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Posts posted by thaigold

  1. If you are a family planning a trip, my advice is don't come - especially with children. You would be putting your family in harm's way.

    Another consideration is the voiding of any insurance you carry if you go to a country in political instability. All policy's specifically exclude insurrection and war. However, if you are a single person and are ready to expect airport delays; traffic jams; occasional grenades and a bit of adventure, come on over.

    Bangkok is certainly safer the Detroit, LA, or Washington DC at night.

  2. The scheme is a very slow start for Thailand master tourism recovery plan. The spending of the Bt1.6 billion beginning next month by the TAT for recovery is an even bigger joke while the political unrest is continuing. I would feel much better if I was allowed on the first class junkets around the world to promote Thailand as a tourist destination. "AMAZING THAILAND! BURMA WITH ELECTRICITY!"

    "Amazing Thailand, Burma With Electricity" I like that.

  3. It has come to me, that besides all the other problems of corruption, lack of a decent education, nepotism & poverty, cultural feudalism, etc... etc... etc...

    There really is NO decent political alternative to chose.... ALL major political parties have the same problems... tainted with the perception, if not fact, of corruption and vote-buying, all controlled (or owned) by the unseen forces of HI-SO (or just Very Rich) Elites.... None of them truly representative of the downtrodden or the middle classes... None of them truly concerned about any kind of real societal and fundamental structural Change.

    Lip-service and misinformation is pervasive... False Promises flow like silk over a gorge of deceit and inaction.

    Nothing will ever change unless a REAL Leader and a REAL Political movement finally surfaces.

    Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? The 'Abraham Lincoln', the 'Elliott Ness', the 'Aung San Suu Kyi'.... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are . the unity of purpose and vision?

    Where is the Hope?


    God, it sounds like you're describing the US.

  4. Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

    My friend, there are thousands of people in the streets, including women, children, and old people. Can any sane person believe the Thais would stoop to the level of Burma?

    A recent quote from General Prem should lay this cruel rumor to rest:

    Privy Council chairman Gen Prem Tinsulanonda yesterday likened the government to a jockey and soldiers to horses, saying the jockeys come and go, but the owner of the horses stays the same. In a special lecture to around 950 cadets at the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) in Khao Cha-ngoke, Nakhon Nayok, Gen Prem said the soldiers belonged to His Majesty the King, not a government.

  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears to me that you are trying to breath new life into an older pc tower - not a laptop. You may want to look at buying a new computer. The prices are dramatically lower than three to five years ago. There just may be issues with correcting the configuration of your current hardware that probably will approach the cost of a new machine. If the updating costs anywhere near 40% of the cost of a new pc - they buy new.

  6. This person is either a savant or has in IQ above Hawkins. It is absolutely impossible for a European to become even marginally fluent in Thai in 8-weeks. Again, impossible.

    Many readers want proof that this 8-week wonder has never before in his life been exposed to non-Latin / Asian languages.

  7. Actually, I've been using True 3G near Victory Monument for several months now. It was free, but recently they've gone to a pay as you go mode. You can secure a monthly plan at any True Shop - about b799 including 3G/WiFi/GPRS; or pay as you go with a sim from 7/11. It's easy, once you surmount the language barrier ( if you get a no from a Thai, keep going till you get a yes. Smile.

  8. Many say you should engage a qualified attorney, versed in immigration law. Also, be prepared to prove you are financially solvent and able to provide for your immigrant family. With the US slipping into the financial doldrums, be prepared to prove your dollar independence. And, above all, make sure your paperwork is beyond reproach. Again, attorney, proof of legal marriage and birth documents (translated into English), and a seasoned banking record.

    Good luck.

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