appreciated,

    Best regards,




  7. 5 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

    "...his place in the prison,"  

    Why?  What has he done that he hasn't been punished for?   What crime are you imagining he's done since his release?


    "...the role now on the local officers now to get him locked in the prison with double charges, n dual punishment for his dual faking deal"

    What for?  Double charges?  What charges and why double punishment? Dual faking deal?  His passport is 100% legitimate, what has he faked?

    isn't he was abusing children sexually??

    what will your feeling be if your little son raped, or sexually abused or something alike happened to him by a such old <deleted>?

    How will you feel that someone made a crack into your family dignity? and deeply wounded the honor of you little son this wound will remain with him for a life time?

    do you really sympathize with such? well the British passport is legally issued, why he did so? why changed his name to come back again to Thailand? what a shame!!

    do you remember few years ago when Ukrainian  protesters buried a parliament member into a garbage box? in my opinion, they should throw him into a such garbage box and deport him back to practice his hobby there in his homeland,

    I am sure, if this happened to you or anyone that touching us directly, will feel how the revenge will look like in real action,

    No one will accept this to happen to him or his family or relatives, so we should not accept anything that we can't accept to ourselves, isn't this fair enough?


  8. despicable vagabond this,, his place in the prison,

    we often hear about the bio- finger prints, eyes detectors and such advanced technology to check and verify passengers at the airports, crossing borders etc,,

    why they did not apply these things to prevent these human rubbish from doing further harm to others?

    a such crime should be registered within his data records and be in alert list of the inter-pol, no matter what new names to be obtained, these ethical crimes should remain accompanying him till his tomb,


    what a British system this to assist such mangy dogs to disperse again? aren't there some officers wise enough to ban such types?

    the role now on the local officers now to get him locked in the prison with double charges, n dual punishment for his dual faking deal



  9. 18 hours ago, jvs said:

    Most of these pills will give you diarrhea and by doing that they make you lose weight.

    The big problem is after you stop taking these pills(there are any different kinds) your weight

    will just go up again.

    Only a permanent chance of diet or limit of intake (change of lifestyle) will help you to control weight.

    Exercise does help but the main thing will be the diet(i hate that word)It takes will power and the making of the right choices.

    I used to sell a lot of supplements and dietary products but when it comes down to it i do not really belief

    in the benefit they supposedly supply.

    Ok for athletes but for normal people eating a normal diet the only benefit is for the person  selling these products.

    Try not to eat anything with added sugar and no soda pop,cola ,sprite etc.

    Start slowly and adjust what you are eating and drinking,if you just lose 5 kilos a year and can keep it of that is a great start.


    Hi jvs, Thanks for the reply,

    Yes, Totally agreed with you based on my personal experience, I did the change of life style for many years ago, and everything fit in  place indeed, 

    but this I am asking for, is the wife of my friend, she's in the mid 50s of age, over weight, with high cholesterol in blood,

    so we need something to boost her process ,, let's say in 3 - 4 months and will continue in changing life style to keep in shape and improve health condition,

    if anything that is safe with no side effects will be considered,

    Thanks again for your kind sharing comments.

  10. Thank you so much guys for the shared experiences, ideas and comments,

    In fact, I been once to such market few years back, I and 3 friends, we paid fees for boat and riding elephant, the package was quite high, each ticket was 50 USD or more, can't remember exactly, but was quite high price,

    for this time, I have a couple friends visiting, and wanted to suggest them the best one with less risks to be into the trap again as we had,

    Many thanks again, appreciate your contribution indeed,

  11. Hello guys,

    I was searching about floating markets and found 5 places around Bangkok,

    Would like to ask:

    which one is the best?

    how to get there?

    how much the entry ticket?

    are there tour packages with group to go there?

    is it open every day? or only weekends?

    any additional relevant information will be highly appreciated,

    Thanks in advance.


  12. Guys,, thanks for all feedback efforts.

    this device manager setting require the device to be turned on internet / GPS, otherwise it won't work out,


    so, my question was that the mobile number was still working that day, and I asked if any option to located the device using the GSM signals instead of the known method of GPS locator,

    Let me repeat again, the question was: is there any option to locate the device using the mobile SIM card number that still active within the device? the is what I asked exactly, and mentioned that she was trying to reach her device by calling and calling several times, but no one picked her calls, eventually went silent, and seems gone !

    but if any idea relevant to the question, would like to hear it, as we may  share it in future with our friends,,


    thank you for all the efforts anyway,


  13. one of my colleagues lost her Samsung edge, price around 26,000 THB,

    she used it just few months, since yesterday her number still on, but no answer to calls or just deny,

    No setting to locate by GPS, is there any idea or a reliable website that can provide a such service to locate her device using the GSM signals?

    even a paid service to get her mobile back, or shall report to police and they can locate it for her? all is needed is to get her device back,

    please share your idea as soon as possible before they throw the SIM card out of the device,

  14. BKK dreaming, firstly, appreciate your kind efforts with many thanks,

    what is really needed is, a GPS tracking device to be installed in fleet of cars / motorbikes to track their working routes,

    we not really need call back, we just need to track where the vehicle being, with web access to track the routes that was passed by,

    the reason of using the tracking devices, to make sure that the vehicle followed the planned routes, and prevent theft, etc..

    Thanks again,  

  15. Hello guys,


    Looking for some information such as:

    GDP, tourism statistics, exports/imports rate of grows YoY and such economic relevant issued,

    I checked the ministry of commerce website, didnt find it,

    anyone knows where to find these info? but should be at Govt source link, CIA library I knew it too,

    but we need Thai link sources,

    many thanks in advance,

  16. Hello guys,,

    this recent post of BKK dreaming about GSM sim card tracker, how is it?

    something like to mobile device to insert a sim card inside it to keep the tracking signals or else?

    is there are tracking device connected with the satellites? or could be tracked by suck signals to locate the where the device around?


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