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Posts posted by bangkok101

  1. Should not be a problem. On the way to get my motorcycle license I WAS stopped and simply explained to the cop that I was on my way to the transport office to get my license, he bought the explanation and I proceeded on my way.

  2. Perhaps the only solution is to move, relocate to a location offering some peace and quiet. For example, I stayed in a hotel on Bang Saray beach recently, within 5 minutes of the thai's parking in front of the hotel and blasting their car stereo, the BiB were on the scene and chased them away! Peace and quiet equates to quality of life, something difficult to acquire in Pattaya/Jomtien!

  3. Personally have experience with two cases handled by the consumer protection out of city hall.

    One handling disagreement with a local contractor, and another with a big, Bankok based Chinese/Thai owned building material supplier.

    As in both cases they were clearly at fault, the consumer board took the cases on, and once it was made clear to the offenders that they were not just dealing with a Foreigner anymore, but with Thai governmental organization handling the cases, they were very quick to settle!

    Obviously not sure what would have happened if they refused and tried to actually go to court...

    But as the Bangkok company was not a small player, supplying a lot to the very rich and famous here in Thailand, yet they folded so quickly, makes it look like at least they think taking on the consumer board might be a tad to much to handle....

    Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Sir, is this consumer protection located in Bangkok, Pattaya, or both? Where was your case handled?

    Thank you.

  4. Does anyone know of a capable and straight forward lawyer in Pattaya that can resolve an ongoing real estate rip-off with a foreign developer?

    I have been involved up to my eyeballs with total incompetance, greed, lies and deceitful lawyers and people claiming to be lawyers!

    Where do you turn to solve problems of fraud on foreigners? Any help is appreciated.

  5. Sorry, don't know why the second part of the headliner doesn't show up. The flights were from BKK to LAS (Las Vegas)

    I would like to see proof that a Thai economy ticket costs more than a UA business class ticket as you claim...I highly doubt your claim! Prove it?

  6. I worked on pipelines for ten years as a wrapper then at the end of the job i went to samui for 20 weeks till the next job. The photo looks good all run of the mill stuff (if it is even a photo of the line in question. Water not air (or any other gas) is used for testing the line. When a pipeline runs under high voltage power lines a thin cable of uncoated zinc is put in the ground above the pipeline to protect the pipe but this has more to do with electro magnetics than a ground strike, as an electric current is run though the pipe to stop rust.

    ''Thai welders, some of the best in the world,'' err no the best pipeline welders are English or German on any line there will be a repair welder he will be the best welder on the job he will not be Thai (99.99%) there may well be no Thai welders on the job at all other than to fill the quota for local workers. most jobs I have been on have local workers that never even see the pipe just to make the paper work look right.

    If you need a pipeline wrapper on this job then please contact me.

    stoneyboy are you a pipeliner ?

    Well I actually work in the business in Thailand, at senior level (not in the dope station) and have done so for many years and prior to that all over the world,

    Further have worked with welders of many nationalities and I can assure you Thai welders are some of the best in the world.

    It is very apparant you have no idea as to what actually happens in Thailand, There actually is no "local quota's" for welders, as they are all Thai.

    Havent seen an expat welder doing SMAW/GMAW etc in Thailand for at least last 10 years, The only time I have seen expat "welders" in Thailand are those operating the automatic welding units, and strictly speaking these guys are equipment operators not welders per se.

    In conclusion your talking absolute poop, and if you wish to debate on pipeline construction both onshore or offshore in Thailand I will gladly debate you on any point you care to raise

    Thai welders have far too many repairs in their welds, SMAW or GMAW unless they are paid a bonus. They are ok welders, but definately do not make the grade on difficult F/T's or dealing with mis-alignment.

  7. yes that is the pipe line picture have driven past several time, above poster is correct pipe will be buried, first the sections are laid out and welded together then lowed in trench and covered

    You mean that they will do this finishing up before some van spins out of control or a gas truck jacknifes and crashes into the pipes and sets off the mother of explosions?

    Nothing in the line to cause an explosion.

  8. I was driving during Songkran and few years prior, encountered a police check point conducting drinking/driving inspections and guess what...."the 6 coppers sitting in the police tent were all shit-faced with numerous liquor and beer bottles lining their table" at the check point! Now, that should pretty much sum up the situation, ZERO enforcement by law enforcement! Hard to take these media stories seriously when the Thai authorities do nothing!

  9. Me too Ulysses. No guard, no matter how undertrained, would just clobber a traveler for the hell of it.

    Interesting that the wife has said there has been no apology and there are those on other threads swearing that the BTS management has apologized, so therefore BTS guards must have been in the wrong, at best cock eyed logic, and at worst, just plain foolish in a country where 'face' is so important..

    So then why is it being reported that the guard was sacked? If he attacked a baloon weilding skytrain user, it is obvious that the guard is inept and poorly trained, or both!

  10. You should be able to find that type of cleaner in Tesco lotus or big C, maybe you have tried these places but I normally find a good strong cleaner at these shops

    If all else fails a lemon or white vinegar would do the trick

    Add some salt to the vinegar or lemon juice....that will abrade the buildup and help remove it. I have used an abrasive car polish....that works very well too!

  11. Why even talk about a retirement extension to an O visa or obtaining an O-A "retirement visa" in Austrailia. The guidlines are pretty clear -- over age 50 (yup you got that), monthly income over 65,000 baht per month (well, probably not) or 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account, soley in your name. Or a blend of the income and bank accounts. It's pretty straightforward.

    Yeah, sure you can live on less than 800,000 baht per year here. Hubby and I do it here and that's with a typical Chiang Mai expat life. There's no way you'd spend that much in "the village".

    But, wham! The moment you have a motorbike crash or end up in the hospital suddenly, you'll discover why they have these "silly" requirements for retirement visas. The hospital will "stablize" you, but they won't do much else unless you have funds for your account with them. It doesn't matter if the funds are "locked up" in real estate or in an offshore account. They'll just keep you stable until you cough up the money needed for treatment.

    Americans seem to understand this concept; this is health care in America. Other nationalities seem to feel like health care is a natural right, like breathing. It doesn't work that way here.

    If the OP is over 50 and can't show 800,000 baht that is really his, then what is is doing here? It's time to go back to a place where the government will take care of him.

    (Sorry, but I've been moping up after several elderly expats who didn't plan ahead.)

    My info is that the funds for a retirement visa can be held in a foreign bank now. The need to prove funds in a Thai bank only has been recently amended. Can anyone clarify this?

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