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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. If they have been using the old Muslim victim card and throwing bombs then kick em out. But if this is not the case then you still got to remove them if they are here illegally. Simples…..oh yeh the human rights thing , well visit London and see how that’s going…… I mean why does China want them back in the first place, if they are causing problems? Or is this a case of China being Chinese and Han only
  2. Are you smoking spice mate? Or is this some mad sarcasm on another level and it’s gone straight over my head??
  3. I’m talking about him making missteps on illegal immigration policy for us in the UK . Would be very much welcome.
  4. It’s just Jew hatred…put simply. This pro Palestine nonsense is supposedly the cool crowd right now , until some other deluded cause rears its head
  5. Maybe he can come over to the UK and make some missteps, preferably the coast
  6. That’s it then , no more tourist visa bank account openings or having large sums of money go through your bank without transparency. You know Thailand and its government officials , they are stickler for the rules and when they say they are going to do something they 💯 do it. It’s crazy to think all these Western banking rules coming here now and the City of London launders 40% of the world’s illicit money ….ridiculous
  7. I thought that was what I wrote. Well it was what I meant 😂 . But yeh 💯 I fully agree with you 👍
  8. The Thai interest in Nazism has been around for years , decades. And the funny thing is, is that it has nothing to do with Nazi politics or anything to do with WW2 or the holocaust. Typical Thais don’t know anything or even care about WW2. They just like the Nazi style , the black swastika on the red background, WW2 German helmets etc. I remember taking my son to his dance class back in 2003 and the whole ceiling was covered in about 20 Nazi flags! This was in a major shopping mall 😂. When I asked the teacher about it , he just said he liked the style .
  9. I figured any attention is attention . They seem to thrive on it . Maybe if the trans activists didn’t shovel it down our throats daily none of this would be a thing in the first place . Non activists, non nutty Trans people maybe should of stepped up to the plate more and not let the nutters be their face and brand
  10. Hopefully this reintroduced political stance also carry’s over across the pond very soon just like the LGBTQRSdFHNC1262626PEDOBLM rubbish did in the first place
  11. People mugging off his Mrs for her looks is a bit sad tbf. He obviously took a partner of similar age which I fully understand as the older “not so attractive” ones do look after you and are less likely to do your nut in on TikTok. Plus if you got money you can always get an annoying immature hottie as a little wife for the odd weekender. Even so her family is obviously involved now seeing the $$$$$ signs
  12. These days ? 😂 This type of thing was rife years ago and you heard stories like these all the time . Now with smart phones and instant internet access I’m sure we’d hear far more stories of this kind of behaviour, if it had continued to the extent it once did .
  13. Calm down Lou pop a pill and chill , it’s a lovely day . Il admit my post was part troll but with a good chance of being kinda true
  14. Some people just don’t read past the headline . If we get down to the genetic level for the cause of this crash , I’d wager it was his Thai genetics that were to blame, if he was at fault and driving like an idiot
  15. What’s weed or alcohol got to do with being a knob head ? Admittedly alcohol can increase the knobbess on one’s head but I think you missed my point or I wasn’t clear enough . I’m talking about the 💩 bag types that ride around in running masks in the uk. Calm down I’m not attacking weed use breadbin 👍
  16. My son isn’t old though who works in the weed industry in LA! 😂 You have no idea mate and missed the point completely. What does other drugs have to do with it? Yes there are plenty of drugs in the UK and yes stronger and even cheaper than Thailand like cocaine. But weed in the UK is still expensive because of illegality up to the likes of California and especially Thailand. And I’m not talking low end bog weed that you are probably smoking okay dude 😂
  17. Thailand has always had knob heads from different countries flock, but now these knob heads are a lot younger and involved in crime . You can see the usual suspects in the UK are now all over Pattaya and Phuket. I was once a knob head in the UK in my younger years but going to Thailand wasn’t ever on the radar or deemed possible , but now with the weed legalisation and how easy it is to buy in large amounts , plenty of Thais are willing to work these young Brits. Weed in the UK is still illegal and far more expensive to produce in the UK. And a lot do get through customs
  18. He’s reversed the decision but fcs surely it doesn’t take a genius to figure this will not go down well with the UK populace! He’s either really thick, dangerous or both. I think whoever is advising him (inner circle) know he’s brown bread and realise for Labour to ever have a chance of staying in power, he and a few others has to go.
  19. 💯 mate, the man bags are everywhere. I flew back into Thailand from Heathrow on Monday …hardly any backpacker types boarding ,just the usual old skool boys but lots of young skinny track suit wearing ,man bag carrying youngsters. They are flocking here for the weed and many stay as long as they can posting the weed back to the UK. The California market can only compete on cannabis quality for now but the Thai imports to the UK are far cheaper.
  20. Are these wheel locks made of plastic? So you can go caveman on the wheel locks here in Thailand and they come off ??
  21. I believed the headline right up until I saw she was from Swansea . Good girls in Swansea back in the day
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