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Posts posted by seaeagle

  1. Dont kid yourself Thailand will opt out of the asean trade agreements using every excuse possible to justify their decision. With the current gov. running up massive public debt and encouraging more private debt than can be serviced by the low wages paid here, thailand's economy is heading for a slow painful downfall.

    Agree. I've been saying for a long time that Thailand will come up with some kind of 'opt in / opt out' situation, similar to that which the UK did with the EU. Accepting common rules across foreign boundaries is just a bridge too far for the Thai psyche.

    Difference being that the UK opt out was based on a fair degree of logic, which, at least as far as the Euro goes, has been proven correct. However, the Thai opt out will be purely based on xenophobia, blind nationalism and greed.

  2. Got one of these full body health check-ups while up north on holiday recently.

    Same checks as Phuket International who charge, I think, around 12,000 right now. I paid 3,600 in a private hospital - service comparable to my last check at PIH, and certainly a lot less busy. The only downside was my report - just in Thai language. However, a very helpful English-speaking doctor went through it all with me, ticking all items off against my previous PIH report, so I'm fully aware of my year-on-year figures and counts.

  3. Whatever the level of crime, innocent or guilty, it's actually quite refreshing to see someone digging their heels in and not co-operating with the police and courts.

    Too much here is done by smiley re-enactments, guilty pleas, financial pay-offs etc. Having to run a court case 'properly' is probably throwing the 'local system' off their stride.

    How can he cooperate, when he is Norwegian but he is given an English Interpreter, its like giving Chinese Interpreter to Japanese, just because he is Asian.

    That's exactly what I'm saying. Sorry if i didn't make myself clear. Irrespective of what he's alleged to have done and been charged for, I find it refreshing that he's not simply caved-in to the 'system' here and is standing his ground in an effort to get some degree of professionalism from the Thai judiciary.

  4. Perhaps the government should start paying their regular doctors a salary commensurate with their training, rather than blaming them for pursuing a higher salary in the private sector. A good friend needed to open his own practice to make ends imeet, while working in a government hospital. The problem with AEC, for Thailand is that it really opens the market to competition.

    Sadly, you're wrong I think. Certain I've read that doctors can come here to practice medicine after AEC, but that they have to be proficient in Thai language to do so.

    Now, is this not in-built protectionism to ensure that few doctors qualify for this??

  5. What never fails to amaze me here is the price of spam in the supermarkets.

    It is something like 240 Baht for a small tin.

    In the UK , the only people who eat this sh*t are those struggling to meet their mortgage payments 555 , yet over here it is a luxury item eaten only on special occasions,


    This has been my gripe for a few years now. With a strong baht, why has the price of imported items never fallen accordingly?

    I always remember seeing imported Chinese Fuji apples cheaper in Tesco London than the price in Tesco Phuket.

  6. Arriving in Phitsanulok, I have 5 or 6 days spare before I need to head back to P'lok and BKK. This will be mid-February.

    Any ideas on where to make a short trip while in the north / central area?

    My own thinking is a visit to CM or CR, but worried about the fires etc up there at this time of year. What's it like now and during the next month?

    Also, was wondering about a few days up in Vientiane. Purely to tick off another capital city. Is that worthwhile visiting?

    Thanks for the help.

  7. Was there about 5 years ago, so memory is a bit sketchy.

    Stayed in some stone-built 2-room cottages near the park HQ. Certainly acceptable standard. Seem to recall that the hot water wasn't hot, and up there it felt decidedly icy for the morning shower.

    Good walking trips to the old communist viewpoint and other rock outcrops. All in all, i enjoyed it, but 2 nights is certainly enough to do what you can do.

    Consider dropping in to one of the Royal Palaces just over in Petchabun. More of a smart 'hunting lodge' than a 'Palace'. As far as i know, it's never used by the Royal family now, so you can have a good wander around the grounds with very little hassle from the guards etc. Nice rose garden, I recall.

  8. Yes, confirm it was at the start of the check-in queue. Cabin baggage over-size / over-weight, had to sort out before joining the check-in queue properly.

    As others have said, I'm also quite pleased that this is being enforced.

    Was seeing off a friend on Emirates, and their counters are right next to Etihad. No such checks were on the Emirates flight last night.

  9. Is the money in Thailand or you bringing it. ??

    Most any Thailand main branch banks in Phitsanulok will exchange & buy pound sterling, don't know if there's a limit though.

    Better forum to ask on is :- Jobs, economy, banking, business, investments

    And here's a google site:- http://www.google.co...iw=1016&bih=563

    Perhaps should make clearer..........

    It's exchanging baht (that I already have here) for £'s to go on holiday back to UK with.

  10. Sorry, don't know of any in Chalong, and am replying slightly off-topic for you.

    But, just wanted to let you know about the 'sole custody' definition. Might mean something in your home country, but here you probably want "full parental control", not a document which merely says 'sole custody'. Google to find out more.

  11. Speak as you find........

    I've had really excellent steaks at Buffalo (Kata and Karon), and especially the most marvellous tenderloin steaks that even my 6 year old child managed to get through.

    Beside the street, hardly 'posh', but jeez was the steak good.

  12. The big boys, like Tops and Super Cheap, seem to understand that small, local outlets are a very good way to go.

    If I were doing this, I'd be thinking of what could be done differently in the area, rather than do more of the same by way of another 7/11.

    Haven't a clue who or how you'd approach it, but I'd look at going to Villa Market, and suggest to them about running an 'outlet shop' in Rawai, selling selected products. Obviously, you and the family would be managing all of this, so you get your business, but more of a quality, niche market.

  13. "Our governments tend to continue subsidising less competitive sectors even though they might better use resources promoting the potential of a sector or industries with a better future."

    You can't promote the potentials of new sectors and industries without having a skilled and educated workforce. Most issues in this country can be tracked back to the appalling standard of education and the 'general' lack of ability in the population.

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  14. There's a proper (allegedly!) childrens dentist in Phuket Town - somewhere around the junction of Sengho Bookshop, if I recall correctly. Horrible place and horrible woman destist we saw. She shouted at my child to 'behave' in the chair. Surprisingly, her manner didn;t have the desired effect. So, I wouldn't recommend that one.

    Many will 'speak as you find' and that's fair enough. The one I've found to be friendly, and very un-frightening, for my child is Dente Smile on Chao Fa West, just past the Kwang Road junction. Not cheap, but everyone's happy at the end of it all.

    I think that must be the dentist that we used for our daughter and we were very happy. I think it's called Family Dental Clinic or something of that ilk. They even showed Mr Bean on the TV above the chair.

    Maybe Lannatyne has a very naughty child!

    Hopefully, you don't come out the Family Dental Clinic looking like your avatar, madmitch!

  15. Moloko Properties is in Chalong-ish.

    In the same, new, part of the Fishermans Way centre as Woody's Sandwich Shop.

    Thanks Seaeagle.........have their site open.

    In the interests of fairness, there's another Russian-owned one right beside Wine Connection, in the same business park.

    Though, whereas Moloko (through an excellent English speaking Thai called 'Nong') got back to me very quickly, I never got a response whatsoever from the other Russian agent.

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