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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. Looking in though it does seem it’s the usual “peaceful” lot kicking off yet again. Putting aside history as if you don’t nothing in this world will get resolved, how can people shout “God is Great” whilst killing??? I’m back in the UK right now in my home city of Bristol in a woke student area , the kind of area that has Lenin posters up and join the communist party etc etc. So I’m sure there’s gunna be the usual feel sorry for Palestine march in the coming days with a load of deluded students waving Palestinian flags and crusty old Che Guevara fantasists leading it.
  2. Thanks for the post , I was wondering the exact same thing a few days ago ????
  3. It makes me laugh how young people think older people are against weed…..Breaking news young en’s we so called Boomers have been smoking for decades …sorry to break it to you.
  4. Imagine if he was a stoner….especially at this time with the legality of weed under the microscope…
  5. Them stabbing each other mostly , the UK is not renowned for mass public random stabbings unless Allah told em to do it.
  6. I used to love a bit of Evo-Stik back in the day . Petrol not so much, I was conscious of the damage petrol/gasoline sniffing would cause so usually stuck to unleaded.
  7. Or maybe I have 2 naughty millionaire sons living in Cali…….
  8. Thai people lower end like the farmers are losing out already to foreign influence from the likes of California and the corrupt police and officials enabling the imports of high end weed. Also plenty is being shipped here then rerouted to the countries like the UK. Weed is massive in the UK and still illegal. Plenty in Cali have become multimillionaires from UK importation. Now think of how many weed shops have popped up and high end ones as well, even outnumbering 7/11’s…are they full of people buying weed? My guess is it’s all a front for importation licences for high end weed and bulk buying in Thailand of lower shelf and it’s being shipped off to the likes of the UK. This is all speculation of course.
  9. Boomers?? Lol…Do you have any idea how old a boomer is or even what it is? Typical label politics for the us v them mentality. If you love labels that much, I would hazard a guess you would be looking for my generation , Gen X and prob a drunk one at that.
  10. Thai men can’t handle their booze esp young ones and nor can some farrangs esp in Thailand. The Brit was maybe harmless but rude and drunk and maybe these Thais were so sensitive that that they had to batter the old Farrang. It’s their country so one shouldn’t take the piss out of the locals or cause trouble even if slight or harmless.. You can only get away with that as a foreigner in western style countries, even the local plod will take the foreigners side against locals especially if the said local was of the privileged looking type.
  11. Well at least it’s not a Brit Bash thread so well done to you Goat . I would have just found it hilarious if someone was snogging em in the bars ???? . And the Indian blow bang thought ????. There was a time they would steer clear of Indians …. how times have changed .
  12. Home hydro soilless. Don’t trust big growers esp here in Thailand. If you don’t know them personally and you are concerned about contamination, then grow your own.
  13. The Greatest Of All Time troll thread . Surprised it’s still going but then again I’m still feeding the Troll.
  14. So why you making a thread about it? Don’t answer we all know why and it has nothing to do with nonce cases.
  15. He can’t help himself , says he’s hates the Brits because of some drinking issues etc. Truth be told his Mrs prob ran off with one..oh no couldn’t have because he’s also extremely good looking for his age and can pull twenty somethings still. Would love to know the real reason he has issues with Brits but I doubt the truth will ever be known .
  16. The Euro to the $ or Aussie $ to the US $?? Brexit again? It’s not like the £ would still be $1:50 if the UK remained in the EU. Yes it had the short term shock fall after the referendum but just like a basket of world currencies it’s fell against the US $ over the years because the US $ is still a safe haven currency and will still be the worlds reserve currency for the foreseeable future. . Someone mentioned BRICS …. ???? . Yeh good luck with that . If anything a world CBC will be nxt or at least in the west . I’d prefer to just keep the US $ for now .
  17. And y’all say Thailands corrupt. I suppose he can’t run in 24 now…..????. Good job Biden is clean as a whistle……..????
  18. The Brits were drunk and stupid , definitely needed removing . Bouncers as usual here went too far , surprised other locals didn’t jump in with the head kicks. Bouncers should hope the Brits don’t have plenty of money . As I recall many moons ago some bouncers doing a similar thing to a tourist who had money to burn….
  19. A few years back I noticed this trend, not one Thai standing. My Mrs used to give me the eyes and nod to stand in the past , now it’s the same look but to now stay seated.
  20. Hot chick with a bloke batting wayyyy above who needs someone with a fashion or dress sense to pick his clothes out for him.
  21. Yeh England are playing their usual part. The Aussies have a decent dogged test outfit not great but England imo are not good at all right now. But do you really think the OP cares about cricket?? But here we are giving him attention for his British bigotry….
  22. Why is everyone even entertaining the OP’s loaded dumb question? He hates the Brits (esp the English) with a passion and goes out of his way to put them down at every opportunity and not in a bantering way I might add.
  23. Yeh this is because of Brexit . Maybe better off in an EU country … oh maybe not ????
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