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Posts posted by bangkok101

  1. 5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    So strange. Go into a shop in a department store and you can see an overkill of staff. Go through immigration at Swampy and you can see unmanned immigration counters that could be used. I'm lucky as I always travel with the missus and can go through the Thai only immigration, but you can see the confusion and frustration on travellers faces when they're in a huge queue with about 6 immigration officials stamping passports. 


    Sort it out. 

    the counters are staffed, manned, whatever...they are just invisible.

  2. 5 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    PM is the strongman leader type that Trump seems to like.


    Trump would be envious at how the PM controls the Press and political opposition.   Trump would be right at home with the gold plated "Bling" enjoyed by the moneyed Hi-So set he would be a member of by default.  He would enjoy the status and attention that throwing some money at Monks and Wats would bring him.  If his Mercedes runs over a peasant on a motorbike, don't even have to stop or say sorry, just have someone deliver a few million Baht to the family with a card and flowers.   The smiling, plastic Hi-So's would line up to be his fake buddy, and hit little white balls around expansive golf courses in the middle of a drought, whilst dipping into the back 9 bar for a quickee oral massage from an unusually young, attractive Burmese "caddie".


    Nope, I think Trump would get on well here. :laugh:

    trump most likely has never heard of the PM and if he did, couldn't care less about the buffoon. Thailand is more than capable and well on their way to destruction, they don't need ANY help, and far too thick headed to take good advice.

  3. 4 minutes ago, notmyself said:


    That's pretty rich coming from Fox who are infamous worldwide for their extreme bias and false news reporting.



    Trying to throw their own litany of factually incorrect news reporting under the rug it seems. They will pump out fallacious information for days from dawn 'til dusk and then say sorry for the error (sometimes) in a 10 second piece weeks later on some nondescript 3am show lasting maybe 5 seconds.


    There was some research regarding so called corporate cable news a few years back that showed that Fox viewers were less informed than the other outlets which is kinda bad but someone has to come last. The real issue is that they were less informed than even those who watched no news outlet of this type at all. What this means is that after watching 10 hours of Fox you are less informed than if you watched nothing at all. What does that mean?



    cannot dispute facts and evidence, it's reality, that's my message. I don't favor one news org over another, just choose to go with the accurate presenter, backed up by evidence. it's real simple.

  4. His points are dead on, factual and convincing since they are accurately  backed up by facts or evidence.. hard to dispute him, nut or nut he's shootin straight.


    if he's a nut, what do you call the blond lady after making those comments....a truthful nut, someone that just admitted media's job is to control how people think?


    I like his good and factual spin, makes all the sense.

  5. 6 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    "...in a very dangerous county while attending an event that make it even more dangerous."


    You may be trying to make a point, but Thailand is definitely not "a very dangerous country".

    I think maybe a holiday in Somalia, Syria, Pakistan or most of central Africa might be higher on the danger scale than Thailand.

     It can be dangerous if you are naive or go to the wrong places at the wrong time with the wrong attitude.  The danger level in Thailand is no more than the United States, where the same advisory exists. 99% of Thailand is considered safe by the thousands of expats who choose to make it their home. The 1% is where most of the trouble can happen to tourists and others..


    "I think maybe a holiday in Somalia, Syria, Pakistan or most of central Africa might be higher on the danger scale than Thailand".


    Who is traveling to these holiday hot spots?? Are they holiday locations?

  6. 2 hours ago, Pib said:

     Regarding the part above I bolded....that is exactly why you will "not" get low ping times to the US or UK....probably around 200ms are the fastest realworld pings to those locations from SE Asia.   If you are getting significantly less that around 200ms, with or without VPN, I'm sorry you are just getting bogus ping times for some reason.  Sorry, the speed of light limit through a medium combined with delay in getting through electronics on the way applies.

    here ya go, spoon fed to you, now maybe you can calculate it.


    speed of light:

    Copper – 2.3 × 108 m/s

    Fiber – 2.0 × 108 m/s

    Vacuum: c =299,792,458 m/ per second (3.0 × 108 m/s)



  7. 1 hour ago, Pib said:

    You are getting bogus ping times...or really testing to nearby servers although you think you might be testing to far-off servers in other countries.  For example, normal ping time just to Singapore would be around 30ms....start going farther than than and the ping time keeps climbing.  Sorry, the speed of light law still stands.

    usa is far from se asia, even the uk ping is quite low, even seen speeds over 200Mbps on 150/20 service to servers all over asia

  8. 5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    How is banning them from briefings not impeding their freedom to report?

    they can freely report anything they want, only in this case, after they read about it.

    So, don't watch the news = "uninformed"; watch the news = "misinformed".

    It's coined a gaggle, no cameras, just informal details. They'll get over it, trump just "spanked" them a little.

  9. 19 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    If the Brits are like Canadians, they could be from anywhere, just travelling with a British passport.

     Canadians look like people from all over the world, because they were from somewhere else 

    before becoming a Canadian.  This thief looks like that kind of a person. An immigrant Brit.

     Throw his butt into a Thai prison for as long as possible.


    where were you from before becoming a mercan?

  10. 31 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Tomorrow morning we wake up to a trump press release "the sky is red, not blue". Fox news reports and verifies the press release as true, gets a panel of agreeable experts to tells us its true. Blame Obama and Hilary for the blue sky mess.


    CNN are not given the press release, cannot question the press release as trump only talks to fox, or provide contrary facts, if they do its fake news. 


    We can all sleep soundly in our beds, under a red sky, safe from those immigrants.

    lets hope so.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Nickymaster said:

    Ever heard about democracy? Transparancy? Checks and balances? Ow never mind. Trump good, media bad right?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    i think the trump and the white house clearly demonstrated transparency, told them get out and told the entire news watching globe about it. Checks/balances/democracy, its all there too, no clear violations. Remember, the more trump winds up the news folks, he is setting them up, deflecting them, same thing happens to everybody everywhere, that's politics.


    I enjoy this trump for prez concept, its quite entertaining and interesting. In 4 years maybe I have a different view, time will tell.

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