Unfortunately you’ve proven yourself incapable of doing so. You've been doing some backpedaling here but only to misdirect and obfuscate.
You were asked for the exact quotation from the thread where anyone has stated or even implied such a myth. You’re unable to find one, because it doesn’t exist. So you just made up that myth to hijack the topic merely because you don’t like any mention of low carb.
<SNIP! Further fallacious regurgitated straw man “arguments”--no low carber claims that low carb is the only way to lose weight, an obvious absurdity>
The opposite, of course. Constantly attacking low carb is not helpful in the least. Now of course you could end that silly vendetta.
Some find low carb helpful if it’s OCCASIONALLY brought up by the small minority of low carbers here. Most have tried and failed to follow other strategies.
And they and everyone else already know the other strategies, nothing new in your own constant harping. Starve 'n' Sweat, Whole Foods, and Push Away From The Table are right up there on the TVF Scroll Of Known Truths along with Chinese Don't Spend, Women Only Want Money, and TAT Tells Porkies.
Low carb has always been Whole Foods, BTW, long before the Whole Foods fad started. We don't dare call it a fad, however.???? The fad isn't quite so simple, unfortunately. Moving to lower and slower carbs will certainly help, but maybe not as much as one might hope.
And you can google for countless testimonials that Whole Foods didn't work.
The Known Truths are merely derived from the countless hack diet & fitness sites saturating the internet with their plans, consultations, supplements, equipment, memberships, apps, subscriptions, and mostly dreams. Fantastic repeat business model (as you know quite well) basking in the vast financial resources of the food, pharma, vegan, and climate change industries responsible for so much funding of biased medical studies and misguided public policy. Inevitably, they all hate low carb.????
We’ve in fact had some notable success stories from members who’d heard about low carb on the forum. Low carb info is comparatively hard to find otherwise amid all the noise generated by the above industries and even here on our lowly forum what with wannabe bodybuilders blowing smoke. Excluding of course the intellectually honest @tropo, a low carber himself with whose low carb you hypocritically have no problem whatsoever. ???? I miss him.
Come to think of it, I don’t recall any posters who were converted to starve ‘n’ sweat etc. with subsequent success--after learning about it here. Even wannabe lifters soon disappeared after wasting money on equipment.
Being fit and healthy is ridiculously simple, but no one can make a living out of telling people how simple it is, so most people never find out.
—P. D. Mangan
So, contrary to your hopes, interested members here needn’t and shouldn’t be deprived of mentioning, or learning about, a long-established, well-researched, now mainstream and proven successful dieting/lifestyle strategy merely because of @robblok ‘s little hobbyhorse hostility. In fact, the low carb message seems to be gathering momentum even here. That’s obviously distressing, but just gon’ have to suck it up.
My point now proven (thank you), and having wasted enough time, I’ll bow out and you may continue arguing with yourself and hijacking the topic.