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Posts posted by paymaster

  1. Give me break. Thailand has held the record for the first or second (after China) safety record in the world for years. So, now they are going to STUDY the problem. No more study needed folks; now you just have DO something.

    one thing they should do but will never do is confiscate the vheicle at once! make the driver attend driving school(non existent) fine the hell out of him and place the idiot in jail for at least a month! it will never happen but it should.

    Do something. The first thing to do is answer the big question. "Do you know who my father is?" The second thing is to empower the police to ignore the answer.

  2. Can anyone enlighten me as to whether any other nations directly elect prime minister and cabinet members? I know many elect a president but Thailand is a costitutional monarchy and His Majesty the King ia head of state here. It seems like it would be too complex an election to contemplate with each candidate peddling their wares to solicit votes. Perish the thought!

    It seems like an uderhanded way to kick off a Republic of Thailand movement.

  3. Not one mention of protecting the rights and nurturing the youth of Thailand in the Generals 12 steps. Maybe he could have got the first one from AA. And Wisdom to know the difference?

    Why subject children to such barbaric treatment? And the Generals 12 values do not protect children from suach treatment.

    What a load of rot! These abuses are common although this one seems highly sadistic and should draw criminal action and psychiatric evaluation of the implementing teachers.

    That said, to use this incident to heap the blame on the general is <deleted>. Perhaps this should be targetted at the education minister to mandate acceptable and unacceptable behaviour by teachers as a matter of urgency.

  4. You must love and adore dear leader or else. The slightest drop in admiration or lust for him will be bad for you. He must be obeyed and worshipped 24/7 as he demands total respect.[/quot

    The term "dear leader"used to describe the nth korean despot is hardly appropriate here. I note that you use it repeatedly in the vein of the true propagandist in the hope that it will catch on. Not much luck so far. Most posters, even the pro taksin brigade, would not accept any likenesses between these two.

    l would really like you to point out any similarities in methods or honest goals the two may have with regards to the betterment of their people. Facts not words please.

    You make little observational sense.

    The leaders in both countries censor the media

    The leaders in both countries enjoy power without harsh criticism which is illegal

    Their power is not installed by democratic means.

    Both claim to be wildly popular in the 90% range plus

    Both make protests illegal

    Both have rewritten history

    And finally for this very short list both talk about attitude adjustments and reeducation of the slightest criticism.

    Fear is indeed very much the mantra of both.

    ""dear leader "' dare we address him as anything else ?

    Enjoys his own TV show weekly - where he enlightens the masses .

    Some might call this propaganda -

    Others something else

    But make no mistake the writer who compares the leaders of both Nations is not far fetched local ABC radio did so two days ago.

    You can pretend all you want here won't change truth

    You missed the point of the comment. I am not denying that a coup has taken place or that there are some unsavory results that stem from it.

    You could have listed both have dark hair and both are Asian. I asked about goals for the betterment of their people which you carefully avoid. I raised the point of an unfair comprison between the two because it is just that. Uncles and close family murdered because of political threat, the supression of a nation to the point of starvation, despotic use of nuclear threat. You know the point I was making and yet deliberately attempt to circumvent it. Who is pretending to whom. ABC indeed. Which one?

  5. "The minister said Thailand agreed with Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam to increase the natural rubber price to Bt60 per kilogram in 18 months."

    Silly me ... I always thought price was set by the market ... supply and demand ...

    I smell another mess or they are just talking nice to appease the rubber farmers

    How about telling them to grow a more lucrative crop? one that is actually in more demand

    You mean like OPEC, diamonds and several other commodities where supply is controlled to enable the price to be artificially controlled.

  6. You must love and adore dear leader or else. The slightest drop in admiration or lust for him will be bad for you. He must be obeyed and worshipped 24/7 as he demands total respect.[/quote)

    The term "dear leader"used to describe the nth korean despot is hardly appropriate here. I note that you use it repeatedly in the vein of the true propagandist in the hope that it will catch on. Not much luck so far. Most posters, even the pro taksin brigade, would not accept any likenesses between these two.

    l would really like you to point out any similarities in methods or honest goals the two may have with regards to the betterment of their people. Facts not words please.

  7. The problem here is classmates; all employed to cover each other's arse.

    I remember a prob in the junior playground... when we were at war. We all made machine-gun noises that went, "D-na na na, D-na na na, D-na na na."

    One day a new boy came, and he went, "K-chow, K-chow, K-chow", and just as we were getting into serious battle, the dinner lady all dressed in pink said, "Come on boys, inside, it's spittin'. It's spittin'. It's that rain that gets you wet through."

    So we never got to the end of that war game, to see if he was on our side or not, but when summer came he had a bazooka sound, "K-boom, Kboom" and we all had to pretend to die....... wink.png

    And the moral of that was....... I have no <deleted> idea. cheesy.gif

    A terrific example of the quality of 90% of poster comments on Thai Visa

    Oh dear. Hoist by your own petard thrilla. You seem to have missed something.

  8. Seems an innocent and friendly gesture to me. The reporter whose head Gen Prayuth touched has had no word of complaint to my knowledge and this is surely the yardstick by which the gesture should be measured. I.e. if no offense taken no offense committed.

    l certainly believe no offense was intended. The anti NCPO are out in force over this incident which to me shows an attention to trivia in the absence of matters of substance on which to hang their hats. General Prayuth still seems the best chance Thailand has had to a proper democracy. Lets hope the new charter is quickly and properly written and the path to democracy hastened.

    if he complained then it would be off to the attitude adjustment factory. People know complaints and opinions are not acceptable under dear leaders rule.

    Seriously Chooka, you know your bit was in the second paragraph and you skipped it. You know, the mountains out of molehills bit.

  9. Seems an innocent and friendly gesture to me. The reporter whose head Gen Prayuth touched has had no word of complaint to my knowledge and this is surely the yardstick by which the gesture should be measured. I.e. if no offense taken no offense committed.

    l certainly believe no offense was intended. The anti NCPO are out in force over this incident which to me shows an attention to trivia in the absence of matters of substance on which to hang their hats. General Prayuth still seems the best chance Thailand has had to a proper democracy. Lets hope the new charter is quickly and properly written and the path to democracy hastened.

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  10. Only Three on one, looks Thai standards are slipping. However they did manage to find the obligatory weapon. Well done the under staffed Thai team. thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

    the maths involved in plotting a position with the aid of a sextant can, I'm told, be quite testing. The maths involved in ratios is much simpler. 1 adult:3children = 3:1. 2adults to 3 children=3:2 and children at that!

    Perhaps your maths is better at navigation.

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