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Posts posted by allane

  1. I am going to place an order, see where it goes. Let's go scam busting :)

    Don't really understand how Pattaya Mail allowed this, they'll be hammered by complaints!

    Look at the name in the advetisment. Need I say more ?

  2. Will be useful for visa runs to Langkawi.

    After looking at that website, I will never fly with them. If a company puts so little into their online brand image, well then it makes we wonder.

    Don't be too hard on them. It is probably as safe as One-Two-Crash.

  3. I work at a Thai government college.

    This is a vague guess, based on your vague information. While I have never worked at a Rajhabat, I have worked in govt. high schools. It is my understanding that this rule applies to both: The basic salary for foreign teachers is 25,580 baht. (The 580 baht pays the income tax due at this level of income; the 25,000 is the net pay to the teacher.) If the institution wants to pay the foreigner more than that, it must raise the money itself by charging the students extra tuition.

    It is possible that the institution requires permission to do so, rather than simply going ahead on their own, charging students extra money, with no assurance to the student that the funds will be used to hire and pay foreign teachers.

  4. I haven't done this trip in awhile, so can't recall the number. As I can read Thai, I can't recall if the busses going to Damnoen Saduak are marked in English, but I think that they might be.

  5. Hi, can anyone advise me how can I go to Ampahwa from Rayong?

    I will be going to Rayong on the 1st day I touch down Bangkok and will be going to Amphawa the next day. Is there bus that I could take at Bangkok city to Amphawa? I also plan to see firefly at Ampahwa but I afraid I couldn't go back to Bangkok city as it will be quite late after that. Any recommendation on home stay at Ampahwa? Thank you. :)

    From the new Southern Bus Terminal, the bus to Damneun Saduak (location of a floating market) goes via Amphawa.

  6. One of my Thai colleagues, with whom I am good friends, recently informed me that my institution must send a letter to the MOE (I think?) about paying me MORE than the maximum allowed (permission?).

    She was not clear about what this was about but she did indicate to me that foreign teachers have a maximum pay cap.

    I am confused. Has anybody heard of this?

    It might be helpful if you mention the type of instituion you work for, if you can not give its name.

  7. According to Wikipedia: The resident population was 104,318 as of 2007. This does not include those Thai's who have not transferred their registration from their home province. Including those, the population might be as high as 300,000. And, at some times the population might be as high as 500,000. Perhaps the final 200,000 would include tourists.

  8. 1) At Kiak Kai pier (N21), is there a regular ferry across to Wat Chat Kaeo? It looks like it on Google Earth and I can find mention of one, but a couple of Thai people in the area looked funny when I asked about the local kahm fahk and farangs I ran into swore there wasn't a way to take the boat from nearby, but didn't sound like they were frequent river rats. So, I put it to the Thai Visa denizens.

    I am taking a bit of a chance with this one, so you will be too, unless you want to wait for a more certain answer. I am a former resident of Bang Seu, though haven't been there much in the last few years. To the best of my recollection, there is no cross-river ferry at Kiak Kai. The nearest one would be at Payap Pier. Or, you can go cross-river on the main north-south river boats. The "orange flag" semi express ones go from Bang Pho to Phraram 7 (and vice versa), the "no flag" ones go from Wat Soi Thong to Phraram 7 and vice versa.

  9. Relative to the local economy, you would be much better of in Thailand. Several years ago, after having worked in Thailand for a couple of years, I made a job-hunting trip to Japan. I was astounded that salaries there are so low, relative to the cost of living.

    Send me a private mail if you would like more info. re cost of living, Bangkok vs. "up-country" etc. I have been here 15 years, and am well acquainted with the teaching scene here.

  10. Years ago, I bought a can at The Mall. Recently, I didn't have time to go there, so bought an equivalent product at Robinson's. In either case,look in the auto accessories section. I don't think that you will find it in the supermarket.

  11. Hi all,

    After a google search on Chinese New Years, I found out that is on 14th of February, which happens to be on a Sunday. Does anyone knows if some business will also be closed for a few days after it?(ie, 15th, 16th)

    You do not state the reason behind your question, but FYI, Chinese New year is not a statutory holiday in Thailand. Banks, govt. offices and schools do not close at all, nor do large dept. stores. What the owners of small shops do is up to them.

  12. If you are contemplating teaching elementary or high school, the Thai school year begins approximately May 1. It is divided into 2 terms, with Term 2 beginning approximately Nov.1. If you time your arrival to be about 4-6 weeks before either of those dates, you should have the widest variety and greatest number of positions vacant. Earlier than that, and schools don't yet know their manpower requirements. Later, and the best positions might already be filled.

    Ensure that you bring the original copies of your academic qualifications with you. These are required to obtain a Work Permit. (Photocopies are not acceptable.)

  13. If I am understanding what the OP said, it raises a couple of questions in my mind, pertaining to those retirees who are using the "bank account only option":

    1. Does anyone know of anyone who has been required to leave, because of this change in interpretation of the rules regarding the length of the required "seasoning period" for the "top-up money", i.e. the money that is brought to Thailand to restore the visa holder's bank account to 800,000 baht. ?

    2. If people are being told to leave while they still have, say, 700,000 baht in their bank account, are they able to send this money out of Thailand before their required departure date ?

    3. Or, in the alternative, are they being given a reasonable time to top up their bank account ? I suppose "reasonable" here depends on the size of the deficiency.

    As a matter of general policy, I don't want to live in (or even visit) a country where I am not wanted.

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