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Posts posted by GabbaGabbaHey

  1. On 4/9/2021 at 9:46 AM, david143 said:

    until now there is no Special RG for men publish yet.
    Backlogs are getting higher now due to Oath takers from August 2020  and now New oath Takers in April 2021.
    I don't know whats going on.
    SB said AUG 2020 oath takers already signed by Minister to Published , but they also don't know why RG took so long, RG for men suppose to published in the starting of April 2021 which is still pending OR there will be a huge Publish over 80 to 100 names in one row.

    As per my Case officer, he said Lang songkran dai na. *** After songkran but another drama now is Covid**** lets see.


    Jay yen yen mate, I hope it's a matter of days or few weeks for you. Soon you'll be on the bright side too.


    • Like 1
  2. On 12/21/2020 at 10:44 AM, Neeranam said:

    I remember reading somewhere that there is a time limit of 60 days to get the ID card. Do you know if it is after the RG is announced or after receiving the Naturalization certificate at SB?

    I did a post on this earlier. It's 60 days from RG to complete the remaining steps that include getting the certificate, getting registered and obtaining the ID card.

    • Like 2
  3. 14 hours ago, kst said:

    What letter will MOI send and will a reply be needed? When will they send this?


    Because I have moved so will need to keep a lookout for it..

    I got two letters from MOI, the first one was the appointment to MOI interview which funnily was handed to me on the same day of the MOI interview. The second one was the confirmation that I had been granted Thai citizenship and I had 60 days to complete the process from the time of RG publication, it was mailed to me few weeks after RG which was close to the time I was getting my ID card.


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  4. 4 hours ago, david143 said:

    Just for General info.
    Calculation lapse start from November Month.

    Year 2017 : 21 November 2017 Male
    Year 2018 :
    23 February 2018 Male

    Year 2018: 12 December 2018 Male
    Year 2019 :
    03 April 2019 Male

    Male:  21 November 2019 Male
    Male: 11 February 2020 Male

    This is year 2020
    Male: 17 November 2020 Male + Kid Mix
    Next Should to be in Mid OR End February 2021.

    This is 3 year Calculation
    Hope it can helpful to RG wait list candidates

    You're just missing -for males-: 15 Aug 2019, 1 Avril 2020 and 26 Aug 2020 (me!, mixed).

    • Thanks 1
  5. 10 hours ago, khongaeng said:

    I also made the cut for this RG announcement too.  After I saw your post, I almost had a heart attack in anticipation.  Only 44 people on this one, so I suspect some MOI interviewees in Jan and Feb 2020 are not on it.  I hope you made this one David!  I found out one of my American friends who was also waiting, but not on this forum, also made the cut. He's probably excited to finally have a fallback if things go crazy in the US with Trump and Biden. ???? If I remember correctly he interviewed at MOI in September 2019.  


  6. 46 minutes ago, david143 said:

    PM insists he will not resign, saying he is not going to ‘abandon the country during crisis

    I Hope we RG que members will get good news in RG Soon.
    But in case of Gabba Brother he waited for 4 months

    Once you have taken the oath all you need is one final signature from the Interior Minister on your particular naturalization batch (in my case, he signed 3 month after) and then it will naturally get into the RG few weeks later.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I went to the bank today and mentioned that I would be coming back soon to change my nationality on my account. The guy, who was fairly senior, said not to bother. I said that I couldn't use my UK passport in the future and he said, "no problem, just show your ID card when needed".

    This doesn't seem right to me. Can anyone shed some light on the legalities here?

    Btw, I have to get a new visa tomorrow, so I expect the RG to be published just after I finish that ???? 

    I haven't been to the bank yet, not sure if I should hurry on this or not. BTW isn't there visa grace period (no documents required) for all foreigners due to covid until Oct 31? can't you benefit from that?

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, qualtrough said:

    Congratulations! That must be a fantastic feeling. And thanks for the helpful timeline.


    I worry that the current situation may eventually result in a delay in the citizenship granting process if the right people are not around to sign off on things. I understand that the system chugs along, but there is at least one key signature requirement that if lacking could cause a significant delay.

    Thank you. As for an hypothetical delay in coming naturalizations, maybe you know things that I'm not aware of, but I'd say this has not yet happened in the past 2-3 years so why worry? simply saying: there were oaths taken in April (including myself), in July and August (some in this forum), there will be at least one RG soon and probably even two -or three if there's one specific for women- by the end of the year. If anyone can confirm having taken the oath since September or by end November it would reassure everyone that things are really flowing normally. Conclusion: I personally don't see any reason to panic.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, david143 said:

    actually there must be some way to check with RG, like we check with BORA , or SBP.
    its felt like you are in a dark tunnel walking walking and walking and still hoping for a light will appear ????

    I believe someone who has a good contact at MOI could technically get the information of when the minister has signed the naturalization batch (very final step) then by deduction anticipate RG date which is 3-4 weeks after.

    Good luck to all of you waiting! 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 37 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    I always take it with me when I am going to do something out of the ordinary, such as buy a house or buy land. It really depends on the Land Department Office you are dealing with as to whether they will want/need to see it. I took it with me to the Land Department in Somdej, Kalasin, earlier this year as I had bought some land, and showed it to the official responsible for giving out queue numbers as she could not believe I was Thai despite the ID card showing that I was, but when she went to discuss the matter with her boss he said there was no real issue.   


    I seem to recall showing it the first time I had all my bank accounts updated, but have never shown it since. For opening new bank and mutual fund accounts it has never been needed and I have been able to rely on my ID card. 


    I will keep it out of harms way and away from insects though, as knowing my luck, as soon as it turns to dust it will be needed again. 

    Thanks. In such case I'm going to give the first ones to the district and the passport office but I won't give the last one easily. After all, I don't see why other offices (such as bank, insurance, labour dpt, my employer...) would not accept a self-certified printed copy of the certified-copy ????

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