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Posts posted by tonbridgebrit

  1. 17 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

    Formosa was not part of China. An indeed the Chinese dynasties had little interest until the Portugese set up a traing post there in the 1600's . Taiwan as we know only came about thru the KMT fleeing there in 1949. Taiwan is not Chinese an China is a foreign threat

    This comment is funny.  ?

    Actually, it was 1947 when the KMT fled to Taiwan. 
    Okay, let's look at history. In 1945, Japan lost World War Two and handed Taiwan back to China. In 1945, there was one nation on planet earth, called the "Republic of China", and it was made up of mainland China and the island of Formosa/Taiwan. In 1947, yes, the KMT fled from mainland China to the island of Formosa/Taiwan, that's because they was losing the civil war in China.

    You do accept don't you, when Chiang Kai Shek and the KMT moved from mainland China to Taiwan, they was not "leaving a country, and going to a another country" ???  They was actually moving from one part of China (Republic of China) to another part of China (Republic of China) .

    Yes, in 1949, Mao Zedong declared that China's new name would be Peoples' Republic of China. And Taiwan ?  Taiwan continued to be called the Republic of China. Taiwan today is actually called "Republic of China, Taiwan". Prior to 1949, if it was okay for Mao to take land in mainland China as part of a civil war, surely, it would have been okay for him to take the island of Formosa/Taiwan ?

    Prior to 1949, what was the difference between Mao taking mainland China and if Mao had of attacked Taiwan ? There was no difference. That's because, prior to 1949, mainland China and Taiwan were both in the same country, a country called "Republic of China".

  2. Washington is making a big mistake here. Targetting Turkey and destroying Turkey's currency and economy will simply push Turkey into the arms of Russia. And that's bearing in mind that, supposedly, Russia is the real enemy.

    Who needs who more ?  Does Turkey need America more than America needs Turkey ?  I doubt Turkey needs America more than America needs Turkey. Turkey is in NATO, and Turkey is of massive strategic importance to Washington. Hurting Turkey and causing them to drift towards Russia is actually catastrophic as far as the Washington cheerleaders are concerned.

    Washington needs to have a coalition against the perceived enemy, the coalition needs Turkey to be in it. It's far better to give Turkey loans and benefits, rather than destroy their economy.

    • Sad 1
  3. On 7/27/2018 at 10:43 AM, TPI said:

    You can hear the whine starting already......More money, more money, more money! This is what Ms Hansen said 30 years ago was the problem with our "sun tanned brothers and sisters"! It's a problem that combines the historical low level IQ's of the Aboriginals with SJW's who specialise in "Gender Studies".....All the problems will go away, all the sins of the past will be wiped clean, things will be just peachy, if they only give us more money!  

    How can I put this ?  If a bunch of foreigners turned up in Britain and carried out mass murder and genocide, how would I feel ?

    Them outsiders giving me some money (welfare, social security, government benefits, etc) is actually not enough.  How about they give me my country back, and go back to where they're from ?  They're keeping the land they took, and I'm suppose to be grateful because they're giving me some dole money ??

  4. On 7/27/2018 at 6:42 AM, robblok said:

    Almost every country has done some bad things in the past, the Dutch in Indonesia and other place, the Americans, wiping out the native Americans (one of the first times where disease was used to kill giving infected blankets to the native Americans). The Belgians in the Kongo, the Germans and French and Italians in their colonies.  But if you go back even further then almost all bigger empires are build by conquest it was the norm back then. So do we still have to feel guilty that is the question. Not so sure as I as a Dutch guy feel not responsible for what others have done in the past. 

    But the Dutch massacres in Indonesia (and Belgium in the Kongo) are not the same as the genocide in Australia and America, surely ?

    Holland and Belgium killed people, and then got out of the place. In Australia and America, genocide took place, and the land was taken permanently.  The ones who did the mass killings are still there today, with the the land they took.

  5. Look, if Washington is going to fght a trade war against China, then, Washington has to do the following.

    Washington must isolate China, Washington must be friends with Mexico, Canada and Europe. Have free trade with THOSE areas, and then put up barriers against the Chinese goods entering America.

    Right now, Washington is trying to fight a trade war against everybody else, all at the same time. This is economic suicide. Washington will lose, and America will suffer.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I do believe that Trump sending the U.S . Navy to the Korean peninsular triggered the whole peace talks .

       Last year , Trump and Kim were squaring up to each, threatening to attack each others Countries with nuclear weapons .

       Today , they are talking, shaking hands and making plans for future talks .

    That is indeed a diffusion from hostiles , and the whole area is affected.

    Hostilities may flare yup again in the future , but now, the hostilities have been defused .

       I do believe that all hostilities will cease (in the future) and that NK will now join the world community 

    Hello there.
    I agree with most of what you're saying. But, you've got to realise that there's people out there, who don't actually want to see peace. There are warmongers on planet earth, they want to see war, they are against this summit. They would never admit that they want to see hostilities continue, but that is exactly what they want. These people, the warmongers, they are the real enemy. They need to be removed, taken out.

    • Confused 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You're simply making stuff up. This did not happen, but may happen. In time.

    There was no World War averted, and tensions between some Asian countries (notably, China) didn't go anywhere.


    And stop having a pop at China. Beijing provided the transport for Kim to go to Singapore. Yes, it was an "Air China" plane that flew Kim to Singapore. Yes, Beijing wants to see peace in the Far East, Beijing does not want a nuclear war in the Korean peninsular, Beijing does not want a nuclear war in it's own backyard.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You're simply making stuff up. This did not happen, but may happen. In time.

    There was no World War averted, and tensions between some Asian countries (notably, China) didn't go anywhere.

    Morch, can you stop being so negative, and stop trying to put a downer on all this.

    We're here, watching history in the making, a new era of peace, and people like you are trying to say that it's all rubbish. North Korea previously detonated nukes, that's because they was scared that Washington might attack them. Kim knew that his nukes were vital to his survival. Kim now knows that Trump has no plans to remove the North Korean regime.

    Everybody is happy. The only people who are not happy are the die-hard Hillary Clinton supporters. That's because, it's not Hillary who is in Singapore, it's not Hillary who is part of this massive event. If it was Hillary doing this, if we had photos and news footage of Hillary shaking hands with Kim, then, all the Hillary supporters would be cheering this on. But, oh no, because it's Trump who has grabbed the limelight, well, some people are against it.

  9. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Donald Trump and North Korea Kim shook hands for about 13 seconds. This is the beginning of a new era of peace.

    And notice too, as the two leaders were shaking hands, the photographers with their cameras were clicking away like crazy. The noise from all those photographers and their cameras is amazing. They know, this is history in the making.

    • Like 2
  10. 6e196c5e7cc4f6d0f0a6595c9171366f.jpg.4daeaedfaef63f2b7c7fba8a23466206.jpg

    This is it, this is brilliant. It doesn't get better than this.

    Donald Trump, yes, you have caused problems for America and planet earth, but you are now in Singapore, and you're talking to North Korea Kim. This photo shows it. This makes up for all the problems and aggro that you previously created. Yes, Donald Trump, you are the dog's bolla___s.

    Hillary Clinton would never have done this. Trump is actually a man of peace.

  11. 2 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

    I wonder what the two have in common?  One's the leader of a country that was split away from another, who was put in place by his family dynasty, ruling with an iron fist and crushing all political opposition, and the other's a... oh.  Maybe Kim got some tips on how to appear to be democratic while keeping things much the same?

    Yeah, but Lee Hsien Loong's Singapore is backed by both Washington and China. Singapore is an island, where a bunch of Chinese live there.
    North Korea is backed only by China. America doesn't like North Korea. That's the difference, and it's a big difference. ?

  12. On 6/9/2018 at 8:21 AM, Morch said:


    "The more terrorists .....the less corrupt regimes."


    "terrorist = freedom fighter"




    There's nothing saying terrorists are corrupt themselves or represent corrupted powers.

    In the same way, it's quite possible for both governments and terrorists to be vile. That doesn't make terrorists into freedom fighters or turn them into some anti corruption squad.


    On 6/9/2018 at 10:36 AM, simple1 said:

    Is a first on TV? Someone claiming Al-Shabaab, a fundamentalist  Islamist terror group, are 'freedom fighters'

    How about this suggestion ?  Washington should not be sending it's own military staff to places like Somalia.

    How about, Washington targets whatever group or groups who are against the enemy, and fund and support those groups ?  I mean, a bunch of black men who are locals in Somalia, they fight against the enemy and some of them get killed. Well, the newspapers back home are not going to make a big deal out of it. But you get our soldiers who get killed out there, well, that is a big deal. So, lets not have our own men out there.

    • Thanks 1
  13. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/former-nba-star-rodman-head-singapore-u-north-091151734--nba.html


    Okay, so Dennis Rodman will be in Singapore.
    From the article " Former National Basketball Association star Dennis Rodman said on Friday he will be heading to Singapore for the planned June 12 summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un."

    And Rodman himself said on twitter "I will be flying to Singapore for the historical Summit. I'll give whatever support is needed to my friends, @realDonaldTrump and Marshall Kim Jong Un,"

    However, "There was no indication Rodman would be involved in any official talks at Tuesday's summit in Singapore".

  14. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/germany-france-slam-trump-over-145005009.html

    And quote from the article  "Germany and France on Sunday sharply criticised U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to abruptly withdraw his support for a Group of Seven communique, accusing him of destroying trust and acting inconsistently."

    And also, "Trump's announcement on Twitter, after he left the G7 summit in Canada early, that he was backing out of the joint communique torpedoed what appeared to be a fragile consensus on a trade dispute between Washington and its top allies."

    Donald Trump, there are nutcase conspiracy theories that say that you are a Putin puppet. Can you please stop acting as if the conspiracy theories might be true.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Only, despite your spins, this isn't so much about "America", but more to do with Trump. Guess you'll shortly come up with some unnamed advisors "influencing" him to adopt policies he doesn't really support.

    Oh Morch, I put up my post above, and I then went to the  "In bombshell, Trump says US backs out of G7 communique, criticizes Trudeau" post, and put up the photo of John R Bolton.
    I then noticed your post above. Well, yes, John R Bolton is in the White House, he turned up for the big meeting. Whatever views Donald Trump has got, well, Bolton is influencing Trump. At the very least, Bolton is egging Trump on. At the very least, behind closed doors, I reckon Bolton is saying to Donald Trump "go on, do it, you've wanted to do this for ages, do it, go and put some tariffs on them G7 people, and laugh at them".



    • Like 1
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/france-apos-emmanuel-macron-throws-041556367.html

    Okay, from the headline, "France's Emmanuel Macron throws down Trump Twitter gauntlet: G7 can become G6".

    And also, Macron said "The six countries of the G7 without the United States are a bigger market taken together than the American market. We don’t mind being six, if needs be.”

    Emmanuel Macron, I'm not French. But today, I have no problems flying the French flag. America reckons that it's so important. America needs to be reminded "you're not as big a deal as you think you are, get real".  "You're not actually a bunch of jumped up nobodies, but you're heading that way".


  17. 2 hours ago, Morch said:


    Thanks for the above.


    And yes, the Taiwan-Thailand thing does happen. Best one was in Turkey some years back. Thailand didn't register, and the guy kept repeating Taiwan. Then enlightenment dawned - "Taiwanland! Tsunami! Sex Shop!". 

    Morch, shut up reinforcing the stereotype of Thailand being a destination for sex tourists only.  There's loads of tourists turning up in Thailand, and lots of them are not sex tourists. In Pattaya, the place is being flooded by the Chinese tour groups. The vast majority of the Chinese tour groups in Pattaya are not sex tourists.

    I really do think that Thailand is trying to get away from this image of being a destination for sex tourists only. Maybe, them Chinese tour groups will help Thailand remove this "unwanted" image.

    • Haha 1
  18. 4 hours ago, Morch said:




    Imagine this - someone raises an issue, and you answer to the point.

    Lets try again - how does the OP makes China anything but the neighborhood a bully? And how those your post does not express support for bullying (which on other topics and context, you strongly "object" to)?

    Morch, if you are a bussines, so let's say I'm buying your stuff. Look, if you offend me, if you annoy me, well, I'm not going to buy your stuff. I don't care if you're selling your stuff at a 10% discount compared to everybody else. And if you're selling your stuff at the same price as other people, and your stuff is better quality. Well, I still refuse to buy your stuff, because, because you offended me with comments you wrote in your company magazine. How on earth can anybody claim that I am bullying you. The claim is absurd.

    • Confused 1
  19. 7 hours ago, kamahele said:

    So, you believe that China is right to bully Qantas and other airlines into towing their line?

    How on earth can this be called bullying ?

    Look,  if I've got a bar on planet earth. So, I've said something that offends whatever ethnic/social group. That's my freedom of choice. That ethnic/social group is threatening to not use my bar. What would I say to them ?

    I would say them, if it is legal,  I would tell them to take a running jump.  I would tell them that they are being stupid, and I don't want their money. I will tell them that my freedom of speech and opinions are far more important than a bunch of morons getting offended. If they're offended, that's their problem, they can ____ off. I don't give a monkey's if they're offended. I don't want the extra income from them people.

    Yes, that's what I would do. Now then, if I want their money, if I remove my so-called "offensive comments", how on earth can I claim that I am being bullied ??  It's absurd if I claim that, surely ??  I'm not being forced to remove the offensive comments, I'm removing the comments because I want the extra money from these people.

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