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Posts posted by tonbridgebrit

  1. 14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    But the leaders of the opposition were banned from entering the election by Maduro. 

    Maduro got 67% of the vote. Henri Falcon got 21%.
    Those who wanted to vote for the banned candidates, they could have voted for Falcon. At the very least, this would have made Maduro look "not so good".

    They obviously did not bother. In a democracy, you've still got to turn up and vote, put a tick on the voting paper.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Talk about re-writing the history books, that has to be the funniest line yet. 


    So lets get this straight, if a foreign power invades a country, then you blame the people that fight against the occupation?


    Israel have never contributed to any of the coalition forces during the wars in the Middle East, but the USA are risking world war 3 for them and are about to impose steel tariffs on the countries whose sons and daughters gave their lives and died alongside their American brothers in arms for US Foreign policy.


    There is no hope for this planet, can we do a factory reset and reboot.


    "So lets get this straight, if a foreign power invades a country, then you blame the people that fight against the occupation? ".
    No, I don't condemn the Vietnamese for fighting that Vietnam war. I'm only trying to say, that looking at it from America's point of view, surely, it will not be surprising if lots of Americans say "why on earth should we risk the lives of our soldiers to fight for Vietnam today, bearing in mind that them Vietnamese fought against us during that Vietnam war".  Ho Chi Minh and his group fought against America, his group are still in charge of Vietnam today. Surely, it will look silly if Washington was to fight to save the same group today ?

    Yes, the USA is risking World War Three because of Israel. But Washington won't risk World War Three because of 'defending Vietnam from China'. Why ? You know, right ? It's because Washington, the White House, is being heavily influenced by those who reckon that "America must be ready for Jesus coming back, Israel and the Middle East is what it's all about, the Book of Revelations in the Bible, yes".  Vietnam is nothing to do with Jesus coming back, that's why Vietnam doesn't count.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    They are K...rack..ers in Caracus.


    I don't get it. They are starving to death. Everything is collapsing, it is like Iraq post war and people have actually voted for him. The mental disease seems to have spread south.

    Do you think they should scrap democracy in Latin America ?  After all, let them have a vote, and, oh look, they've voted for the wrong party.

  4. 3 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Chinese foreign policy at its best. Venezuela signed some oil for money loans and China just want the oil to keep flowing. They care nothing for the people in Venezuela.

    Civil war is most likely the only way out of this mess for Venezuela.



    "In Beijing, foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said China believed Venezuela could handle its own affairs and the choice of the people should be respected."

    Well, when the Venezuelans, when they want to kick out the Chinese, I wouldn't have a problem if NATO sends in soldiers to help the Venezuelans kick them out.

    We should fight for Venezuela, we should do what's good for Venezuela.

  5. 20 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    Thanks for putting the map up, it shows the issues well. China's claims are well outside internationally agreed laws. As you can see, if China had its way you only need to go for a swim in Brunei and you would be in Chinese waters.China wants the Spratly's and the Paracels and THEN wants a 200 mile extension around those. It is why Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines and Indo are well pissed and district and the potential for conflict is brewing. China's move was an aggressive taunt and Trump's current foreign policy is allowing China to troll in the S China Sea.

    Hello there.
    Looking at that map, Philippines and Vietnam are certainly involved in the South China Sea. What about these two countries ?


    Above is the Philipinnes leader, Duterte, in Beijing. Basically, the Philipinnes are fully "in" with Beijing. Duterte wants trade, tourists, investments, etc from Beijing. Duterte knows that the islands in the South China are not worth much.

    What about Vietnam ? Should Washington save Vietnam from China ? Surely not ?  Most Americans do know that the Vietnamese and Ho Chi Minh, they fought a war against America. They didn't fight a war 'for' America. In that case, why should America risk World War Three because of Vietnam ? And that's bearing in mind that the guys who are the leaders of Vietnam today, they're the same group as the guys left by Ho Chi Minh.

  6. On 5/20/2018 at 12:21 PM, puipuitom said:


    Can you imagine, the Danes, made out of a rock in the Doggersbank, North Sea, an Island, 500 km away from their own shores, but 30 km in front of the U.K, claiming it as.. they as Vikings sailed this sea already for over a 1300 years ?+


    If little Denmark was to do this, Britain will bomb Denmark. But I say this. IF Britain was doing a huge amount of trade with Denmark, if Britain was being flooded with Danish tourists, if Britain needed Denmark more than Denmark needs Britain, if that's the case, Britain would simply say "Denmark, you can have them meaningless rocks, go and build an island on it, we don't care, we value trade and your tourists  as being more valuable than a useless lump of rock, a lump of rock that we can't be bothered to build on".

    And that's the point with China in the South China Sea. Those countries involved, they see China as a valuable trade partner. And they want to be flooded with Chinese tourists, they don't want to harm this by fighting a war against China. Same as Thailand, they want to get the Chinese tourists.

  7. 21 hours ago, evadgib said:


    The Electorate voted to leave and to take Scotland with them, and no amount of whining is going to stop that from happening.

    Do you accept that Britain leaving the EU and being outside of this massive free-trade zone is basically suicidal and catastrophic ? It is, believe me. I think, the EU is trying to say "Britain, you're going to have to agree on freedom of movement of workers and stay in the customs union or whatever, and then, you can stay in the free-trade zone".

    But the hard-Brexiteers are trying to say, "we are not accepting the EU's offer, we are willing to pull out of the free trade zone if we are going to have to accept freedom of movement of workers, etc".

    Nicola Sturgeon and others are trying to stop a hard-Brexit. If you know what's good for Britain, you would be joining in with us to support Nicola Sturgeon. The pound has dropped to US$ 1.35 , it was at US$ 1.42 quite recently. That drop, I think, in my opinion, is at least partly because the markets are reckoning that a hard-Brexit is more likely than previously thought.

    I think the pound did go down to US$1.21 at one point. I think an actual hard-Brexit (leaving the EU without a trade deal, being outside of the free-trade zone) will push the pound down to well below US$1.21.  I reckon a catastrophic US$ 1.10 might happen.

  8. Go on Nicola, say it as it is. I live in Kent, the Garden of England, I'm proud of my Kentish roots, nobody can take that away from me. I'm very far away from Scotland, and you're in Scotland, go and tell them that this hard Brexit is suicidal and catastrophic for our nation.

    A bunch of bigots have decided to drive us all over a cliff. And I really do hate it when the media tries to make it look like that us in the Home Counties are mainly a bunch of Brexiteers.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, khunken said:

    As an European I would be very careful & hesitant about any joint European reaction to the USA. I'd love to see it happen but there are numerous recent history clues that make it unlikely.


    First is how long the UK, France & Germany will continue to trade with Iran if Trump threatens sanctions against companies that are involved and possibly ramps up general trade issues just like he's doing with China. Not very long ago European companies (banks especially) had to dole out billions for the so-called sanctions-busting trade with the same Iran.


    Second is that the UK has for quite some time blindly supported the US in whatever warmongering exercise it has embarked on. Also Macron is no Jaques Chirac in opposing that same type of warmongering. Only Merkel has the bottle to stand up to Trump but she can't do it on her own.


    I'm sure that Iran has a contingency plan ready to go nuclear as soon as it becomes clear that trade with European companies is being blocked by the US. If they go that way, then Saudi Arabia will initiate it's own nuclear weapons program and Turkey could well be a candidate too. It's a scary scenario but Trump has no idea of forward thinking - mostly backward unfortunately.

    I reckon France and Germany really are going to put up whatever sanctions against America if Trump puts sanctions on European companies. France and Germany reckon that America needs Europe more than Europe needs America.

    About the UK blindly supporting whatever war-mongering being done by Washington. Yes, this has been going on for decades, but I think it's going to change, and lots of people in Britain hate this blind support. Theresa May has a very slim majorty in parliament, and the Opposition (led by Jeremy Corbyn) are far less likely to back Washington's war-mongering. In Britain, Conservative or Labour, Brexit or Remain, lots of people simply don't back British support for Washington's war-mongering.

    • Like 2
  10. 10 minutes ago, sirineou said:

     Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view, the UN does not govern the US.

    and if the US has become a warmonger it is partly because of this abdication of congressional power

    Well, IF the UN was to govern America, instead of the White House right now, surely, that would be a good thing. The White House is causing America to be isolated from the rest of the world.

    Planet earth needs a stable America, America is the anchor on planet's earth trade and capitalism. We need a USA that will carry on this role. And those who want to isolate America, they should be booted out of the White House. The enemies within, they are the real problem.

    We want America back, we want the Obama policies back.

  11. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/european-leaders-vow-stand-trump-bullying-save-iran-deal-160742050.html

    Right, so Washington is a bully, and basically, Europe is standing up to this bullying. We've all been to school, and we all know about the bully in the school play-ground. People who are bullying, they hate it when people fight back. Yes, bullies are usually cowards, bullies rely on fear. But as soon as we fight back, bullies will back of.

    Yes Washington, you want a fight, you've got one. You will be sorry if you start a trade war. The rest of planet earth is not going to tolerate your b.s.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Again wrong. As a member of UN security council this agreement was signed. ALL other countries who signed did rely on each other. And now one country betrayed the others. On top of all these countries are ALLIES. USA, I the new warmonger 

    Yes, Washington has become a war-monger, it's them bad people in the White House who are influencing Trump, they're the ones who are the war-mongers.

  13. 2 hours ago, oilinki said:

    This is becoming interesting. If USA is going to put sanctions on companies, like Airbus, which sell goods to Iran, then EU must put similar sanctions to USA companies.


    This is two former allies fighting each other with sanctions. Really damaging to the relationship between EU and USA for years to come.


    Trump is truly on his way to destroy all the western relationships. 

    Yes, this is tragic and dangerous. Trump is causing America and Europe to drift apart. Trump is suppose to be making America great again, what's actually happening is, is that America is becoming more isolated.

    I really do hope that America is not going to put up sanctions against guys like Airbus. This means we're in danger of seeing Europe responding by putting up sanctions against American companies.

    • Like 1
  14. On 10/05/2018 at 3:30 PM, alocacoc said:

    ' “I don’t trust these three EU countries either,” Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted in English. “If the govt. wants to make a contract, they should ask for a guarantee, or else they will all do just as the U.S. did.” '


    Khamenei is right. You can't trust those European countries. They are just overwhelmed with that issue. Apart from that, there are other serious hurdles to keep the deals running. Thea deal is dead. It really doesn't matter what the EU is thinking or doing. It's only some noise. Like interference on analog radios.

    "The deal is dead. It really doesn't matter what the EU is thinking or doing".   :smile:


    From the above ThaiVisa link, I do love it when it says  "Do we accept that the United States is the economic gendarme of the planet? The answer is no."
    Basically, companies in Europe (Britain, France, Germany) will continue to trade with Iran. This whole Washington sanctions thing against Iran will have almost zero impact on Iran.

  15. 2 hours ago, alocacoc said:

    Ahm, the deal is dead. Some just don't realize it. Cognitive dissonance. Bad timing to be stubborn.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

    The deal is dead ???

    No. Washington has pulled out of the deal, but the rest of the world is still 'in' with the deal. Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, the rest of the world, is still 'in' on the deal.

    It's a bit like saying that "just because Washington reckons that global warming is not taking place, just because Washington reckons that burning coal is okay, well, that's Washington, it don't mean to say that other people feel the same way". 

    And indeed, most Americans don't agree with Washington, most Americans do actually believe that global warming is taking place, most Americans do reckon that sticking with Obama's nuclear deal is the correct thing to do.

    • Haha 2
  16. 8 hours ago, farcanell said:

    And what of trumps threat to sanction other countries that he sees as breaking his sanctions?


    it seems like NATO is a “horrible deal” and needs tearing up, isolating America, freeing European signatories from any obligations and turning sanctions against other countries into aggressive unsanctioned acts by international law,


    one stand alone countries sanctions will be meaningless.... and that same word will hopefully be appended to trump.


    foremost in responsible modern business models is the sanctity of company reputation.... that the great deal maker in chief does not ascribe to this philosophy, as a businessman, is pretty poor...,as a politician, it’s pathetic.

    Hello there.

    "And what of trumps threat to sanction other countries that he sees as breaking his sanctions?"

    Yes, Washington might go ahead and put sanctions on companies that trade and have links with Iran. If Washington does actually do this, well, Washington is in serious danger of making the situation worse, Washington is in danger of creating a gap between America and Europe. I hope Washington won't do this, playing with fire is dangerous.

  17. 9 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    No1 in the West inc Russia and China will be starting world war 111. They would prefer not to have their countries laid to waste and complete devoid of human life. Now if a Muslim country like Iran had nukes...... well they are stuck like most other Islamic states in the era of witchcraft and pagan times. So yeh they would happily start one .  


    Religion and politics do not do not blend well at all. Islam in my opinion doesn’t blend well with anything.

    You come along here and say that "Religion and politics do not do not blend well at all."

    Okay, do you realise what's happening in the White House ? Donald Trump is not actually a Christian man, I don't reckon that Trump believes in the Bible. But I say this. There are a bunch of Christian fundamentalists and extremists in the White House, and they are advising and influencing the President of the USA. These Christian fundamentalists and extremists have miss-interpreted the Bible, and they reckon that the Bible is saying that we're suppose to fight a war (as in, do a Crusade) against Islam. They reckon that in Isaiah and Ezekial, it says that Syria and Iran(Persia) are the problem. These extremists in the White House have got it wrong.

    So, that's why the White House is pulling out of this Iran deal, that's why the White House is against Iran/Persia. The White House has been hijacked by Christian fundamentalists and extremists, they've miss-interpreted the Bible.

    By the way,  do you believe in Isaiah and Ezekiel ? Do you believe that we've got to fight against Iran, because Jesus is coming back ? If you don't believe the stuff in the Bible about prophecy and End Times, well, you're basically a non-religious man who is taking part in a Crusade against Islam. A Crusade that is being organised by Christian fundamentalists.

    Myself, I am a Christian man, but I'm not in the same boat as them lot in the White House.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, PhonThong said:

    The U.S. has the least to lose if China takes full control of the SCS. If China is able to take full control of the SCS and the islands in dispute.

    China would be able to collect tariffs on trade going through the region.  Asian countries would be hit the hardest on tariffs.

    But the U.S. Navy helps ensure that free trade and travel can pass through the area that is in dispute.  Saying the U.S. should mind its own business is like saying, " I wish I could pay a lot more for the goods being shipped through the SCS area". Because that is likely what's going to happen. It is also not only the U.S. that patrols this area. Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, all have a stake in this.


    Exports Through the SCS (billions)

    Top ten exporters

    South Korea$249
    Hong Kong$140

    A silly and ridiculous post.

    Yes, the South China Sea has a huge amount of trade going through it, but most of that trade is actually carrying goods to and from China.

    Yes, ships involving goods from Thailand and Vietnam are heavily involved in the SCS area. These are ships doing trade wth China. Please note that Thailand and Vietnam do a lot of trade with China. And Australia is exporting a mountain of coal and iron ore to China, using ships, are we concerned about China taxing or blocking this trade ? That's absurd.

    Also, Britain and the rest of the EU is importing a huge amount of cheap Chinese goods. Are we concerned that China might take over the South China Sea and tax and disrupt the ships carrying cheap Chinese goods to Europe ? Again, it's absurd.

    And China is not interested in blocking South Korean and Japanese cargo ships in the SCS. If China does, America is welcome to sort out the Chinese military ships.

    I will say this. There are a lot of cheap Chinese goods in Britain's shops. The cheap Chinese goods, they got here, via the South China Sea. Who wants to partially block the South China Sea ? I want to know, who wants to block the cheap Chinese goods flowing from China to England ? Whoever wants to block it, don't do it. I want to see Britain continue to have cheap Chinese goods in the retailers. Anybody on planet earth who wants to block the cheap Chinese goods flowing to England, via the South China Sea, do not do it, you will be sorry if you try. Don't forget, Britain was one of the five nations who won World War Two. That's why Britain is one of the five permenant members of the United Nations Security Council.  America, Russia, France and China are also on that Security Council.

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