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Posts posted by allane

  1. If someone advises me of a "loophole" which entitles me to a free lunch, I know that the worst that could happen is that I might eventually have to pay for the lunch, and maybe, pay a small fine.

    But, if this "shell company to purchase a house" loophole is ever closed, you stand to lose your house.

  2. I am a customer of a guy in Bangkok who makes custom insoles. You would have to travel there twice, once for a fitting, and a few days later to pick them up. Re-post if you are interested in the particulars.

  3. I have lived here for years, and have never found a good explanation of EXACTLY how the lunar-based holidays are calculated. I would really appreciate a link to a website, or a reference to a book, whether in English or Thai. As the original poster says, a reference to a month only doesn't help much - any of us who have been here more than a year or two have already internalized that much.

  4. You didn't mention your height or weight, but if you are significantly larger than average, you may want to bring a few extra clothes, and especially, shoes. Depending exactly how large you are, the selection here is not too bad, but you may have to shop around a bit more and make compromises to find things that fit.

  5. Bangkok does not have zoning laws as we know them in the west, so it is hard to classify vast areas as "desireable" or "undesireable" based on property values and the types of people associated with various qualities of properties. You will find mansions next to slums in all areas of the city.

    Housing prices are corelated with incomes. With a few exceptions (depending on distance from city centre), you will find two price levels: 5000 - 10,000/month, and over 25,000 per month. There is not much between 10,000 and 25,000.(I presume here that your friend is looking to rent an aparetment, not a house).

    What Thai people refer to as an apartment is what we in the west would call a studio apartment or hotel room - a single room with attached bath and no kitchen facilities. This is what you typically get for 5 - 10,000/month.

    Apartments with one bedroom are aimed mainly at the foreign market, and generally located in the central area, which I would define here as within walking distance of the BTS Skytrain or MRTA Subway.

  6. What she is looking for is called "Non-formal Education". Sorry, I can't remember the Thai initials normally used to refer to it. She should ask at the nearest public high school; if it isn't available there, they probably know the nearest location.

  7. This is a guess, but if I may say so myself, an educated one. Your wife's situation is a technicality, it is not as if she has been negligent, or deliberately done something wrong. I think that if she writes a letter to the relevant authorities, they will "transfer" her visa to her new passport - they generally do have "transfer" and "correction" stamps.

    My own situation was not precisely the same, but similar. I was issued an erroneous Work Permit, erroneous in the sense that it was issued for longer than the remaining validity of my passport. When the authorities subsequently realized that they had made a mistake, they first repeated the error in my new passport, then stamped a correction right next to it. In my situation, the mistake was all within one country (Thailand), and the officials could easily contact each other by phone if they wished to. This is not nearly as easy in an international context, but worth a try anyway I think.

  8. If I might jump ahead to what may become a future issue: if you are having trouble finding a barbeque now, you will probably have trouble trying to find charcoal in the future.

  9. This is third-party information, as I have never used Moneygram myself. It is my understanding that Moneygram takes 2 - 3 days, while Western Union is virtually instantaneous (providing of course that the recipient's local Western Union office is open, and he knows that the money has been sent).

    This may be Western Union's justification for charging higher fees and exchange rates.

  10. Search Google for "map of Bangkok". One of the maps which is printed at the top of the search results is: www.guidetothailand.com/maps-thailand/map-bangkok At the top centre of that map you will find the Morchit bus terminal (labelled on the map as "Northeastern Bus Terminal". Your objective is to get to the lower right (southeastern) corner of the map, on Sukhumwit Road. Follow Sukhumwit past Soi 103/1, then turn left (east) on the Bang Na - Trat Highway, a major road which has an overhead expressway above it. From the corner of Sukhumwit and Bang Na - Trat Roads, it is about 200 km to Rayong. Follow Hwy. 3 (Sukhumwit) about 130 km. until just before you get to Pattaya. Turn left there on Hwy. 36 for Rayong.

    Because you will be riding a motorcycle, you are not allowed to use the expressways.

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