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Posts posted by watutsi

  1. "Happy" was a song written for the animation film "Despicable Me 2" by Pharrell Williams.It was a hit all over the world, it has now taken on a life of its own as people feel the positive energy of the song They have started creating their own videos . There is nothing new in that but the joy that some of these videos create is something that should make most folks feel good.

    The first one is from an NGO school in Cambodia for the disabled.


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  2. The documentary "The Act of Killing" [ J. Oppenheimer 2012 ] is rightly regarded as one of the most powerful documentaries ever made.It concerns the systematic slaughter of hundreds of thousands of supposed communists in Indonesia in the mid 60's.Those of you who have seen it will know it is not an experience you will easily forget .

    A couple of years before "The Act of Killing" a Cambodian journalist made a film remarkably similar in many ways but using a more subtle approach.

    "Enemies of The People" [Thet Sambath 2010]

    Over a period of 10 years he slowly befriended the killers [mostly villagers ] and Pol Pots number 2 Nuon Chen and through his very gentle manner and the fact that he never told them that his family had been murdered he eventually convinces them to talk . I have seen a few docs about this period in Cambodia's history but they usually leave me with more questions than answers, this film gets much closer to the "unspoken".

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  3. I'm quite sure that villagefarang would in that case have wisdom to put things in perspective. The farming for you would be a hobby, which gives you a real joy.

    Is there a reason for an corporate farmer to put the person who is learning to garden his 4m2 field down? Is there a reason to do the same in photography?

    For me your attitude towards others is what could be described as teenager thug coming to kindergarten to bully the younger kids. Someone trying to push others down and thinks that it would increase his or hers status. Boy or a girl who thinks he/she is on the top of the world, but still lack the wisdom of the life.

    I have seen the same attitude in tech forums. Nerds who are laughing to the people who are just learning how to use new operating system. It saddens me every time. That behavior is kind of ok on the very higher levels, where the game is hard and people in general are on the same page, but it should never be visible on the user levels.

    I appreciate your kind and understanding words and I am relieved to find that many of you have voted for the carrot over the stick when trying to encourage others to participate and share on this forum.
    The stick has never worked on me and I am suspicious of those who think belittling the efforts of others with words like, chimpanzee, twee, cliche, banal, crap, supercilious blandness, fester, Instagram feed, trivia, and turds, will somehow encourage them to stick their necks out and share their photos.
    A like, a kind word of encouragement and support, may not produce an award winning photo but it may just give someone the boost they need to keep on trying when they find themselves struggling.
    Like the stragglers just trying to finish a marathon, not win it, they know where they are in the race and don’t need to be reminded of how far behind the leaders they are. They need a pat on the back and heartfelt cheers of encouragement, to meet their goal of finishing.
    I am glad members are posting their pictures in greater numbers than in the past. I don’t believe we need to artificially elevate one kind of thread above another. Post what you like and let the members vote on what they want to follow, with their likes and comments.
    Hopefully this will be the end of my banal, self-absorbed, holier than thou preaching on this topic.biggrin.png

    enough of this crap,

    thanks to all who had positive things to say

    i have left the building

  4. Related to much of my jabbering on that other thread, i thought i would try and introduce a new thread that might move at a slower pace and create some interaction, both in the way of members introducing their own personal genres and explaining why that particular photographer impresses them.It has nothing directly to do with Thailand so the mods must use their own judgement, but it is a way of introduction to all the different ways people enjoy photography.I know little or nothing about bird photography, i would enjoy being educated in what makes a great bird photograph, who is "the man" in bird photography and so on.It is also not necessary about obvious names, could just be your mate.

    So on a wing and a prayer [mods ?] i will start -

    It may be a surprise to most [all] of you but my photographic background is in Beauty and Advertising. I shot campaigns and editorial for many of the major cosmetic companies also major campaigns for cigarettes , airlines , sports shoes ,etc. My cameras of choice were 10 x 8 Sinars and Linhofs. I only took up Street photography a little over 2 years ago as a retirement hobby , an exercise for the body and the brain and the antithesis of the "total control" i was comfortable with. When i started my street thread on this forum i had only been taking pictures for 2 months and shown them to nobody so when i posted the first pictures my apprehensions

    were exactly the same as all the other first time posters, and i was very grateful for the encouragement and support.

    Getting to the point, when i was working in London i was continually being told how good i was, which is always nice to hear , but i knew that this guy was so much better than me. It is so important to know that other people are doing it better than you , it means you are never truly satisfied with your own work and are always trying to improve it.

    Nick Knight http://reelfoto.blogspot.com/2011/10/nick-knight-different-kind-of-fashion.html

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  5. I shoot while riding my bike, and for me, success is not having one remaining shot at the end of the day. It is having a multitude of memories and having seen things, which I may not have seen, without the aid of my camera. Some images make it to the computer, while others only exist in the neural pathways of my mind.
    Carrying a camera on my mountain bike rides just adds to the joy and exertion of riding the trails, and the day it becomes work or distracts from that joy, is the day I will begin leaving it at home in the closet. You can suffer for you art if you choose but for me it is fun or none.
    I am getting too old to do things to please others but if it brings me joy, perhaps it will do the same for others, so I share. For me photography is not a serious thing used to beat others over the head in a show of dominance or superiority.

    It seems to me it is you who is always beating people over the head with your holier than thou preaching

    -for arguments sake i am assuming you are a farmer and this is something you care about.That after preparing ,leveling the ground and planting, you are excited when the first shoots appear and even more so when it is a quality crop.That you are disappointed when you see careless and uncaring farming practices when it is just as easy to do it correctly.

    If i turned up on the Farming Forum saying why are you guys so hung up about getting it right , it's only farming, you don't have to try too hard, just enjoy the digging , it's therapeutic it dosn't matter if anything grows, you might assume i am a self absorbed prick with no empathy.

  6. For me it's the idea of the photo. If there is something unexpected, the better.

    that is interesting.... an image that lies? Thanks for that oilinki.

    Art is propaganda.

    Something that makes you believe it is what it is not.

    A photo? A piece of paper that looks like a landscape, portrait or..something other than paper.

    A painting? The same on canvas.

    Sculpture? A rock that looks like something other than a rock.

    It's all propaganda.

    sorry willy this thread is for people with a mental age above 12, come back when you have something to say.

  7. Perhaps someone needs to start a snob thread, sort of an invitation only thing. That way they won’t have to rub shoulders with lesser beings.wink.png

    Exactly what i was talking about - so proud of your supercilious blandness, reducing it to "them and us" instead of looking at ways to make people achieve rather than just fester.

    I don’t agree that people here are "festering" and I certainly don’t agree that you can "make" people achieve. Everyone here is making an effort and moving at their own pace. I don’t consider it my place to discourage them by telling them they aren’t good enough.

    When did anybody say anything about not being good enough ? Making people achieve and making an effort can amount to the same thing but of late the forum which previously has managed to be an interchange of photographic information between members with various degrees of skill and knowledge has become a twitter or instagram feed of a few folks trivia

    This is the meal i ate : this is the turd from the meal i ate : this is the meal i ate after the turd :will post the new turd picture tomorrow.

    There is never any interest or time because of the amount of pictures posted to debate the best way to light a turd - flash or reflected daylight or ?

    It is this aspect of the forum that seems to be lost in the race to post more pictures than the other guy.It is not about anybody being better it is about everybody being better.

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