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Posts posted by watutsi

  1. Gorecki - Symphony No 3 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs'

    Beautiful music that i have yet to tire of. Even my favourite other music ,if it was the only thing i had to listen to, would soon end up being as painful to listen to as a Billy Joel track on non-stop play.

    Gorecki -Symphony No 3 would be my choice also, for exactly the same reasons. This music transports me further away from the reality of the moment than anything else i've ever heard and for that reason ,in this hypothetical situation, it would sustain me longer than some of my other gut reaction choices .

  2. Whenever i post or reply in a longish fashion i lay out my sentences as i would in a letter .

    Everything looks fine in "preview post" but when i send the post the sentences are often broken up

    in an illogical way that makes the sense of what i'm trying to say less cohesive.Often a line has 2 words

    then the rest of the sentence continues on the next line.

    IS there a particular way i should be typing my layout to avoid this, like ignoring the length of a line

    and just typing to the end of the page , i also noticed if there is a capital letter in a sentence but not

    necessarily a new sentence the line breaks there and continues on the next line.

    Most peoples layouts look logical so i am wondering why mine are being broken up in this way.


  3. In more recent times " Photography is not Art " is an argument from the 1970's when more and more artists [as opposed to photographers]

    started using photography as their chosen medium.As an argument it has really had no credence for about 30 years.In that time

    "Fine Art Photography" has become very much part of the mainstream art world.

    For all the "nay sayers" on this forum, i'm curious what you regard as Art, or is your argument no more than " i know what i like"

    Art is ; a french urinal [Marcel Duchamp] ; a pile of bricks [Carl Andre] ;a room half full of sump oil [Richard Wilson] ;

    a shark in formaldehyde [Damien Hirst] and of course not forgetting ; artist crucified to VW Beetle [Chris Burden].

    Something as benign as a photograph slips very easily into this lexicon of Modern Art.

    Then there are those arguing over the phrase "photography is art" as it implies all photography is art. This is as moronic as saying

    "painting is art". Painting is not art, painting is pushing paint with a brush.However a painting that is done with elements of

    passion , skill ,intellect , and creativity can be art. Exactly the same applies to a photograph.

    In the real world [perhaps i should be more precise, in the Art World] this supposition is no longer up for debate. I'm sure

    The Flat Earth Society still has a few members but it is time to move on regarding the idea of photography as art.

  4. Therefore in this society in which we live Photography is Art, fact.

    Not fact - supposition.

    Subject still under debate

    Please tell this to the worlds major art dealers ,who are now paying millions of dollars for particular photographs.

    I'm sure they will be very upset, so break it to them gently.

  5. There was a time when most people saw no value, artistic or otherwise in the pictures

    of Van Gogh and Picasso.Their work was regarded as untalented rubbish because the

    viewers did not understand this "new language"

    Probably not much different today.You have to understand some of the context of Shermans

    photographs to appreciate them.Its not the same as looking at a Cartier Bresson.Also i think

    she is regarded as an artist who is using a camera to say what she wants to say rather than

    a photographer in a more conventional sense

    It is irrelevant if any of us would pay $3.8 million, the fact is someone did.

    I am no fan of Cindy Sherman, and do not know the story behind these astronomical prices,

    i'm just playing devils advocate but i do think it is partly about the aesthetic, most definitely

    a large part of hype and a gamble that the market in that particular artist will continue to rise.

    Another gamble when you are paying these prices for a one off photograph is how will the print

    look in a 100years or more ?

  6. I agree that

    "Art is a subjective term used in our society to determine the quality rarity and worth of a created object."

    But Art does not determine rarity for that is determined by supply. I'm not sure that I even fully agree that Art determines "worth" either, as the value of a product (as measured in fiscal terms for what else is there?) is determined by what a willing buyer and seller will transact at. Art does however affect desirability of a product and therefore influences demand.

    Photography however is not art, but it can be. It is the science of capturing images on photo sensitive material.

    In my view scribbles of a pencil, dribbles of paint and a collection of words also do not automatically qualify as art.

    I'd disagree, but if you were so inclined you could argue the counter point that all photography is art regardless of the quality of the aesthetics.

    But you can not ever reasonably claim that the process of capturing images which in the viewer's subjective opinion are neither suitably creative, imaginative,beautiful or significant is not photography, for all of it is, every single print, snapshot and accidental shot of the inside of a lens cover.

    In my opinion only some images will ever be art (to me) and of those that are, some will be of more artistic value than others.

    The fact that a photograph can sell for $ 3.8 million is because it must be an edition of 1 and therefore unique [rare]

    If it was an edition of 20 it would not be regarded as so desirable and its value would be a fraction of that amount,

    but the image remains the same.

    As to your other points, as they are all so blatantly obvious , i agree with you.

    My original reply was a somewhat flippant way of saying in todays terms Art is as much commerce as aesthetics.

  7. Personally I have never considered photography as art. I did watch the BBC series and to be honest it only confirmed my view.

    I was left with the impression that "art" contained higher percentages of hype and pretension than it did "photography".

    Photography is a pastime of the masses, that brings more enjoyment to the picture taker than the viewer. That's why it has such a following and long may it remain so. I just wish it was a cheaper hobby ;+)

    Reply with a different hat on ;

    Art is a subjective term used in our society to determine the quality rarity and worth of a created object.

    A photograph by a living photographer [Cindy Sherman] was recently bought for $ 3.8 million

    Therefore in this society in which we live Photography is Art, fact.

  8. Personally I have never considered photography as art. I did watch the BBC series and to be honest it only confirmed my view.

    I was left with the impression that "art" contained higher percentages of hype and pretension than it did "photography".

    Photography is a pastime of the masses, that brings more enjoyment to the picture taker than the viewer. That's why it has such a following and long may it remain so. I just wish it was a cheaper hobby ;+)

    "Photography is a pastime of the masses ,that brings more enjoyment to the picture taker than the viewer"

    Well said, however why does that negate the fact that in every human endeavor there are those that rise

    above the masses to do the exceptional.

    Sure there is hype and pretension in all forms of art, but i see no difference between " the artist " [if you believe such a being exists]

    creating with the pen the paintbrush or the camera.

  9. Given its title , i have always been totally underwhelmed by this forum.A more appropriate title might be " Cameras and Snapshots ".

    For anyone actually interested in Photography with a capital P here is a link to one of the best documentaries made about the subject.

    5 hours in 6 episodes made by the BBC a few years ago ,it explores the development and language of picture making.

    Unmissable for anyone interested in " Photography and the Arts "


  10. 1000 hits and only 3 rsvp's !!!!!!!!!!!

    There is a lot of living between the music you danced to as a teenager in the 60's and being

    a retired expat in Bangkok.As the decades pass music becomes less important in the day to day struggles.

    I personally pretty much gave up on music 25 years ago,it just became a background soundtrack.It was not

    until recently just out of curiosity i decided to see how much of my vinyl collection i could find on youtube,

    My musical tastes over the years range through Blues, British R&B, Soul, Funk,West Coast[uSA] Reggae, Punk New Wave,even early House music

    and for the last 20 years Jazz, but without the passion of my earlier years .

    I realised that listening to the old soul music was changing my mood for the better in a way that the other genres were not quite matching.Listen to the music


  11. I have tried virtually every combination of copy/paste into "insert media" but all i ever get is the url with [media] at either end

    i never get an image of the video although i sometimes get a black box.

    I emailed the support people who mentioned a period between the tu & be of tube which i removed but still no joy.

    They now say that a number of people are experiencing this problem and it must be a youtube problem.

    As most people can post with ease i don't see how that can be.Any ideas anybody ?

  12. Well, anybody interested in a soul night???

    Date Friday July 29, location Woodstock bar

    RSVP and in two weeks I will visit them to see what and how...

    Memory sticks or burned CD I will check...


    What is defined as soul anyway??

    Al Green, Sam Cooke, Sam and Dave, Supremes, Otis, Marvin

    Martha Reeves, Aretha, James Brown Tempations, Drifters,

    Four Tops, King Floyd, Angie Stone.....

    Luther, EWF, Stevie Wonder???

    and ;Bob & Earl ; Darrel Banks Etta James; Aaron Neville; JrWalker; Esther Phillips;

    The Fascination; Robert Parker; Solomon Burke ; Garnet Mimms; The Carstairs;

    William de Vaughn; Bobby Womack; and on and on, there is so much more out there

    than just the better known names.

    This is my rsvp by the way

    Thankyou for putting in the effort, i hope a few people respond

    Sorry don't understand Wags

  13. Give the owner of a quiet bar around Sukhumvit some customers, bring the stick with the music, get together and share memories?? When???

    Oh yeah, take the gf for the boogie steps...

    Groove me baby!!

    Great idea ,i would love to walk into a bar in Sukhumvit where the music made me feel good,instead of the same old same old, and worse.

    If there are more people out there who would maybe like to meet up say once a month where the only soundtrack is soul /r&b and the like,

    speak up ! Then we can try and find a suitable bar,if enough people are interested.

  14. To "Endure" If only, i know all these clubs but i lived too far away

    I spent 7 years of my life in them. Lucky me :D

    Darrel Banks, The Fascinations, Tami Lynn, Dobie Gray...

    unfortunately it is probably better behind closed doors these days ,but can you still dance ?

  15. What is 'soul music' ?

    I mean,I'm from that age when 'soul music' first appeared in New Zealand and Australia

    and I have never been quite sure exactly what 'soul music' is.

    If you ask ten people ,'what is 'soul music' you will get 10 different answers.

    Someone once described 'soul music' to me as,someone who sings from the heart,

    but that would probably include anyone who ever opened their mouth to sing,wouldn't it ?

    So what is 'soul music' ?

    What is it about 'soul music' that sets it apart from any and every other style of music ?.

    And who was/is the best soul singer ever ??.

    BTW.........I hear,loud & clear,what you're saying about YouTube............Aahh the memories !

    I agree that" music from the soul" can be applied to any musical style ; Sinatra ;Opera etc. however in this context

    we are of course talking about the mixing together of ,The Blues, electricity, and the church [gospel]

    It is a complete mystery to me why people like the music that they do,and why so many British teenagers in the 60's

    adopted a music that was created an ocean away and from totally alien culture

    Best soul singer ever ; Not going to go there depends on the mood ; Otis ; Picket; A Neville ; Curtis ; Cooke etc

    I will go for "most soulful record ever" - "Stay with me baby" Lorraine Ellison

    Thankyou to the others that replied and for the links

    To "Endure" If only, i know all these clubs but i lived too far away

    To "Littleboy lost" I'm in Bangkok

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