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Posts posted by tonbridgebrit

  1. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/china-lauds-voters-defeat-taiwans-ruling-party-031512137.html

    The headline from the above article is actually "Taiwan rebukes ruling party, emboldens China-friendly opposition".

    The people of Taiwan have voted to not call themselves "Taiwan" at the 2020 Olympics. They will call themselves "Chinese Taipei" instead. And the voters are not in favour of same-sex marriages.

    Go on Taiwan. You've got freedom of speech, unlike them other Chinese in mainland China. You've got a democratic vote, unlike them other Chinese in mainland China. Use your freedom of speech, use your democratic vote. Tell the world that any claims that Taiwan hates mainland China are absurd. The media (as in, Reuters) they've got to report the news. They've got to report this defeat for Taiwan's anti-China ruling party. Surely, Taiwan's anti-China ruling party will lose the general election next year ?

  2. 8 hours ago, car720 said:

    I don't like the guy but he does rattle cages and as we head into the future I believe that some serious cages are going to need rattling.

    Well, Trump is rattling Beijing's cage, and some people love this. But Beijing is slapping higher taxes onto the American food products and crops entering China. America's farmers are watching their exports to China being reduced. We have to bear in mind that China is a vast market for America's farmers.

    Rattling Beijing's cage might be funny for some people. But is it worth it, when America's economy is being harmed ? Surely not ?

  3. So, the people of Taiwan have voted, and they have voted to not drift away from China, they've voted to drift towards China. Democracy is massively important to the people of Taiwan, and a democratic vote must be respected, and the will of the people must be carried out.

    Come on, people, get real. The "Republic of China, Taiwan" is a democracy, and they have used their free will and democratic rights to vote for this. Taiwan's ace card has always been that it is a democracy, and that mainland China is not. Democracy, the will of the people, let's accept that, let's accept this vote.

  4. 18 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    What are you waiting for? Have a go!  Please!

    Why on earth are you cheering on this confrontation between Iran and America ?

    Russia is not going to let Washington destroy Iran, Russia will threaten a nuclear war with America if Washington tries to destroy Iran. And when World War Three happens, with America fighting against Russia, you'd better hope that "Adolf Xi" joins in with America. I don't think Xi will.  I think it's more likely that Beijing will jump in with Russia when or if World War Three breaks out.

    Let's hope World War Three never breaks out. Let's hope Washington will not give the Iranians a reason to fire a missile at one of America's warships sailing near the Iranian coast. And let's hope Iran will never decide to sail it's own warships in the Atlantic, or anywhere near America.

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  5. 12 hours ago, billd766 said:

    More like 1953 when the USA through the CIA, effected a regime change. In 1979 the Iranians wanted their country back for themselves which is perfectly reasonable. They way they did it and the mullahs didn't fit in with the USA way of thinking and relations went downhill from there.


    In the last few years Iran complied with the EU and several other countries including the USA with the nuclear test treaty and were complying with it until Trump came along and unilaterally pulled the USA out of the treaty and he keeps threatening Iran.


    What do you expect the Iranians to do?

    And indeed, in 1953, the CIA was "instrumental" in a coup that removed the Iranian government. That Iranian government was, near enough, a democratically elected one. And Washington then installed the puppet Shah to be the new ruler of Iran. It was all done, because of oil. It's not surprising that people feel that Washington removing Saddam of Iraq back in 2003, it was also, all about oil.

    Back to Iran. It's not surprising that, even today, the Iranians have got something against Washington.
    Here's the link from wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état


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  6. 4 hours ago, car720 said:

    Xi is a lot more dangerous than most would believe.  His asperations are global if not universal.  

    A man who would be king.


    Well, as long as he doesn't want to invade the rest of the world, surely, things are okay ?  ????

    All he wants is, is America will scrap the new taxes that are being put onto the cheap Chinese goods that are entering America. And Xi is willing to remove the new taxes that are being put onto American soybeans entering China. Yes, Xi wants a "win-win" situation for everybody.  ????

  7. 3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    US farmers should think they are lucky with a 25% tariff. The duty imposed by the Chinese on Burmese sugar imports is 100%.

    Well, IF Burma was to borrow a huge amount of money from Chinese banks, and then give contracts to Chinese companies to build and carry out infra-structure projects in Burma. If Burma does this, then, Beijing might convert the sugar import tax from 100% to a lot lower.  ????

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  8. 2 hours ago, natway09 said:

    By the time Trump is finished implementing his warped policies the good old US of A will be 

    isolated & will have lost most of it's trading prowess.

    The amazing thing about this is I think he really believes that he has got it right

    . He is an ignoramus as far as I am concerned on many counts

    And I really do wonder, people claim that the farmers who are sufferring, well, supposedly, a fair number of them voted for Trump two years ago. Is this true ?

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    I don't understand, Australian agriculture is in the grip of a drought, what would be the cost of buying at a low price & shipping this feedstock to Oz for the cattle & pigs?

    You're suggesting that Australian farmers should be allowed to pay a low price for the crops, and the stuff will be fed to cattle and pigs in Oz ????

    Why on earth would American farmers sell at a low, or very low price ?  The American farmers want to make a profit, they want to sell at the higher prices that Chinese consumers will pay. Get real, slapping taxes on Chinese goods entering America has meant that Beijing has slapped taxes onto American soybeans entering China. This has reduced the market and profits for America's farmers.

    America needs China. Whether America needs China more than China needs America is a diferent discussion.

    And people like, who refer to Xi as "Adolf Xi", you're not helping the situation.????
    Claiming that Beijing are a bunch of Nazis will pro-long support for taxes being slapped onto the Chinese goods entering America. This will simply extend Beijing slapping taxes on American goods entering China.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    Like i said the world needs to choose freedom & democracy & peoples rights over a dictatorship run by Adolf Xi that interns people for religious and political beliefs, controls its citizens by spying on them, corrupts small countries, and the list goes on ...  yes we sell to them the ordinary  people have to eat & keep warm however the world has to help the chinese people find freedom & democracy and get rid of this cancer called the chinese communist party CCP & Adolf Xi.

    We've already tried 'regime change' in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, it doesn't really work. Who on earth reckons it can work in China ?

    What's this really about ? Australia and others are exporting a huge amount of natural resources to China, and China is converting the natural resources into maufactured goods. The goods are then exported to America and Europe. Some people simply don't like it when they see most of the goods at their retailer is made in China. Some people don't like to see lots of Chinese tourists in almost every country.

    Whether China is a democracy or not, those who don't like Chinese goods flooding America and Europe, and who don't like Chinese tourists everywhere, well, they will still regard China as a threat. Do you really think that, if China was a democracy, then China flooding planet earth with cheap manufactured goods would be okay ?   ????

    As for "Adolf Xi" cracking down on the Muslims in China, well. Lots of people in Europe and America would secretly love to see all (or most) mosques closed in their own country. Lots of Americans and Europeans secretly want to see 'no more Muslims entering into our place'.  And they want to condemn China for doing stuff ?  The hypocrisy of people !   ????

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    Haven't you seen what the Chinese Military did to the Phillipines Islands after they stole them.

    The Phillipines ??  Duterte is the democratically elected leader of that nation. And Duterte is "fully in" with Beijing. Thailand is also "fully in" with Beijing. 

    For the Maldives, they should find out who looted the coffers. And then carry on with deals and trade with China.

  12. 13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    No, the EU and Britain are not going all out to do more trade with China. In fact, they are moving to sharply limit Chinese purchasing of techologically advanced companies located in the EU.


    And the Chinese have behaved disgracefully in Sri Lanka.


    And in Laos:


    And in Malaysia too where their inroads are being reversed now that the previous corrupt government has been thrown out.



    That article you've put up about the EU. It is not about the EU wanting to reduce trade (imports and exports) with China. It's about the EU trying to limit the sale of EU technologically advanced companies to Chinese companies. Okay, about EU technology companies being sold to Chinese companies. Well, we accept that, the ones being sold right now, well, nobody is forcing them to be sold, right ? As in, Chinese company comes along, offers to pay good money to buy the EU technology company, and EU company accepts the money. Surely, it's the freedom of any company to sell itself to whatever bidder, if it wishes to do so ?  But, yes, you're right, this latest move is an attempt to reduce EU companies being sold to Chinese companies.

    But back to trade. No way is the EU thinking about slapping extra taxes onto the Chinese goods entering Europe. The EU is not going to do, what Trump is doing, slapping taxes onto Chinese imports. And the EU certainly is interested in exporting more goods to China. Who on earth wants to reduce their exports to China ? Surely, nobody ?  Australia is certainly not interested in reducing their exports of coal and iron ore to China.

    About the Maldives. It's the same in Africa, Latin America, and other developing countries. These countries still remember colonialism, colonialism done by Europe. Mass exploitation. It's not surprising that these countries have spent the last decade or more, accepting Chinese investments.

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  13. On 11/1/2018 at 6:15 AM, the guest said:


    Yes that's ripe from a country (USA) that does exactly the opposite. Its like the kettle calling the pot black, hypocrites !

    Yes, Washington is doing a massive display of hypocrisy.

    The previous administrations in Washington tried to not reveal their hypocrisy. The present White House, I think they don't actually care. They will say what they want to say, they don't care if their hypocrisy is on display. They will "say it, as it is".

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  14. On 11/1/2018 at 5:31 AM, Morch said:


    There isn't a single country "bombing the Middle East". Other than in nonsense posts, that is. Some countries are bombing in other countries in the Middle East, yes. The Middle East in its entirety? No. 

    Morch, the poster wrote sarcasticly "So, China should start bombing the Middle East".
    You go and put up your response.

    Look, it's absurd and hypocritical when Washington goes and tells China to behave like a normal nation. Washington is involved in lots of proxy wars, and de-stabilizing of various nations. Washington is certainly not in a position to lecture Beijing about anything. Washington is doing far bigger (worse) stuff than Beijing. When Washington lectures Beijing like this, well, Washington is making itself look absurd with hypocrisy. Lots of posters feel this way, on Thai Visa. Yes, Thai Visa is representative of what society reckons.

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  15. I've noticed all the silly talk above about comparing the Nazi scientists going to America after the war, and transfer of technology from America to China. The comparisons are ridiculous.

    If the Americans had of kidnapped and abducted Nazi scientists during the war, and forced them to work for America and defeat the Nazis, who would be complaining ? Nobody. The handover of technology from American companies to China is being done by the American companies themselves. As said above, US companies want the big contracts, Beijing demands the technology in return for the contracts, the big companies go ahead and do it, they want the big contracts.

    What about America's technology is combat jets and other military hardware ? Is China stealing the technology, and building weapons copied from American defence contractors ? They're not. If China is copying the American combat jets, well, those combat jets are a very poor copy of the American jets.

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  16. On 11/1/2018 at 3:57 AM, spidermike007 said:

    It is the way the Chinese government does business. Boeing signed a contract with them years ago, that turns over most of their technology to the Chinese within a specific period of time. It was do that, or not get the huge contract. You cannot just lecture a nation, and expect it to change. This coming from a nation led by one of the biggest goons of the past century. China is bending alot of rules. But, is this how you get them to change? Is this how you negotiate with them? Let us never forget. Trump is not much of a negotiator. He negotiated five companies out of business. He left behind billions of dollars in debt. Who paid for that debt? Not him. When it really comes down to it, Trump cannot negotiate his way out of a paper bag.

    So, Boeing signed a contract that turned over most of their technology to the Chinese, and in return, Boeing got a huge contract. Well, I totally agree that this is what happened.

    Now, can we really say that Beijing is being a bad bunch of guys ?  The technology was certainly not stolen. It was handed over to get a huge contract. Boeing had the freedom of choice to not do this.

    Getting Beijing to change ?  What, Trump is suppose to tell Beijing, "look, stop telling big companies like Boeing, that they've got to hand over technology in return for big contracts, just give Boeing big contracts, stop demanding their technology".  How is Beijing going to react to this comment ? They're not going to obey Trump, are they ?  Off-course not.  

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  17. Odysseus, how can I put this.

    The economy in mainland China is growing rapidly, and South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc, their economies are not shrinking. These places do a huge amount of trade with Japan.

    I think that it's vital for Japan to have good economic ties with these countries. Yes, the economy, it's what it's all about. Why would Japan want to antagonise the other Far East countries ? Antagonising them will reduce Japan's economic growth. Surely, it's ridiculious to antagonise major trade partners, just because a country wants to bring out a certain flag or symbol?

    Why did you make the comment about India wanting to crap onto the Union Jack ??  The Indian government, they don't actually regard the British flag as offensive, they're not calling for it's removal. And the Indian government, that Union Jack, it makes no difference to whatever trade or other economic links between Britain and India.

    But that particular Japanese flag. I think it does slightly hold back increased trade and economic links between Japan and the other Far East countries.

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    The rising sun flag has been used since the 50's without many protests on the part of South Korea.


    Reminds me of a bunch of Americans who started screaming about Japanese tourists using what they interpreted to be 'V' for victory signs at Pearl Harbour some years ago..


    I am very sure that the Japanese will not haul down the flag under which they sailed to victory against the Russians in 1905...


    The 'swastika' flag is linked  with one regime only...between 1934 and 1945-altho' of course,the Finns used it on their national markings as well.


    Hello "Odysseus".  ????

    Okay, most of the comments you make on Thai Visa are sensible and I support them. About this rising sun flag. How about this ?  Japan is being silly when using this flag. When this flag is raised, people across the Far East do actually feel uncomfortable about it. People in the Far are united in their 'resentment' towards this flag. People in North Korea, South Korea, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc, don't actually like it. And indeed, there's people in America, Britain and Australia who don't like this flag. So, Japan is actually unifying people across the Far East, in resentment, when they use this flag.

    Now, all these countries, they have not got a problem with Japanese cars and Japanse tourists being in their country. There's people in all these countries who won't have a problem with going to Japan for a holiday. I say with a smirk on my face, the reason why people don't go to Japan for a holiday is, is because it's very expensive. So, people haven't go a problem with the Japanese today. It's just that, people don't want to see symbols that Japan used during World War Two. 

    Is it really asking that much, for Japan to not use this flag ? If a bunch of Japanese men in Japan itself, they get drunk in a bar, and they start chanting "Japan lost World War Two, but we, Japan, we won the peace", well, they're doing it in Japan. No outsiders can see it. That way, it's not going to cause a problem.

    But the flag, everybody on earth can see it.

  19. On 10/5/2018 at 8:21 AM, wombat said:

    with everything that is going on in the world i guess comic relief is better than nothing



    On 10/5/2018 at 10:43 AM, Media1 said:

    Top flag l like it. I don't like Korea so stick to your poo stars and noodles. Rocket man

    What are you guys on about ?  In Europe, Germans getting out a Nazi flag would be regarded as being outrageous. That's because Germany killed loads of people, and six million Jews, during World War Two. You do realise, Japan killed nearly as many people, or more, in Asia during World War Two ?

    Why regard the rising sun flag as no big deal, but be outraged by the Nazi flag at the same time ??

  20. Yes Korea, you're right to be against this rising sun flag. Japan did massive war crimes during World War Two.

    I'm British, and I hate the Nazi flag from Germany in World War Two. We must never forget the lessons from history.

    In Europe, if a bunch of Germans got out a Nazi flag, everybody would be outraged. Why on earth should we tolerate a flag from Japan that was used during World War Two. By the way, how many servicemen from Britain, America and Australia died fighting against the Japanese ? It was loads. People tend to think that World War Two was against just Germany. It wasn't. It was against Japan as well.

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