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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. Farage meant that this isn’t a proper Brexit and Parliament failed to do it properly not that the UK has failed because of it. Spin spin spin . I thought we moved on from this but obviously the Guardian never ever will.
  2. I have been questioned twice in my 25 years of coming in and out of Thailand about my visa whether it be tourist , exempt or watever. Both times a moody female officer. Just saying .
  3. Bluetooth speakers aren’t particularly loud in my experience, unless it’s just those I have bought in MBK back in the day. I think this guy was a total nut job anyways …sad. Always have something handy, these over emotional Thai men are a lot braver when it comes to switching on a foreigner… for obvious reasons.
  4. Back in Blighty getting drunk and starting fights on innocent bystanders obviously….. wouldn’t you just love that story to be true..
  5. Same old, same old. Yeh he will be great for a while right up until he sees how much money he and his party members can make just by towing the same old line. Yes I’m being cynical. Id love to be proven wrong on this though…..
  6. Was wondering when you’d pipe up with your usual Brit bashing comments. Yeh we all get it , you have issues with em . All of them apparently.
  7. Yes 100% SMP’s give us the opportunity to see everything instantly, even live. The world is a far better place these days but we see all the crap nowadays 24/7, whereas b4 it was the 10 o’clock news and even after that there was usually a cute animal story to take our minds off imminent nuclear attack from the Russkies.
  8. Doubt that, they are white football hooligan looking. Got to love the broad brushed remarks about Brits here though. Young men drunk, likes a fight ….this must be a new phenomena. Yeh naughty sucker punch …if only they fought fair like their hosts….. Maybe the tuk tuk driver started it? But unlikely as they are usually great guys with impeccable behaviour. The young man has made a mistake , he will have consequences far worse than a local, I hope he learns a hard lesson from this.
  9. So you are quite happy to mix with drunk Australians, Americans , Russians etc etc ????? A drunk idiot is the same the world over. The Brits do like to push the envelope like some other Commonwealth English speaking citizens though when on the beer but generally they are a good bunch . This bloke was just a dik hed is all.
  10. I agree but I still like to take the piss out my boy over it . Give me that please ????. I just landed last night in LA. He had some delicious weed, Rainbow belts I think it was . Tasted really nice tbh. ????
  11. Young smokers are so stuck up these days. My son who lives in California being one. Nothing better than some outdoor grown old skool weed like the pig poop poster mentioned. Now it’s all about the terps and white ash apparently…..????
  12. Last year I just uploaded a credit card statement just showing my name and address ,none of the transactions. That was accepted.
  13. Plenty of Ukrainians in Thailand as well . Not as many as the Russians but who cares anyway . Not sure why Thailand needs to ban the Russian people from holidaying. I’m sure they would love to see the back of Putin just as much as those in the west .
  14. Awww the big baby lost his face boo hoo. What a complete kite flyer. You’d think most of these silly arguments could be sorted out the old fashioned way. Isn’t Muay Thai a national sport here?? Sad.
  15. I’m an old man and have known of Nate over here for years. Lots of people have become rich through utube and other means, Mr Beast for example doing similar things. I think fair play to him, he took off big over here years ago, I don’t watch his content as it’s not my thing but I don’t dislike him. Good on him I say.
  16. Get back to strictly glass bottles . Taste far better coming out the bottle as well imo .
  17. It will prob take 10 years to get one when it’s eventually on the table and negotiations start. There’s a few presidents there to go through and if recent history is anything to go by … how many PM’s ????.
  18. It’s more to do with the corrupt lobbying that goes on in the US . Although it’s “legal” , the Irish Plastic community in the US have the 2nd biggest lobbying power next to that of the Jewish (Israeli) community.
  19. At least it wasn’t kidnap and murder. I’m sure the Thais would prefer loads of Brits mixing too many herbs with the 20 pints of beer a day.
  20. As have been said already , crazy’s are all over the world. I don’t agree with the ‘ never argue with a Thai man’ though. I have had plenty of rows with other men be it Thai or whoever over money or something else in my life.. I really don’t believe showing weakness is going to save you from someone willing to commit murder over something petty. I always have something close just in case….the world is full of nutters and always have been . We just hear about it these days.
  21. I thought Russia was classed as a middle income country? And now with severe sanctions , how are they managing to not just stay but as we keep hearing on visa , buying all the property up… I just came back from Pattaya/Jomtiem for a family trip expecting to see thousands of Russians and Chinese as this is what’s reported here . Yes there were Russian couples here and there with baby in tow but not the invasion that’s always being described. And I saw hardly any Chinese. To be quite honest Pattaya was pretty quiet in Pattaya terms.
  22. Bloody hell ???? Young Brits going abroad getting drunk being rowdy, this must be a new phenomenon. It’s these young white Brits ( I say white as it usually is) bring a ton of money into these holiday destinations and have for decades and welcomed for it. At least they go home after a few weeks.
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