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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. Awwww hurty feelings from facts in your facey wacey…. Maybe you should bore off and join Ham Ass if you love the cause that much …
  2. That’s what all the governments and big institutions around the world have been telling the plebs for over a decade.
  3. We did all hate Germans because of Hitler, not anymore because Germany and its people made a concerted effort to make serious changes after WW2. Would be great if ordinary Muslims and their leaders made an effort and spoke out more often against Islamist’s but they never do. Because so called Jihadists and other radical Islamic groups invoke prophetic traditions and Qur’anic verses to justify their acts from the Koran itself. Muslims are Muslims first no matter where they are and imo this backwards religion is a menace to the world .
  4. Not that I believe you speak to many Brits 😂 but yeh I rarely hear any Jew hatred in the UK as they don’t bother anyone . The Religion of peace however, yes..and with good bloody reason . We love the Indians btw , again they don’t bother anyone .
  5. Luckily for her a foreigner was there. Thais are not renowned for their swimming abilities .
  6. I have noticed a lot more of my younger countrymen venturing to Thailand over the last year or so with the usual clobber on with man bags strapped to them…..can’t think why 😂
  7. I’m sure there will be a branch who will ignore this or even know anything about it. I have a friend who knows a bank employee who puts the amount he needs for his Elite visa every time he requires it , he then gets the receiving proof and then they remove the funds . This is all done in the bank! He has money but says no way will he leave too much in a Thai bank, can you blame him…
  8. Oh no he’s not Bristolian 😂. I’m Bristolian hahaha
  9. Right where’s The Goat today? He must be loving these negative Brit stories 😂
  10. Nooo impossible ,Scousers can only be the victim.
  11. You see, at least your Aussie/Brit sense of humour is intact . Just maybe try and work on that Anglophobia, that’s one hell of a broad brush you are carrying 👍
  12. https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/20/child-sexual-abuse-study-finds-94-of-australian-men-report-having-offended-against-a-child Bloody hell 1 in 10 Aussies are wrong ens 😂
  13. Wow , you should really move on . Nothing wrong with getting bullied in a bar by some drunk tattooed Brits mate 😂 Oh apologies , I forgot your Mrs ran off with one of those tattooed , chunky gammon Brits..
  14. You have serious issues with Brits. Non stop . Would really love to know the truth behind it . And don’t give the drunk bar stories …. Did your Mrs run off with one ?
  15. Tbh I was persistent and tried several times inc resetting internet connection . Eventually it worked 👍
  16. It does if you keep trying with different locations in the uk . I had the same problem with express vpn trying to get onto the William hill website which I did but as soon as I tried logging in it wouldn’t allow it because it knew I was using a vpn. After a few resets and different uk locations , I was finally able to log in . This was yesterday
  17. Not sticking up for the so called “Religion of Peace” as I have uneasy feelings of anger towards them right now which I am not comfortable with. Maybe this is what that made up word “Islamophobia “ describes… But I’m sure it was the Christian’s they learned their brutality from originally?? I maybe wrong but I read the beheading thing was just copy cat from the Crusades?
  18. Not sure tbh as I think far more people get out to vote on a GE, local and by-elections have low turn outs. But we will see 👍
  19. The Russians have a hand in the MJ export trade, a big hand. Plus I’m sure many other things.
  20. Ok can you give your own assessment or opinion on which outcome is probable? Or are you just going to continue to be an annoying condescending so & so?
  21. Yep my mate works for the CIA, MI6/5 and Mossad ,he told me so. You got any evidence at all about anything, any certainties in politics , I’m all ears mate👍
  22. 100% Him and Labour will mess it up. Hung parliament I reckon with Reform UK holding the keys to no 10…
  23. I give all that to the dog ,he loves a shake in his pedigree chum
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