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Posts posted by seaeagle

  1. Following my earlier point, I just wish to add this.

    People here are totally obsessed by square metre / square wah, ie the overall size. And, they price it according to that.

    I'm always more interested in what you can do with the land. You've got much more build flexibility on a square-ish plot, than something which is the same size, but is oblong / triangular.

    Give some serious thought to buying this land - to me, it looks a pretty useless shape.

  2. My God - soooo narrow!! Is that a plot of land, or a road?

    Even without knowing the dimensions, you look as if you're going to be stuffed trying to build a nice place on something that shape.

    There are a number of regulations, and, as ever, it depends whether they're enforced, or not. I'll only mention the regulation I once enforced on a neighbour myself.

    The house walls can be as close as you want to the boundary wall. However, if you want windows in those walls, then the house wall must be at least 2m from the boundary wall. So, 2m+ - window is okay; less than 2m - it needs to be a solid wall.

  3. I suspect it's all written in the 'Rental Agreement' - do you not have one?

    For our rentals, as landlord, I or the other half, need to give 'reasonable notice'. Unless an emergency, I consider this to be a couple of days.

    There again, though, I tend to bring my UK standard landlord behaviours here, so I'm aware that has no relation to the shysters around this place.

  4. Emirates are building a terminal in dubai to service the 380 fleet, the 380 and 777 are both used to service Swampy. They have bought 100 new 777s and that is most likely the aircraft that will be used for Phuket.

    The hub is in Dubai, they won't have any troubke filling flights to Phuket, as they are expanding their network rapidly.

    It will save a lot of travel time not having go via Swampy.

    I'm not going to disagree with you, and I seriously hope it happens. But, if Air Asia can't make money out of daily direct flights between KL - Paris, and KL - London, then a 'proper' airline using a change-over hub really needs to ensure that there are enough punters wishing to fly here every day, or so.

    As I say, it will be great to see this happen. Let's wait for their announcement.

  5. Why would you think that, basic wage in Thailand at 300 baht a day working 6 days a week

    is just over $3000 anually and Thai people live on that amount, 35k a month is $13500 anually

    which is more than some people

    have to live on in some fully developed countries

    Many of the Thais on minimum wage have accomodation and some meals provided, so the 300baht a day is almost all disposable income

    Given the wingeing by a large number of employers about the 300 baht hike, I suspect that quite a few of the 'benefits' could well be eroded.

    "I give you sam roi a day, you now pay for noodles".


    "You want free noddles, you stay on 250 baht a day. If you not like, you go see your lawyer"

  6. Qatar offer flights from Phuket onwards via Qatar. Furthermore their comfort and service urinates on most other carriers, from a great hight.

    This flight is via KL, and I wonder if Emirates are thinking of doing the same with a bigger SE Asian gateway. I'm not in the airline business, but something like a 3 or 4 times weekly flight direct between Phuket and Dubai is going to mean some regular and consistent bums on seats are needed.

  7. Can anyone give information on the difference in selling costs and taxes etc where,

    1) The land and house has been owned for more than the 5 years limit

    2) The land and house has been owned for less than the 5 years limit

    (Answers about any applicable percentage rates would be great, as, of course, I can't guess any actual, declared and assessed sale values yet)

    Just to explain to anyone who's not familiar with the 5 year limit, it is where the land office considers a sale of over 5 years ownership to be a normal transaction, but where anything sold under 5 years ownership is considered a property investment business-type transaction. So, for the latter, they cream off a bit more. But, how much more? Thanks.

  8. Good god, people!! The reply was made to a post yesterday which simply said "very hot and humid lately."

    The poster didn't say he / she was hot yesterday, but said 'lately'. Similarly, I never stated that it was 30 degrees and 94% humidity yesterday.

    But, 'lately', it has been. And before some of you say that it's never been 30 degrees for weeks and weeks, then do remember that temperatures can vary by a few degrees wherever you are on the island, depending on the micro-climate near you. It's a bit like saying, "It's raining on Phuket" - well, somewhere on our island it probably is, and elsewhere it's not.

  9. The response was made to how241's post where the key word was 'lately'.

    To clarify for you, that doesn't mean today. The weather today has been marvellous - just like July, August and September which are my favourite months here.

    Yes, and yesterday, so today when you wrote, was the day with 30 degrees centigrade and 94% humidity, so in your opinion "Danger - sunstroke, muscle cramps and / or heat exhaustion likely"

    I looked at a couple of different sites to get the heat index, and it was nowhere near what seaeagle posted. I was wondering where that number came from. One site even listed the heat index and it was 92F/ 33C

    NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminsitration. Fairly well respected American outfit. They give the word definition, too - not made up by me.

  10. Very Hot and humid lately.

    Hot, where are you?

    With a temperature of 30 degrees, and humidity of 94%, that gives a heat index ('feels like') of 117. Guideline for this is; "Danger - sunstroke, muscle cramps and / or heat exhaustion likely".

    Still think that's not hot?

  11. Imagine a foreigner in Thailand not being able to pull a Thai girl, apart from on an dating websitecheesy.gif Suppose its different for the guys buck home that want to buy and import a bridebah.gif

    Firstly, you seem to ridiculously imply that all Thai girls wish to 'pull' a foreigner. Not at all.

    We also know from where some foreigners 'pull' their Thai girls. Others would like a Thai girl partner, but wouldn't wish to meet one this way. So, for both parties, who still would like a foreign / Thai partner, options are fairly limited to meeting the other person at their place of work, or through a website.

    Wasn't trying to ridiculously imply that all thai girls wish for a foreigner. But you must admit, if your looking for a girl here, a non bar girl that is. Its never difficult is it.

    Your second point i agree with. Just can't really see anyone who's here and looking for a good thai girl needing to use an internet dating site.wai.gif

    Nice to get a civil response from you - thanks. Makes a change from some who just wade in fighting, be abrupt, and stop good discussion.

    Maybe just my opinion through observation, but I think that most non-bar girls, or those clearly 'out on the pull', are culturally shy, respectful and reserved towards foreigners. (Often due to language issues, of course). Therefore, I'd suggest that it's not that easy to approach a girl, who's a total stranger, in order to meet and date.

  12. Imagine a foreigner in Thailand not being able to pull a Thai girl, apart from on an dating websitecheesy.gif Suppose its different for the guys buck home that want to buy and import a bridebah.gif

    Firstly, you seem to ridiculously imply that all Thai girls wish to 'pull' a foreigner. Not at all.

    We also know from where some foreigners 'pull' their Thai girls. Others would like a Thai girl partner, but wouldn't wish to meet one this way. So, for both parties, who still would like a foreign / Thai partner, options are fairly limited to meeting the other person at their place of work, or through a website.

  13. Sorry, but I'm being deliberately negative here.

    This is all 'good stuff' but you need sanction and support from the authorites, should you ever wish to act. No matter how well intentioned, an organised group of foreigners, or even Thai locals, won't be able to override whatever 'plan' the authorites will implement during such an event.

    You'll be standing there with your first aid and shovels, medical evac in pick-ups, and whatever ........ and the police, guards etc simply won;t let you enter any 'disaster area'.

    That's the practicalities of your meritous suggestion, I'm afraid.

    If you wish to help, then I suggest you join something like the Kusoldharm Foundation. They will welcome foreigners, and with your knowledge, you may be able to really improve their response.

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  14. I'm a BSAC AI in Phuket, and I certainly miss the club environment and 'economics'.

    However, the idea of 'club diving' is to go diving together off a club / members boat at weekends, and have a club-night during the week. I'm just not sure how you can do this with members all over Thailand.

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