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Posts posted by bangkok101

  1. What I do on a yearly basis is go to the Transport office in Chonburi on Sukhumvit rd by taxi for 800 baht and it takes about 1 hour and 500 baht good for 1 year.

    Bring your Thai licence and all the normal paperwork like passport/visa copy etc. It is very painless. Pattaya does NOT issue IDP's.

    I got my international drivers permit in Pattaya.....giggle.gif

  2. http://www.pattaya-lab.com/

    Wonderful little Thai guy, with all the latest equipment, speaks perfect English and can do every blood test on the hospital list.

    INR test costs 300 Baht and if you get there early enough you can have the result the same day which he sends out by email.

    first class service ,been going there for years for all my blood tests ,nice guy and good english ,

    I went to this same clinic to check INR and thought highly of the service but the test results differed dramatically from BKK/Pattaya test results....makes you wonder!
  3. Sounds to me like you have a death wish. I find your actions not only provocative but very dangerous and stupid to be blunt.

    This is the kind of thing/person that the BIB do NOT want around here. Riding your "expensive" bike around with a gold chain and an iPhone on your belt is just asking for it.

    It's great to have a nice gold chain on back in your home country maybe but everyone here knows that Pattaya is NOT the place to flaunt your riches nor is anywhere in Thailand.

    Your tactics regarding playing the "Steven Seagal" role instead of just yelling for help, calling the police on your iPhone or riding away at a fast speed makes us farangs look bad.

    well thanks for being blunt. The man was trying to kill me, in a yaba rage, since I tricked him 3X [while cars and motorbikes were riding by] and I defended myself. What did you want me to do, bozo, stand there and let him hit me?? I wouldnt be able to post this then

    as or having nice things, yep have a nice phone, yep have a nice bicycle, yep have a wallet with money in it, yep have a gold chain. All under my clothes, the only thing showing was my bicycle, and since I ride 18 to 20 kilometers daily it is a good one. What farang doesnt have nice things and money on his person, or at the very least the thais will think that.

    I guuess, according to you I should stay at home in case a criminal thinks I may be concealing valubles. Not gonna happen dude.

    Now, maybe advice would have been dont ride on back roads, where this all started, but I am nervous about cars hitting me. I have to start riding in high traffice areas now, something I am not looking forward to.

    by the way, in answer to someone elses post, this happened last thurday about 9 in the morning. I posted on another site. My friend that cleans up the beach saw me and told me I should also post it on here as a warning to others that ride the same area, so I copied and pasted it this morning

    you took a huge chance dude. Yah, you defended yourself this time. Maybe the next time they pop a 9MM cap in your ass....think about that! You should have just "avoided" them at all costs....stay on the main road and leave them alone. You might not be so fortunate next time.
  4. like starting the "school of hard knocks" all over again. Unless you are a seasoned professional einstein know-it-all, expect to make many errors, mistakes, blunders, etc which is the norm here. Try to hangout with some long stay folks who can help you avoid the many pitfalls ahead.

  5. Ok, so lets wrap this up for the OP.

    He was traveling late at night in an area notorious for dodgy stuff.

    He was legally stopped and searched and briefly questioned and despite breaking the law by not carrying his passport the police let him continue on his way without penalty after finding no illicit substances on his person.

    The bastards...

    And no,Thailand is not a democracy, not really.

    what does democracy have to do with any of this? The rights of people during a police search fall under the category of civil and constitutional rights and liberties.
  6. My understanding is that foreign children do not require a visa until their 14th birthday.

    She will need a visa to get on the plane from your destination to Thailand unless she has a return ticket.

    She is not required to do border runs really, children under 14 do not have to pay overstay, but read here on the front page it will confirm the age.

    visa on arrival?

    All foreign children require a Visa to enter Thailand.

    well for that matter, most everyone outside of ASEAN require a visa, howver they can be obtaind on arrival and there is no requirement for obtaining a visa prior to travel, my children certainly did not require a visa prior to travelling to TH, visa was obtained on arrival.
  7. My understanding is that foreign children do not require a visa until their 14th birthday.

    She will need a visa to get on the plane from your destination to Thailand unless she has a return ticket.

    She is not required to do border runs really, children under 14 do not have to pay overstay, but read here on the front page it will confirm the age.

    visa on arrival?
  8. I, for one, am quite happy he lost. Thailand being on short straw receiving end of some kind of corruption or incompetence is good for this country. Maybe it will wake some people up, maybe not.

    All this Thai outrage in a country where something like 80% of people surveyed in mulitiple surveys note they are OK with corruption as long as they benefit from it. I'm sure we'd not have heard a peep from any Thais if their boxer had won on a very suspcious grounds. So, good on them. Now they begin to know what it feels like.

    Yep, I agree...."som nom na" Kaew, now you know what it feels like to be scammed, cheated, etc like countless farangs each and every day in your hypocritical country!
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