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Posts posted by watutsi

  1. From someone who should know better it seems you are just playing with words.There is of course no "best rock band ever"but to describe the Beatles as the best seems to be missing the point .They are probably the most important and innovative band of rock but they were never a great performance band.The subjective title of" best rock band ever" should go to a LIVE band that totally blew you into another dimension,[drugs or not] So just of the top of my head i would suggest Cream ; MC5 ; Led Zepplin ; Motorhead ; The Clash ; The Ramones etc. My choice would be Cream but i wouldn't be that dogmatic about it

  2. I pasted some photographs into Thai Visa via the hosting site Photobucket.A few days later i deleted 1 of those photos inside Photobucket, i was surprised to see that this also deleted the image in Thai Visa.

    To my totally non technical mind i found this confusing, as i thought the image information was now inside T.V. and not still connected via some digital umbilical cord to Photobucket.Does this mean that if i closed an account at a Hosting site, every image i ever pasted from there will vanish from wherever it was posted ?


  3. Thankyou both for your comments

    David48, the movement is like so many photographs,more accident than design,i was using a slow shutter speed because of the dark areas,he is beginning to react to the realisation he is about to collide with the other man.His movement is just faster than everything else going on in the photo. I photographed the collision but other elements of the photo had changed, so this is the one i went with.Thankyou again for your comments, i think i will post a few more pictures in a couple of days

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