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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Right. Tons of good ladies in Pattaya for the right good man. Known quite few guys to find "normal" and even educated girls here. I myself did. Friends have raised some great kids here, too. Even in condos. All these ignorant stereotypes. So boring.
  2. Surely? But you see it was discussed for you at length in your troll post of a year ago, so why pretend you STILL dunno anything? Various ignorant statements were corrected at that time, made after supposedly living in Thailand for 30 years. A major complaint: Also, the guys I know who have 'Pattaya' gf's come to visit and the girl very often doesn't wai me. OMG. You poor snowflake. You gettin' wai'd enough now? So here you are trolling Pattaya again. What's your problem anyway? You have no intention of visiting. Live with your decision rather than try to justify it further. And the Hua Hin beach didn't come out so good in comparison to Pattaya as stated by residents of Hua Hin. Pravda: Lol, Hua Hin beach in 10 times worse than Pattaya. . . . Hua Hin beach if filthy. Number 6 (different thread): Hua Hin is not especially clean. The beaches are meh. Loads of jellies, brown sea foam and just not a lot of circulation in the water. Color is blah. City is overgrown and ugly. Oh, HH has better beaches just outside HH. So does Pattaya. As Eindhoven said, I don't know why you keep banging on about the beach. You ain't gettin' out in the water at the beach at HH. Duh. Your decision to move to HH was much the best for both Pattaya and HH. Why not instead just post your happy chortles and gurgles about HH over in the Hua Hin and Cha-Am forum? Good luck on finding the, ah, table tennis player you seek.???? No hope of arousing any envy here, sorry.
  3. But, of course, older guys can also pick up sex workers in other places of Thailand. Does BKK, for example, have any????? Why, I believe it does! Lots of younger guys have always come to Pattaya as tourists as well as to other places in Thailand. They can't afford to live here permanently, however. Seems you're purposely missing something owing to obvious bias. Contrary to superficial impressions, Pattaya's a package deal that offers quite a lot besides the wimmin. But I'm not going to be baited into wasting time with a list of all the advantages yet again. Our chronic complainers would love that. Do a search if you're really that ignorant.
  4. To address the topic. ???? The rule is to stay lean and fit by: 1. Sticking to a low carb diet, almost no sugars or starches +a few vitamins & supplements, protein powder, creatine +black tea, black coffee, dark chocolate (85% Lindt), daily glass of Cabernet +max 2 drinks when out +occasional cigar and shot o’ bourbon (could be omitted, ha ha) 2. Exercising efficiently and consistently: strength training, intervals, walking on beach ('D' etc., soft sand aids balance), stair climbing +sleep ~7 hours nightly +avoid needless stress and tedium, live pleasantly by the sea +keep brain active via reading widely, writing, computer work, and playing up to an hour daily of a challenging video game And I have a yearly checkup to verify the plan is still working and to feel good about the numbers and the need for no meds.
  5. Oh no! You've mistaken me for someone who gives a sh*t. (Wish I could post that Jack Nicholson meme; forum rules.) Take 'em or leave 'em, pal. I also encourage you to put me on "ignore." Save us both from wasting time.
  6. When I rode down Buakhao after the COVID restrictions were lifted, I thought that a bunch of local nursing homes had let out their residents for a holiday. Probably a number of cardiac events went unreported in the News. Nothing new here, though. Pattaya's long been called "God's waiting room." Funniest thing was in the old Las Vegas Go-Go when an ancient skeleton in his 90s doddered in behind his Zimmer frame. Girls promptly yelled, "Hansum man!" and helped him to a seat. Then they stole his Zimmer frame and wouldn't return it until he'd bought them some drinks. But I think he left a happy man, perhaps for the last time, who knows.
  7. Ah! Yes. Non-optimal, I'd call it. Can be done, however, if that's what the OP really wants. Lot of love still for Win 7, so a lot of people use it and continue discussing Win 7 actively in real computer forums. They'll only abandon it when some app they need won't run under 7 and then many will move to Linux. Fact is, if you know what you're doing (don't click on phishing links, don't open attachments from unknown senders, don't download this or that, don't click on ads on porn or gambling sites, etc.) and you use a good anti-virus, browser protection, and a firewall, you're probably going to be as safe as the average naif rubbing along on his Win 10 or 11. MSE has been continually updated and will until 2023, if M'soft doesn't change its mind again. You can also get the extended updates, if one is of a mind, but you didn't know that. OH--those are going to run out, too.???? It does, however, earn considerable cred on the forum to suggest Win 11 off the bat for an old computer whose specs you have no idea about. So high tech. Well done!
  8. About how many GB of data do you think you have to recover?
  9. The cool thing is how our gurus know the OP's laptop meets the requirements for Win 11 and, morever, would run well on it.???? Must the forum software offering remote access to members' computers. Or could be the usual Prescient Eyeballs after quaffing a few bottles of Chang.
  10. Yah, will work, if not tell the vendor and change the key or get a refund. The keys are generally not stolen but used in ways M'soft evidently didn't envision. Follow the directions from the vendor closely, or one of our gurus will be along to relate them. These keys have been discussed many times on the forum with the usual back-and-forth between the paranoids and the go-for-its. But get it while you can, as M'soft seems to be cracking down on the sellers: Microsoft Sues Activation Key and Token Sellers For Enabling Customers' Piracy You might check whether your Office is still activated, if you use Office. Same dance possible.
  11. Health and fitness advice from old fat out-of-shape guys self-overrated. Genes, overrated on the forum. Might only be 7% inheritance, according to one study. A few genes seem to control longevity, and seem to vary, but you have no guarantee you've inherited them anyway. Hence nothing to base anything on and the rational course is to attempt to mimic the good effects of those genes by avoiding chronic diseases that shorten lifespan. "Good" diet and exercise, fairly rated. We do have some faithful followers here of Genetics Voodoo, however, for whom it's a kind of religion. Fate is another fave. Relieves one of personal responsibility. Mark Baker says it memorably in Gang Fit: Part 2: All the while make sure you keep healthy, because health is your supreme asset. If you’re ill your life is f***ed. Most people don’t become ill for no reason; it’s the consequence of being a w_a_nker, not caring about their physical condition or what they eat. Your life is f***ed anyway because you’re going to die; but don’t accelerate the d_a_mn process! Leave that to the morons who blame their genetics or hormones for their illnesses.
  12. Meaningless, as you'd know if you read and understood the article--more work than just googling up some links. At this point, “it’s almost indisputable that the correlation exists,” Allison says. “What is disputable is what the correlation means.” . . . . “These epidemiological studies do not give us an answer,” says Tapan Mehta, a biostatisticianat the UAB, who was not part of the study. “They give us interesting questions to go after.” Other studies showing a correlation share similar flaws, which is why no one knows it means. What it ultimately means is that the Longevity Through Obesity plan ain't gon' work. You've been told this before but of course stay in denial.
  13. We always say this as if it means a lot, but in practice very few are running around to different Immigration offices every year. So you stop by and check the local requirements or ask here before you submit the paperwork. In the USA, change to another state, or even county, and you got all kinds of different requirements for most any bureaucratic procedure you care to name from DL to taxes to ordinances. We all know that very well, but we act so shocked when Thai offices in different locations do the same. Part of the bigotry.
  14. Microsoft Security Essentials is good until--ah, 2023. ???? Kapersky Security Cloud is pretty light, gets some good buzz. If you know a bit about what you're doing you might easily be able to get away with Comodo Firewall, fairly light, and Ublock Origin guarding your browser, except for AN ads of course. Might harden your hosts file with Spybot Search & Destroy. Besides that, run Malwarebytes Free once a week. You won't find any support here for keeping your Win 7 running, but it still has its fans out there.
  15. Good idea. I've found it applicable to Thai Immigration as well.
  16. Perhaps because acquiring various diseases, for example your high blood pressure (among, no doubt, others), and then medicating them, doesn't resolve the underlying conditions, which the docs know you aren't going to do via diet & exercise. Meds themselves may have various insidious effects, BTW. And sarcopenia and the loss of bone mass go unchecked in the absence of resistance exercise. Hence the inevitable morbidity--fraility, pain, cognitive decline etc.--tends to start earlier and last a greater proportion of your total lifespan. I mean, if the Genetic Voodoo isn't working for you. Not sure what you're on about, however, since you've announced earlier that the best solution is to do nothing, and you wish to emulate a turtle. You're indeed moving slower like a turtle now. And remember this consoling thought: Now our forum Life Coaches have long promoted the ideal of enjoying a short but happy life, with the death arriving during a sex act. One then departs with a smile on one's face.???? I suspect the smile is just another of our little comforting myths, but we may believe what we wish, eh. How short those last few years will really seem is another question.
  17. One of the advantages of foresight: get Thai SS health insurance. I'm done worrying about private insurance.????
  18. Very true. Maybe a lot more than one chat/drink. ???? It's hardly uncommon to see a punter surrounded by ladies at a table in the TQ, having a little party. The big spenders are very helpful to the bottom line. In fact, what the post you responded to means is that we can now rest assured that the days of lady drinks and bar fines are not coming to end any time soon.
  19. We've done BMIs before. Now I'm wondering if your fad diet isn't contributing to cognitive decline as it seems to be for Dr. McDougall. Blood markers are good across the board. BP optimal, VO2 max superior. Waist/height ratio .48. A systematic review of waist-to-height ratio as a screening tool for the prediction of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: 0·5 could be a suitable global boundary value And that important TG/HDL ratio you've yet to reveal was .71 not long ago. I stay consistent. A common chart: Claims to health here are suspect, as I discovered recently. One of the members was feeling smug about his BP number for his age and claimed he'd never been in a hospital. Yeah, right. Digging deeper, it turned out he was taking a handful of meds daily (prescribed, of course) including a BP med. Metabolic syndrome. You aren't "healthy" because meds are masking your conditions.
  20. But you said a lot besides "it's about what works" and much of it is misinformation and nonsense. Be great if you'd stop doing that. Then I wouldn't bother correcting it.???? Maybe key the phrase "it's about what works" to a hotkey on your computer and just tell yourself to autotext it whenever you feel compelled to respond. 'Course, people often think something's working when it really isn't as well as they think, one reason I suggested you publish your TG/HDL ratio and take an OGTT. Somewhere between 16 – 25% of normal weight American adults are insulin resistant without even knowing. More than 80% of those with prediabetes don’t know they have it. And while we’re at it, about 20% of the American population have diabetes and don’t know it. No, a fasting glucose test and even HbA1c aren't sufficient to know for sure. Insulin sensitivity varies at least 6-fold in apparently healthy individuals, with physical fitness and body fat both playing a role. --Insulin Resistance: the Link Between Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease “Apparently healthy.” Whoops. We often have assertions here that glucose spikes don't matter in the healthy. In this thread one self-satisfied member professed to track his insulin reactions after eating. But it seems nobody is using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) to tell the true story. ???? The covert spikes . . . can contribute to cardiovascular disease risk and a person’s tendencies to develop insulin resistance, which is a common precursor to diabetes, he said. Often people who are prediabetic have no idea they’re prediabetic. In fact, this is the case about 90 percent of the time. It’s a big deal, Snyder said, as about 70 percent of people who are prediabetic will eventually develop the disease. —Diabetic-level glucose spikes seen in healthy people: A study out of Stanford in which blood sugar levels were continuously monitored reveals that even people who think they’re “healthy” should pay attention to what they eat. A bodybuilder with 8% body fat ate lots of chicken breast and white rice. He told me when he got a CGM, he found out that the rice was spiking his blood sugar to 180, and it stayed there for hours. If that can happen to him just think of what it does to others in less good shape. —P. D. Mangan The only fad we've heard about here comes from you following Dr. McDougall. I don't follow it.????
  21. On the contrary, opponents of low carb merely wish to believe so. That's cause they've never read any of the low carb gurus and don't really know anything about low carb theory and research. So your "authority," McDougall, claims that Vietnamese won The War because they were subsisting on rice.???? Can't make this stuff up. What a nutcase. So, more hot air on your part. If you knew anything about it, then you'd know that the so-called Asian Paradox was already explored and accounted for in the 1950s. Asians and the other primitive carb-based societies ate relatively low-calorie diets (fewer carbs), the carbs were until more recently unrefined, and people got lots of physical activity. The combo counteracts the trigyceride-raising effect of carbs and tends to raise HDL. Turns out that the triglycerides are an extremely important marker in the risk of heart disease, more so than LDL. (You might publish your TG/HDL ratio; I'd also get an oral glucose tolerance test if I were you.) As Asians etc started eating more sugar, unrefined carbs, and got less physical activity they also started getting as fat and unhealthy as their Western counterparts until you get what you're seeing today. Another myth you're spreading: eating no fats means you stay lean no matter how many carbs you eat. No.???? Ironically dieters following The Starch Solution themselves find it out. Couple of random testimonials: I went plant-based about six years ago. Lost 120 pounds. Look and feel great. I discovered The Starch Solution and it sounded good. Since I had already lost weight, I thought it would at least be good for maintenance. Followed it to the T and gained back 30 pounds. I am active both at the gym and 3x a week training BJJ. I eat more than 90 percent the way Dr. McDougall recommends, though I do make some exceptions. I know he doesn't recommend calorie counting, however I wasn't successful in my weight loss until I started tracking calories. It is easy to overdo calorie dense whole foods . . . .
  22. SO inconvenient. Most of our members periodically return to the paradise of the UK and visit their old haunts, say around Hull, where they no longer have to try to speak English and everyone understands fluent Yorkie. A branch of BadRhino may be located in the area or one may order online. They got ALL the good stuff including of course the top half of The Uniform (as shown on their site). OMG, looks fantastic. So you may just imagine your hansumness with it hanging over your man boobs and huge belly. Add the cargo shorts, the white socks & sandals, and the ladies of Soi 6 will be all over you. I mean, until they discover you skint. And imagine yourself in the Immigration line, that Victoria's Secret Fashion Show for expats. Great event in which to compare your sense of fashion, not to mention your own level of health and fitness. https://www.badrhino.com/
  23. Too hot; our members are extremely sensitive to the Thai climate, as it's never hot in the UK. Hence we can't wear trousers when reporting to Immigration. One man found that a bum bag and a camera are practical. You may not get far, however. --https://www.pattayamail.com/news/naked-foreigner-takes-a-stroll-through-pattaya-405838 Not sure about "camera," though. Our hipsters all know that a phone will suffice, with photos of one's passport.
  24. Robert Atkins with his real food as opposed to all these simple-minded caricatures by the ignorant:
  25. But, predictably, you've failed to delve into the details of how he came to weigh so much at the autopsy. Reading little news reports by hack journalists, as we often do here (cf. Twinkie diet), to fit a convenient narrative doesn't get you to an objective view of a matter.
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