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Posts posted by thaigold

  1. Simply bring cash with you. The last time my wife and I returned from US territory, we brought $XX,XXX between us. Go to Super Rich and change into baht - easy. No hassles, and money is at the true exchange rate. Google it ... you'll be glad you did.

  2. Condolences to the Ashton family. What was the newspaper's objective in publishing the value of the Ashton family home? Were they seeking to sensationalize the status of the family? Or were they attempting to strike fear in the hearts of Thais who recklessly fire away or hit and run people on the streets? Hard to figure what their motive in this was.

    If the Ashton family's wealth is substantial, it would be very just is they sued the bar for allowing customers to carry guns in the bar. In the US a bar can be sued for a substantial sum if a customer were to be hit by a shot fired by a customer or staff of the bar. A law suit by the Ashtons might raise visibility about the lack of due diligence, legal surveillance and risk to tourists in Thailand.

    Laws? In Thailand?

    Laws in Los Angeles California? Let's be fair now.
  3. I can recall Au Bon Pain at Paragon swamped by Chula girls hogging the tables with one purchased beverage and school paper spread every where. Since the the restaurant has remodeled with one entrance to the table area and polite signs in Thai advising them not to bring in food and drink from other places. It appears to have worked.

    In my neighborhood (Soi Rangnam) the college kids come in; order a coffee and then go to sleep in the comfortable chairs. Unbelievable. In the "greatest nation on earth" (where I come from) they would be unceremoniously kicked out.

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