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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. The US dollar has weakened and will prob continue to weaken at this stage of the cycle now with Interest rates coming down. This is why the Thai baht is stronger , absolutely nothing to do with the Thai tourism sector.
  2. These days probably community service
  3. Of course I don’t know that. But i do know that weed imported from Thailand is readily available in the UK ( Bristol at least). And this wasn’t the case even 1 year ago. Not sure why you are getting all confrontational about it tbh. Are you in the export business? 😂
  4. Im in the UK ( Bristol) right now and have friends who smoke (never my thing) and the import weed they used to buy was mainly from California but in the last year or so its been more Thai Import. It’s of similar quality and much cheaper , I hope that clears things up for you. Most comes through the post!
  5. You’d be surprised how much do get through . Remember we only hear about the captures .
  6. Thai men are so sensitive about this, I have seen them furious when even slightly honked at . Pathetic lol
  7. Having recently been to Benidorm for a stag week in July (yes it was messy) .There are many British themed bars and pubs on the main strip but also many Spanish owned ones . Lots of Brits stay in the old town which is all Spanish tbf. But yeh I get your point. But tour groups being controlled to only spend or go to certain places and a few Brit themed bars/restaurants in Benidorm isn’t exactly on the same level tbf . And remember these bars are all paying tax in Spain
  8. Panic stations! 4 year cycle is still in play. People have short memories , Covid was the end of the world last time and we all saw what happened after that! I’m was heavy into crypto then and bought that dip. October I think will be the turning point and the US elections . Mid to end of 25 ,bear back in play. Do not get greedy and bag hold through the bear 👍
  9. Old guys??? Btc is a boomer coin mate, as an old guy I should know
  10. Wasn’t she on the game ??
  11. I couldn’t have said it any better apart my perspective as a UK citizen
  12. i have noticed with my Thai family and friends they are again buying gold ( not that they stopped but just a lot more) as a store of value like they used to do.
  13. I was lucky enough to see it happen in Bangkok on suk around 15 years ago. They picked on one drunk Brit who was on his way out of a bar to meet his meet his colleagues ….they were all military inc the drunk one. It didn’t end well for the bouncers and wai’s were going the other way. Just a bunch of bully’s those bouncers in black, Muay Thai has beens who hate farrang . Tbf though, I’d hate them as well eventually, esp if you are doing that job for too long 😂
  14. I was wondering where the Brit basher Goat was, he’s usually all over any negative Brit news
  15. I need more 🍿 😂….fcs get over it will ya
  16. Cue lots of Brits who don’t even live in the UK to lose their minds…. 🍿 time
  17. About time us Brits were back to the forefront of negative news here, the Russkies were starting to catch up
  18. Massive hotelier bills need paying in the UK ,new iPhones , and air max trainers for 100’s of thousands of poor young men fleeing war torn countries.
  19. Hahahah oh my God and this is why it will never get better or even near resolved and accepted . Just keep using the labels , I’m sure everyone will come round eventually …..
  20. Yes Central Bristol and Stokes Croft activist and student areas plus Clifton , Redland areas where the all the old money lives . In the poorer areas on the outskirts most certainly not socialists but most just don’t bother to vote
  21. So it’s just the “bigots” then? Nothing to do with how some players in the LGBT community (namely T community) in the west who are so interested in being in schools etc pushing subjects onto to kids far too young ?? Yes there are bigots but imo the extremists in the T community need winding in by their own. Leave the kids out of it and stop banging on about sharing safe spaces with women when you are not a woman for 1 and prob still carrying your wanger about.
  22. Putting aside my electoral illiteracy, yes of course there will be a statistical connection but that doesn’t take away from the fact that most Brits by far couldn’t give 2f’s about Gaza especially over their own problems in their own areas. Labour will win this GE and obviously want a decent majority hence the cull of the looney nut trucks like DA in their ranks. But anyway we will see. 👍
  23. They gained a minor majority in the Bristol City Council months ago, this is for the GE. Not many vote in council election seats. So I could have worded my original post better. But still on a national level where people will vote in a GE…most by far imo don’t give 2 f’s about Palestine . We got out]r own issues here in the UK
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