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  1. I've read it and it states quite unequivocally that it can only be invoked under two specific sets of circumstances, as follows. 1. There is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government .... 2. [If] any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government ... Perhaps you can tell us which of those two sets of circumstances you think apply to the current situation.
  2. He could not have "ridden out his years" here. If you read the Independent article that @Moonloverlinked to, they had already tracked him down in Thailand using AI-based facial recognition technology and Cheshire Police had started the process for extradition.
  3. Not sure where you're getting this from. The video starts with the young man coming onto the older couple's (leased) property, picking up their plant pots and dumping them at their front door, then waving at their camera and yelling to gain their attention. All the footage comes from the same viewing angle, so it's clear that the entire video is from a CCTV camera at or above the older couple's front door and everything we see takes place in front of their house. This is also made clear by the narrative of the events in the interview they gave to The Sun newspaper. And although the older guy did aim a slight kick at the younger guy, even if he made slight contact (which it's not clear that he did) that is absolutely no justification whatsoever for prolonged frenzy of violence he was then subjected to. The older guy was punched twenty-two times in the head, after he was already lying unconscious on the ground. And these were not light taps, these were full swings of each arm, against a motionless, unconscious and therefore defenceless older opponent. In what universe is that justified by an attempted kick out that as far as I can tell, might not even have landed?
  4. Yes, it was already posted on this thread, on the first page.
  5. Some of the reports seem to suggest that, but in The Sun article that seems to be the original source of the story it sounds more like they were selling because they no longer felt safe there. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/33737639/brit-couple-retired-thailand-beaten-neighbours-prison/
  6. They're losing ground in Kursk, but not in the East. They're making progress against the Russians in both Toretsk and Pokrovsk while things remain fairly static elsewhere. Ukraine War Map Shows Kyiv Regain Ground in Two Major Strongholds https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-war-map-regain-ground-toretsk-2036296
  7. America is benefiting from tariffs right now? That's interesting, since even Donald Trump isn't claiming that. He says there will be some temporary disruption before the benefits are felt. So please give us some examples of the benefits that are currently being experienced by Americans.
  8. The current acting head (a Trump appointee) is apparently saying more or less the same thing. Social Security’s acting chief privately admits DOGE ‘will make mistakes’ while cuts delay processing of claims, report says https://fortune.com/2025/03/08/social-security-cuts-layoffs-doge-delays-processing-retirement-disability-claims/
  9. OK, but the person they first went out in response to, was British. His Thai wife didn't show up till later in the piece. And actually, from the video it seems that they didn't even go outside till he'd left. However after they were outside, he appears to return along with his wife.
  10. We don't know that they didn't do that, but when they saw their neighbours ripping up plants in their garden and went out to see what was going on, they surely never expected the situation to descend into such extreme violence.
  11. It's not just that the other couple brought a court case though. It was the police that came and arrested them, confiscated their passports, fingerprinted them and charged them with multiple offences. As for it being likely the case will be dismissed, the Middlesbrough Evening Gazette reports the couple as having been warned that they will most likely be going to jail.
  12. You can have a land dispute over the land that you currently occupy, whether you own it or not. For instance, let's say you have a lease on a property. If a neighbour then comes and builds on part of the property you are leasing and you dispute their right to do so (which is what appears to have happened here) then you have, de facto, a land dispute.
  13. Not quite - it was a British man with a Thai wife and a British couple that were involved. And if you watch the video, I don't think you can really call both couples "aggressors" - the younger couple was mercilessly pummeling the other with punches, kicks and knees, while the elderly couple were just trying to stave off the attacks they were being subjected to.
  14. Yes, and I posted a link to the video already.
  15. It appears the other couple were a British man with a Thai wife, not two Thais. It's definitely horrendous aggression committed by a younger couple against an elderly couple, though.
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