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Posts posted by paymaster

  1. Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

    Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

    So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

    So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

    You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

    The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

    • Like 2
  2. This month is the month of 'make or break'. Please wait for a signal from us.

    I'm gonna stock up on popcorn, because it will get get exciting this month .

    What a sad post!!bah.gif "Our" country might be on the brink of a civil war, and to you it is entertaiment!!

    Shame on you!!

    After all the inflammatory posts by many people one should beware of shaming anyone. The pot calling the kettle black comes to mind.

  3. I suppose it is safe to assume that the Navy Chief has carried out a full and comprehensive investigation into the alleged Naval involvement in this tawdry affair.

    The results of this investigation would no doubt have been passed to the PM and her approval sought, in her role as Defense Minister, prior to the Royal Thai Navy taking this almost unprecedented action against these journos.

    Perhaps I should have started with " I assume it is safe to suppose". Then again perhaps neither is correct.

  4. Dear Thai people! Please stop allow the leaders of both sides of the divide to use you as pawns!

    It goes for the followers of madman Suthep as well for the followers of the wannabe Amart redshirt-leaders.

    They couldn't care less about you!! You are just means used to retain their spot at the trough!bah.gif

    I know many Thais who would be highly offended by this post. Here are a few pointers.

    Step 1. To avoid further inciting the divide do not use inflammatory terms. e.g. madman Suthep.

    Step 2. Use language that cannot be construed as patronizing or condescending.

    Step 3. Encourage thought and accept different points of view, even Thai viewpoints.

    Step 4. Understand that many Thais actually consider the facts as they affect both them and Thailand

    before taking any action.

    Step 5. Accept that people the world over align themselves to a political doctrine.

    I accept that you may well have the best wishes for the early resolution of this current dilemma

  5. Because his sister and her government provided him with a diplomatic passport.

    Again, even if this is true, it happened after the military dictatorship. It does not answer the question why he was never extradited during the military dictatorship.

    Sorry, wrong again. There was a military coup which re-established an elected government in a very short time.

    There was never what could be described as a dictatorship. A dictatorship is precisely what the coup prevented.

    All stories have "history " to them. Please, diceq, if you really care about these matters please check the history.

    The coup either saved or restored the checks and balances because they were exactly the targets the man from

    Dubai was aiming at.

    • Like 2
  6. Sounds like Toyota is getting in the same bind the USA car makers got into with dealing with unions and overpaying

    I fail to see any link to union demands in this story. USA car makers got into a bind over reasonable wages/excessive profits/corporate responsibility.

    They happily closed down car making in Michigan and surrounding states, destroyed coal and steel in Pennsylvania and destroyed the American

    economy for excessive profits on the back of low wages paid in developing countries. No corporate responsibility to the USA on display there, only greed.

  7. Thirty people have been killed in floods that have hit four provinces in the Northeast, the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department said yesterday.

    The disaster is that 30 people are dead despite being assured that they would be prevented from being flooded. The Mitigation is that they are only poor peasants, not important Bangkok people.

    Not sure that I agree that they are only "poor peasants". North Easteners took a couple of hundred baht each to ensure that the "important Bangkok People call the shots.

    You know the old saying. People get the government they deserve.

    Anyway I don't think that given the rainfall in the Thai terrain anyone could overpower mother nature on a rampage.

  8. How wonderful to be one of the self righteous! The majority of people living in Thailand would not dream of drinking and driving in any developed Country because of the high incidence of being caught. Here, the ball is on the other foot and sorry to say many fall into the trap of "no one will know", just the same as people ride bikes without helmets, buy land using nominees, do not pay taxes in Thailand that they should - I think that would probably encompass a very large proportion of those on this forum?

    To be more practical, if he is an ex-serviceman, there are more options open than just the British Legion. Contact SSAFA, or Army Benevolent Fund or his Regimental Association. I am sure one or more would be able to come to his rescue. Chinese proverb, "many hands make light work".

    Good luck Gerry and I hope you make a full and speedy recovery.

    Thank you for confirming that "Here the ball is on the other foot'. Please, would you also confirm that the shoe is in your court. Thank you.

  9. No doubt he's a wonderful man. I hope he makes it through this tough time in his life. Where are all the posters raising funds and donating money...you pack of hypocrites.

    What a sad piece of kit you'd be. Apart from the fact that your the first poster, indicating donors might need a bit more time, your post would be

    more likely to deter charity than encourage it. So what have you been doing since you left the Diplomatic Corps.

  10. The brunt of the force delivered to the track goes to the sleepers and substrate as a pair of shock absorbers. Cheap steel must be REALLY cheap to be the culprit. I rode a train to Sirin two years ago, and there are places where the trains slow to a crawl because the sleepers are rotting out and the substrate is washing out...causing the trains to wobble from side to side on the way through the danger zone. Even expensive steel will buckle under these conditions. And, yes, I worked with railroads before. Standard flunkie. Maintenance is 70% culpable here--the steel is probably 30% (or less). Whenever I read an incomplete story, I always wonder who is being misdirected, and why. Some maintenance contractor could very well be a friend of the accusing party here... Just a thought. It's not a conspiracy. It's politics.

    Resume rants.

    I wonder if this is more a case of "incompletely reading the story" rather than "reading an incomplete story" . The article clearly includes both maintenance and ballast as causes

    along with cheap steel. I am of course including ballast as substrate which I hope is correct. If so all the factors you mention are included in the article making it complete.

    Rant ends.

  11. Oh No. They better quickly revise the 2.2 trillion baht loan which includes cost for construction of the high speed rail. The estimate was based most likely on the rail cost with substandard steel. Perhaps yingluck can beg for an additional trillion to make sure the steel for the rails is adequate.

    Off the mark a little Kirk. Estimates are always based on the best quality/highest priced materiel. The supply is always sub-standard low cost materiel. The gap in price between estimate and

    supply = kick back, back hander, tea money, campaign funds, we're just getting our fair share or call it what you will.=CORRUPTION.

  12. Owing to a varity of factors this type of occurance is all too common in this country and will remain the same as the authorities do bugger all and the public simply accept this as a way of life.

    Mai Pen Rai, aka shit happens. There is little point in feeling symphathy for the injured and those who lost their lives as the people whoes job it is to minimize such incidents are simply to dumb or too lazy to take the appropriate actions. Sad state of affairs indeed.

    It appears from the report the deceased and injured were in the van that was hit by the truck. So why no sympathy for them? The driver of the van was apparently minding his own business.

    At last someone has managed to express a semblance of sympathy. I wonder if the game of semantics about a truck losing its balance without any expression of sadness would have been played had the victims been farang. A prayer for the deceased.

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