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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. What’s APEC git to do with tourists numbers? Am I missing something? 5 day break ??
  2. Probably the only reason he’s being nicked is because he stabbed and murdered the ‘wrong’ person.
  3. Most crimes are solved by the general public with information in the West tbf. But yes the RTP are far from proactive. They even need a nudge at times to be reactive.
  4. My wife’s son came home last night unannounced…rolled in around 1 am. It seems like only yesterday he was a good kid but in the last year he’s changed. Nearly 20 now and in Uni but he’s doing drugs. Seriously bad attitude and at the moment only getting away with it because his mother is in total denial. I was no angel back in the day and a lot worse than what he is right now so I don’t suffer his bull and he knows it. Every time he walks in the house it seems like a depressing shadow looms over and my wife and daughters are walking on egg shells around him. This isn’t MJ by the way (I’m partial to the odd puff myself) I gathered it was opiates of some sort and my suspicions were confirmed when I rifled through his bag to find strips of Tramadol. They buy a strip of 10 50mg tabs from chemists for 60 baht. I’m only here 3months on and 4/6 off for work so when I came back this time the change in him was obvious. Apologies if this is off the ‘actual’ news topic but i just needed to write it down and I suppose it’s relevant. I have two grown kids in the UK and my son in the UK went through a similar stage this age with the party scene but I’m just too old for this ???? now… I can see a major falling out soon. I have spoken with him but you know when it’s going in one ear and out the other, I just hope it’s a phase…time will tell.
  5. I just after several hrs picking hotels and trying to navigate that slow diabolical Airasia web site. Managed to book 4 return tickets from Swampy to Chiangmai. The problem is ( where I was so frustrated with the webpage) I have booked myself, son, wife and daughter under Mr. Do I need to call them or will this just be a ‘ never mind’ Thai moment at check in?
  6. My apologies . You are even older than me you bloody old dinosaur ????
  7. I agree with you on all of that apart from the dinosaurs are having their rant bit. What do you think just because you are younger that this idea hasn’t been in the mind of people for decades and it’s the new thing? As soon as drugs (esp class A’s) are regulated the better. Then hopefully the heinous crimes like human trafficking, murder that go hand in hand with this trade is also stopped or at the least near non existent. And yes he deserves jail imo. He’s not in Nigeria, 99%of them on Suk are serving up and they <deleted> me off no end. Some have been there years whilst I have to jump through hoops to stay here. If I want cocaine in Thailand , I at least wanna buy some off a Thai person for Christ’s sake!
  8. Yeh wore a mask throughout flight with EVA and I ‘reluctantly’ went back to wearing a face mask whilst here. The motorcycle taxis with masks on under their helmets, people sat in cars alone with them on became yet again an hilarious sight to me. I caught it off my son who is in university here. He tested positive 2 days after I arrived on the 11th. I thought I escaped it tbh . Also I’m on my second day since symptoms started and I tested positive and feeling a lot better already. I do take a lot of vitamin d and zinc supplements and although 50, keep myself really fit.
  9. I came back to Thailand on the 9 th of October . Never had Covid before until I tested positive yesterday . Uk no masks , everyone has moved on . I come here everyone still wearing masks and paranoid . I get Covid ????
  10. You mean the one where some Thais in their late 20s to 30’s banged out some old people who got into a little scuffle? If it is , I remember that.
  11. It’s what all those blocking the pubs toilets are using. They are too drunk to notice.
  12. According to my friend ….the good stuff is plentiful there. But then there’s the pub grub of course.
  13. Hi, it’s been over a decade since i took a domestic flight in Thailand. I’m planning a 5 day trip with family to Chang Mai, so any tips on which airline or even the best option of airport? I’m coming from Samut Prakan so both Suvarnabhumi and Don Meung are of similar travelling distance .
  14. Hi, it’s been over a decade since i took a domestic flight in Thailand. I’m planning a 5 day trip with family to Chang Mai, so any tips on which airline or even the best option of airport? I’m coming from Samut Prakan so both Suvarnabhumi and Don Meung are of similar travelling distance .
  15. Alcohol ruins more lives than any other drug. Weed is not going to be reclassified to class A ????. It’s like Amsterdam in Bristol . Just some old fart spouting nonsense. As one poster already said, cocaine is a major problem. The UK has the highest use in Europe and London the highest city use in Europe . And Bristol has the highest use in the whole of Europe per capita!
  16. Yeh learning proper Thai would benefit you greatly. That would also usually put the bar girl type off. I found going to Thai clubs or those cabaret or German themed places with cabaret the Thais love. You will be the in the minority as a foreigner but you are more likely to meet decent girls.
  17. I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure most substances excluding MJ (which is now legal) won’t show up in urine after a few days. Pointless exercise anyway just more Asian face show . As the poster said above , controlled random tests would be far better. But thats sensical and will catch some out, so not going to happen.
  18. I don’t have any problems with the Chinese as a people. The CCP well that’s a different story. But you all have to remember China, like the west right now hasn’t got a pot to <deleted> in , we just don’t hear too much about it. They have serious problems already with property developers in their own backyard , I don’t see them rushing into Los to buy.
  19. Cheers mate, landing October the 9th and only staying 43 days so no need to apply for that ridiculous hoop jumping online tourist visa. You would of thought they would of made it easier by now , especially as they are gagging for more visitors .
  20. Is this for Thailand? As I am having more trouble filling out the online single entry tourist visa now than I did entering in covid times. The last part is over 14 different documents , I have done nearly everything , bank statements etc . Now it’s ‘A confirmation letter from employer, School, Self-assessment, Pension statement ’ . I’m coming on a tourist visa fcs .
  21. It doesn’t matter who is in power the NHS is managed by greedy corrupt idiots. Same headlines every year, covid or not. I was recently at the Bristol Royal Infirmary waiting for a friend who was having a check over after collapsing at (walking) football. Talking to a group outside on their break, 2 security guards and 3 nurses was an eye opener. They said the amount of money wasted is atrocious. As an example they pointed to 4 guys sat on chairs at the ambulance entrance and exits points. These guys are on minimum wage basically counting how many times an ambulance leaves and returns. The agency is paid £70,000 a year for each employee……
  22. What strain is that? Looks lovely
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