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Posts posted by thaigold

  1. I am sure the protocol types from both sides made sure that things were done as properly as possibly.

    Obama wei'd the monks at the wat, and here he shook the offered hand of the king. No doubts this was prearranged.

    HRM is no stranger to Americans and American culture, having met with many from Elvis to Satchmo and others.

    He is a long time fan of american jazz, and I would venture that, given enough time, this subject would have come up during the pleasantries.

    Long live HRM.

    Certainly HRM is no stranger to the American way, after all, HRM was born in the USA, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    Long Live the King

  2. Actually my appendage was so big that I had to go to the Mayo Clinic for a penile size reduction procedure. This procedure, I have found works worldwide. First the nurse must have certain feminine attributes to assure that the member in question is in its largest condition (swollen). Then the nurse inserts the member in question into a special container that she herself provides.

    Then, by the application of certain secret Tantric medical manipulations, the oversized member will reach a moment of criticality, and quite quickly the member is reduced in size.

    Be warned, however that this is a temporary cure only, because if the nurse does not vacate the operation room immediately, the appendage may fall into relapse and grow in size again ... and depending on the nurse's skills, it could become bigger than before.

    Thrust me, I'm a doctor (of Divinity).

    • Like 2
  3. Just to make sure people this event through a clear lens, Geo Bush couldn't even visit 10 Downing Street in the open. He had to get in by way of the sewers. How appropriate.

    p.s. I'm a senior white American and I love Obama. Republicans, man-up and take it. He's The Man for the next four years. How sweet it is.

    • Like 2
  4. Two sides to the pancake.

    1. Smelly unshaven Farang on BTS with bike and backpack. Many times accompanied by female with breasts and belly bouncing with the rhythm of the rails.
    2. Inebriated Euro tramp on BTS with his loose Euro panties on display.
    3. Two Farangs deep kissing and fondling each other on BTS platform.
    4. Euro scum with jellied hair and obscene tattoos (male and female).
    5. Western European yelling and berating a Thai service lady because she doesn't understand his garbled native tongue.

    The list is long....

    • Like 1
  5. 3G is virtually useless as a substitute for ADSL. The speed is slightly better than dial up modem ... terrible. You can't even watch YouTube and if you do, they'll hit you with a "Fair Use" limit of 2 or 3 gigs. Useless.

    • Like 1
  6. Henry Ford conceived and popularized mass-production of the automobile. You can, today, distill a Mercedes; a Jaguar; a Toyota; a Chevrolet, and they all use the basic Model T technology. Piston operated internal combustion engine, transmission, and four wheels.

    Apple got lucky, and created a phone that has a huge following. Apple, did not however, reinvent the wheel.

  7. Obviously this was a flight from Manila to BKK. There's a standing joke in customs about incoming flights from Manila coming into Honolulu Hawaii. It goes. ' The chances of finding contraband on a Philippines Airline flight to HNL is about the same as finding Big Mac's in a McDonalds restaurant'. In a way I feel sorry for this poor woman. While the producers, money-men, and enforcers get rich, these poor dumb mules do the time. Sad.

  8. Trang City?

    • Start a walking tour from the clock tower.
    • Enjoy Trang coffee (kopee)
    • Enjoy wonderful seafood.
    • Hire one of those quaint Trang tuk-tuks and go on a tour.
    • Rent a bike and go on a private adventure.
    • Rent a car and drive to Krabi for dinner.
    • Enjoy the wonderful scenery not flat and uninteresting like the Issan.
    • Buy a local tour book.

    Big Fun!

    • Like 1
  9. You might be advised to seek new legal advice. Depending on the US State which holds jurisdiction in your case, You may have some avenue to escape this indentured servitude you find yourself trapped in.

    I was an employer in the US Territory of Guam several years ago, and had a key manager who received menacing letters from the State of California in re to child support. He paid.

    However, the failure to pay alimony is no more grave than quitting payment on a stateside credit card. Much may hinge on your source of funds in the US. Please ... see an attorney experienced in these matters. It may be the smartest thing you ever did.

  10. During the last two years the debasement of gold by tungsten inserts and cores has gone international. The word is that they are the product of a rogue government or a highly sophisticated crime syndicate with unlimited funds. The suspects are many.

    The quality of these fakes even fail the careful eyes of the gold dealers themselves. This is not a problem isolated to Thailand; China; The Philippines; or the US. I would advise extreme caution in the buying of gold (especially ingots) as these fakes are absolutely superior and virtually undetectable without laboratory assay..

    If you have a baht weight or troy ounce product, it can lose its intrinsic value in a micro-second if the buyer demands an assay. Buyer beware!

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